4 New ADHD Facts - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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I have adhd, and it has a huge impact on my mental health. It brings a lot of anxiety and frustration and negative feelings about myself, which are not uncommon in teenage girls with adhd. Do you think you'd ever do a video talking about something like that, like how adhd can impact self esteem and emotions and interact with common comorbid disorders? It's sometimes hard for me to communicate what's going on, so having other people explain that stuff really helps, and I haven't found a ton of material on it because most researchers don't pay as much attention to girls with adhd and the internalized stuff that can come with adhd, because for so long it was just a disorder of hyperactive, disruptive little boys.


"Hard to stay focused and stay on task" lol I'm watching this instead of doing homework right now


anyone notice dat boi meditating in the background XD



could you please do a video on ADHD-PI (also known as ADD)?

I believe that too many people go undiagnosed with this disorder and that they may suffer a lot before they can recognise what's wrong with them.

I believe you could help people with this disorder. You have a lovely way of broadcasting these conditions and I think you really could help people with this disorder if you make a video explaining this disorder.

I hope to see a video soon.




ADHD man... Totally ruined the way I looked at learning. There is a plus side to it though! When I was in college ( a year ago) I realized that I was free to try and make the curriculum more interesting for myself. I never felt empowered that way before in educational settings. It's naturally easier to focus on things that are interesting, so if I didn't find something interesting, I would do everything I could to make myself more curious about the topic. If I had a question about any of the curriculum (or things related to the curriculum) I was determined to let myself find the answer! I would actively be trying to think of questions that were really unique or would spark my interest. If I didn't have a question, I'd find one. It was awesome. No, I wasn't always being productive in the way my professors wanted me to, but I was learning more than I ever had before... I graduated that year feeling smarter and more capable than I had my whole college career.
So my tip for living with ADHD: feel free to try to make all boring parts life a bit more interesting. Life is more fun when the important things feel important anyway, with or without ADHD.


As someone who has dealt with this my entire life, I want to say thank you. Within the first minute alone, you described the feelings that are so very difficult to convey to people who do not have ADHD: the anxiety and restlessness that are simply intolerable.


Thank you for spreading information into ADHD. I’m 72 and have had it all my life - I’m now an ADHD life coach with the mission to help educate and teach ADHDers - my channel covers everything (or as much as I can)


When the teachers talks, I seriously look to her eyes and try to pay attention then random thoughts goes to mind like: does this teacher knows I'm not listening, what if I just write my novel, what will the next scene in my novel, I hope my teacher doesn't ask me, I hope I just study this topic at home (which I don't). Why is she even talking. What is she talking about? Why don't I understand her lessons. And then a lot more things! It kinda sucks because I think i'm failing school. I somehow loss my interest studying craps.


This is fantastic! I've lived with ADHD my entire life, and am now a daddy with an ADHD child. We're going through some big challenges right now just trying to find what works for our girl. I recently launched a youtube channel of my own with a very similar heart behind it; to form a community of people who want to organically learn, chat, and grow together. THANK YOU for providing content like this!!!! I am excited to tap in to more and learn everything I can!!!


My dad and little sister both have ADHD and it makes me so angry when people say that it doesn't exist. It is very apparent in my sister and she requires medication.


4:15 "living with ADHD isn't going to be something that's going to hold you back" -- I told myself this and truly believed it and worked my ass off my entire life as the determined person I am, and all close people around me told me this, they and society all treated me as if ADHD and dyslexia or any mental issue SHOULDN'T hold me back, and if I "let" it, that was a problem with me. "you can't be like that or do that in the real world" "the world doesn't work that way" "business doesn't work that way" "why are you being like this" or "why can't you just do it like this“…. ~new data shows~ that actually, in the world today, ADHD does hold you back. AND that is not your fault! That is not a problem with you! It is something that you get to know yourself better by, understand better, learn about and constantly work with for the rest of your life, to find a way you can live in peace. where you aren’t constantly fighting all the time. I guess I am still working on this. To manage it is your responsibility, but to expect yourself to one day not be held back from it, is a lie everyone has been telling you. It feels like even when you're doing your best and you've got a clear head and you are killing it in life, still constantly you feel something pulling you (in all directions, including back) and after soooo many years of it or just hours, you can feel exhausted. but you're expected and you expect yourself to keep going. like everyone else. but the thing is you aren't like everyone else. and that is not on you. :) To all those who feel me, you're doing great! Literally at any stage! I swear. In your absolute worst place, you're still killing it, because in all of the hours of the day, you are being affected by something that you can't control, just manage, and nobody on the planet can manage themselves perfectly. SO even if you feel you aren't doing anything because you're exhausted from trying again, over and over, each time you inevitably fail, you are still killing it harder than those you may compare yourself to, or to yourself in the past when you felt more motivated. Or to those that tell you the things above. :) Every person fails, yes, and it feels different to each of us. Breathe deep, rest, recharge, do something specific that interests you deeply, turn on your mind, get support*, get accountability, be honest with yourself, forgive yourself, look forward, design your life for you and allow yourself to enjoy it. <3 I’ve got a lot of love and admiration for you.


I was diagnosed when I was about 11. My parents and teachers had always talked about how easily I got distracted and how I always struggled with things in school since I was even younger. I started using medication, pills that were called Strattera, I think it has a new name now, not sure...But I remember the doctors told me I was one of the first children in my country to be on these pills, and once a month or maybe more often, I took different tests answering questions about improvements at home and in school. Basically because they needed to know if this medication actually worked.

