I went Vegan for 5 days and heres what happened...

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I applaud you vegans, you are such good humans, saving the planet and stuff, love ya x Also take a shot of hot water every time I say honestly hahaha INSTAGRAM: gracebooth97
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You sounded so anxious to see how vegans would react to having tiny mistakes. I sorry that vegans can be like that. As a vegan I am happy to see people trying veganism. I loved your video


i'm vegan and i think it's so impressive that you gave veganism a good shot for the week, regardless of the mistakes/intentional non-vegan eats! the worst thing about veganism is seriously how dogmatic people are. it really doesn't have to be all-or-nothing - if you can't be a perfect and strict vegan, and being super strict will make you upset/miss out on life, whats the point? being 90% or 50% or even 10% vegan is better than not being vegan at all :) you did amazing and i hope you can try and aim for a more plant-based lifestyle where convenient!!


personally, i only cook vegan food for myself and just eat vegetarian when i eat out. it’s the best i can do right now and that’s what matters! i’ll be fully vegan some day but, with a history of an eating disorder, worrying so much about food is not so realistic for me. i’m glad you tried this out and had a good time! be easy on yourself and just figure out how to do the best you can to reduce your animal product consumption. starting small and making incremental changes, with an end goal in mind, is the way to go!


it took me one and a half year to go vegan. i went vegetarian in 2015, and slowly i started to change it up so i stopped eating animal products. but it took a long time. so it is okay to make mistakes! i think it’s great that you wanted to try it out, because i really love being vegan!


my 5 day vegan challenge turned into a month, im still going now, plus don't feel bad, its never a smooth ride for anyone going vegan straight away, everyone messes up, we are all human


All vegans aren't aggressive like that. For most people its a journey. Most don't wake up and say ok I'm vegan now and never slip up. It takes time and it takes some longer than others. Even people who have been vegan for years accedintally eat something they thought was vegan but ends up having something non vegan in it.


Much love! I liked the connection you made to being an animal lover at the beginning. That's how it all started with me. All the best in your future and with your channel!


As a vegan I love this video. In my mind, true veganism is about harm reduction not perfection, and I love how you didn't beat yourself up over little slip ups and talked about us all just doing a little better collectively. Thanks for brightening up my day with this video.


As a vegan I’m even proud of people for swapping to soy/almond milk or if they are interested in trying vegan meals I make for myself 😊 there’s extremists in every lifestyle (not just veganism)




WHAT. A. QUEEN. as a vegan and a grackle fan this is the perfect video omg


I love how encouraging ppl are being in the comments!!!


Most vegans weren't born vegan and most of us have definitely had slip ups while transitioning into this lifestyle, I think you did a good job!


I love how you really did give it a good try! Some youtubers make it look so dang impossible, but you showed how many great foods you can have if you really try, even when you're just a newbie vegan. It's all about learning what you can have and where you can find the alternatives :) I love this video and you did a really great job!

Also I find you just adorable.


I'm vegan and I think honey is vegan depending on where you get it from. Large companies manufacturing honey is a big no for me, but we have a local store that sells locally harvested honey from local farmers, and I know all the farmers that sell their honey to the local store. They treat their bees SO WELL and their bees don't die to make the honey, along with helping the local environment (flowers and such). They don't even use smoke on their bees. So I don't see a problem with buying honey, just make sure you know where you're getting it from


Omg I love how you said Negative Nora! In the US, we say negative Nancy. I don’t know why, but it made me laugh so hard to hear you say negative Nora! So cute!


im vegan and don't even worry about the bagel, its the first week. over time, people learn that your vegan and if you're in a family or friends setting, they won't mind. its just a getting used to thing. once your intentions are fully set in stone, you'll realise that you would rather just have an awkward situation over going against your morals. maybe watch some documentaries and it will get heaps easier. transitioning is the hardest part. visit a vegan cafe and you'll realise how good it can be. by being plant based for 70% of your diet is doing so much already, you just gotta do you


the banana bread and chocolate tarts looked sooo good!!😍 well done girl! Mistakes exist to make us wiser. :) Being vegan is honestly quite easy (nowadays). I’m happy you gave it a try.


such a random comment, but that denim blouse + your ponytail looked so incredibly amazing! your facial features + eyes really popped out!


From my research, eating honey is good and supports bees. Bees often make a surplus of honey that’s way more than they need and it doesn’t hurt them or seriously disrupt their systems or health to harvest it if the beekeeper has proper education and equipment. Also if there is a demand for honey, beekeepers stay in business and bee populations can grow. It’s also a good idea to look up ways to support local native varieties of bee so they can continue to thrive in the community. Go bees!

Edit: clarification
