Quitting My Job Changed My Life

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I quit my job over 2 years ago to be a full-time YouTuber and content creator. In this video I discuss my thoughts on this career change that I made by quitting my job and whether it was worth it.



0:00 - Intro
0:39 - My Career Before YouTube
2:16 - Time To Quit My Job?
4:27 - Preparing Financially
6:17 - Was It Worth It?
10:24 - Cons of Quitting
12:59 - Would I Recommend?

The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
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I appreciate how thorough and articulate you are. Even here discussing how you made a personal life choice like in this video. I just came across your channel a few days ago and have found myself coming back to watch more videos just because of how articulate you are. There is just so much dumb stuff on the internet and I’m glad to have found your channel where I feel like I’m being educated on topics that actually matter to my life.

Also, you should never be worried about what you’re going to do if for some reason you don’t want to do YouTube anymore. You have marketed yourself so well online (I.e. professional, articulate, etc.) that people will be making you job offers if you say you’re looking for a job.

Thank you for what you do!


Absolutely love this video Daniel! The Freedom & Flexibility involved with working for yourself and in your case running this YouTube channel full-time is so massive. Would love to just take a spontaneous trip here and there but of course corporate world restraints don't typically allow for that. Obviously the biggest factor is the Happiness which you outlined in the Time to Quit My Job section, and everyone should pursue whatever career falls underneath that. For me, I think ultimately I'd love to work for myself in some capacity so loved this video and related to a lot of it. Great video as always!


Love this video, i worked for the state of CA or for 10 years but have been self employed since 2018. For sure tons of struggles throughout the transition, but Im glad I did it looking back. Also had the sunday scaries and now look forward to mondays.


Sheeeesh its been 2 years already? 🤯 Congratulations again on all the accomplishments you achieved along the way


Glad you decided to make the change in your career path. I have gained a great deal of knowledge listening to your channel. Keep up the good work!


Daniel, it's been amazing to see your success over the years, and I'm so happy to see that all your hard work and determination has led to a life that you've only dreamed of before. Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone, but you took an opportunity and ran with it! Thanks for serving as a role model to me and to so many others!


This was a GREAT breakdown. This would be helpful for anyone who wanted to strike out on their own and do whatever they are passionate about: coaching-- on and on.


I’ve been watching you since you’ve started and a lot of the stuff you have done with credit cards and finances reminds me a lot of myself and I just honestly love watching your videos. And when I want to help friends out I always recommend your videos! So keep up the good work and keep growing! 🎉


Wow, I was always thinking about quitting and starting my own business, but never did it, still working 10 years later. I agree, some people are made to take risks, others not.


Congrats on making the jump and your ensuing success! I can relate to that moment of leaving a stable income, but an unfulfilling corporate job to pursue your calling. I left an engineering job of almost 10 years at the end of 2019 to go all in on my brewery that I had started (bad timing I know 😂). It hasn't always gone perfectly, but I enjoy what I do and would never go back. I came across your channel a few weeks ago and am completely changing my spending and saving strategies for the better. Cheers!


It takes a lot of courage to take that leap. Congrats on being so successful! Your channel is my favorite in this part of YouTube. The information you provide and the production quality are top notch. Btw, I love the color of your t-shirt in this video. Looks great on you!


You found what you’re good at and never looked back. Super inspiring! Keep it up Daniel!


It was great hearing your perspective on how you went about YouTube full time! I think it’s something a lot of people want to pursue, even myself, but the risks hold many of us back. It’s cool seeing your growth and success while staying true and honest to yourself tho, been watching you for awhile now


Good Work Daniel, Love seeing the growth! Especially as of recent...I feel like your growing a little faster then usual which is good! You've honestly opened up the doors for a lot of other YouTubers out there, especially in the credit card YouTube community which is rad. Honestly can't wait to see where you take your channel to next, I'm looking forward to it, I'm definitely a fan!


Dan, this was a great video and good to see you branching out. The pros/cons were well balanced. I have been with you since the beginning of your channel and it has been fun to see you grow in both confidence and skills! Thanks for the great content over the years and all the financial and card advice you have shared. I retired from 41 years in the financial services industry about 18 months ago and I can relate to the freedom comments you made. I too enjoy gym time at noon!
All the best to you Dan, I am confident you will always do well in whatever you choose for a career!


Quitting my job was a huge step for me for being self employed. Although I’ve definitely failed in a lot of areas since then, I’d love to keep up this lifestyle, so I need to focus on making more money to make this sustainable long term


Great video! The happiness is the most important part IMO.


I still remember the days watching your channel start, and damn did your hard work pay off! Congrats on all that success! How much do you think your decision would have changed if either you were content or happy with your job but had the same pay, or still unhappy from your job but 2 or even 3x the pay?


It takes courage and balls to take a risk to pursue your passion. Your hard work and natural talent has really paid dividends.


I really admire you and this generation for having the nuts to do things like this. Gotta risk it for the biscuit. Well done.