It didn't do much except making me not want to eat, and I became very ''indifferent'' to everything, like I felt really anxious and depressed, and I still remember how bad I just felt in general while being on those pills. I came to the part where I just got really frustrated and told my parents I couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped taking them. It also seem to me that medication for ADHD is not carefully monitored(?) maybe i'm wrong, but for me, it didn't help. So i've never really known how ''normal'' people pay attention in school, I've always struggled sitting still, speaking before I think, being hyperactive

... like I used to be kind of violent as young, not like randomly hitting people and stuff for no reason, but just the feeling of having to break something if I was in a certain mood, but it wasn't really a big issue, so I guess you could say I had that under control...

But I was/and am mostly struggling with focusing for more than about 15 minutes, and the sad part about dealing with this, is that a lot of teachers, don't seem to understand ADHD that well, or at all.

And I just think it's really sad, that dealing with adhd-student isn't something all teachers are ''prepared on'', because the people that will be around an adhd'er the most... (Except your family ofcourse) are teachers. (But then again, your family don't need you to sit stil and focus on something they say everyday for 6 hours)

But being a teacher, it means you will most likely have a student with adhd atleast once... I know it's not the teacher's responsibility, but I feel adhd is widely misunderstood for alot of people, and since dealing with adhd is always a big struggle in school, it's frustrating hearing teachers say things like ''you need to focus'' or ''paying attention is not that hard''. Not saying all teachers are reacting the same on this, but there are too many in my opinion.

In primary school, it was easier dealing with teachers for me, because they would always make the tasks easier for me so that I could follow through with tasks like the other kids. kinda hard to explain, but it really helped me with feeling I could achieve tasks. And in middle school (in my country it's 8-10. grade) I was in small groups (with kids that needed extra help because of ADHD, dyslexia etc.) getting extra help with math and classes I struggled in. In my country you can't really ''customize'' your schedule for classes before you start in University... so I HAVE to take math, english, science, social studies and stuff like that from  1st - 13th grade.

But after 10th grade, I started High School (i'm in 13th grade now aka senior year) school became more difficult ofcourse, but i'm always below everyone no matter how much I study or how prepared I feel that I am. I feel like I just keep failing at everything, EXCEPT English class, social studies, music, gym and art class.. So I guess I have basis for atleast something, but I do in fact struggle with classes where I need to memorize things and remember alot of details. Alot of people tell me it's not that hard to learn or focus, and to be honest, that pisses me off... (sorry)

So in fact, I do struggle to this day. Minor improvements ofcourse, like I've learned to control my hyperactivity and impulsivity from 11-19 years old. But it's still ''in me''.

I'm often mentally exhausted after school, and it's kinda frustrating at times being around people everyday who don't understand me fully.

I wish school had different opportunities for how I can work at school, because the way school works today, doesen't really help me at all, i'm tired of school being somewhere I have to memorize things all the time, because not everybody is good at that... and I just think there should be some other way of teaching and learning, then having to memorize a lot of things all the time that i'm going to forget the next month anyway. And I also think the whole idea of ''grades'' are at some levels not nececarry, I know that sounds dumb, but some people will always be naturally better at things, so why do we get into schools, based upon what grade we have in math for example, if math has nothing to do with what you want to study... I know this is kinda off topic, but I just wonder if somebody agrees on that.. idk. 

ugh...Okay this was extremely long, sorry... I tend to just write really fast whats on my mind before forgetting things.. ops, but maybe people will relate to this. Sorry if this response is messy and all..

Anyways, I am also thinking about using medication again, but i'm kinda debating and also a little scared to be honest...


Kati, I am so glad you finally made a video about ADHD! I have recently been diagnosed with adhd inattentive 5 moths ago. I am currently revising for exams and it is such a struggle to focus compared to my peers. Is it weird that I was diagnosed so late (I'm 17 years old)? I've had a tough with my family accepting that i'm different. I always here "just focus more" and it's so difficult to explain to them that it isn't that easy. 

Do you think you could do a video on dealing with ADHD in high school? 

Thank you, Love your videos.


i had to replay your video all over again because my mind kept on getting distracted lol


I work with a lady who has been diagnosed with ADHD. As her supervisor, how can I help her work to her best potential?


Mine showed at 12 so I researched about it in high school. I accepted it and embrace it but that doesnt mean I will limit myself with what I can do. It is important to have self awareness. Im 36 now and working with one of Tech companies


I was actually diagnosed twice for ADHD. My first time was at the age of 5 and at the time, it was called Hyperactivity. I was re-diagnosed with the ADHD at the age of 19 and by that time, I just spent K-12 in special education classified 'Emotionally Disturbed' more likely because of my old Hyperactive diagnosis. My symptoms are clearly there, lack of focus, boredom, and restlessness and there are days that I struggle focusing on the simplest of things, so now I have added symptoms of depression and irritability with my ADHD. Thank God that I have a job and a place to call home, yet I'm not currently seeking any professional help for my ADHD. I deal with my ADHD by staying focused on what I can and living one day at a time.


you are a selfless good person, and I genuinely enjoy learning from your videos. :)


Please do a video on adult inattentive ADHD
