5 Interesting Facts About ADHD

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a mental disorder that affects the individual’s ability to focus.Even adults can show signs of ADHD. We will dive into the symptoms and signs of ADHD, which affects roughly 8% of children and 2% of adults, according to the American Psychiatric Association (What Is ADHD?, 2018). We will also explore the causes of ADHD and possible treatment options. Psych2Go will speak about what teachers can do, as well as what parents can do to better facilitate individuals with ADHD. Do you struggle with ADHD or know someone who does? What strategies have you found to be helpful? Please share your thoughts with us below!

Check out the following channels for more ADHD resource:


Bushak, L. (2015, October 7). The 11 Biggest Myths And Misconceptions About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Medical Daily. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

Dendy, C. (2008). How Teachers Can Help Every Student Shine. ADDitude. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

Orenstein, B. (2010, August 8). 15 Signs Your Child May Have ADHD. Everyday Health. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

Tartakovsky, M. (2016, July 17). Parenting Kids with ADHD: 16 Tips to Tackle Common Challenges. Psych Central. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

Treatment of ADHD. (2018). The National Resource on ADHD. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

What Is ADHD? (2018). American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved July 26, 2018.

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Cats or Dogs?

Which of the two do you like more? :O


“Just pay attention it’s not that hard”
*my goodness why didn’t I ever think of that*


Telling someone with adhd to 'just focus' is like telling someone paralyzed to just walk


I have autism and ADHD, and whenever I talk about how stressed out I feel, all the teachers are just like “do you know how stressful my life is, as a parent?” And even though I know being an adult is really stressful, it still hurts for a teacher to compare their life with yours instead of trying to console and comfort you.

Edit: Hey guys, so I made this comment in the middle of 5th grade. It is now summer and once school starts again, I’ll be in 7th grade. I’ve done better and learned how to mature, tysm for all the support through my tough time!

Edit 2: Ty all for coming out and supporting me, 700 likes and 28 replies is a lot. I’m a quarter through 7th grade, and I love when people reply and I’m reminded of this comment. This is my favorite comment I’ve written because it shows me how 700 PEOPLE like what I said, which means, in a way, 700 people are here for me. Thank y’all!


I was diagnosed with ADHD since my teenage, spent my whole life fighting ADHD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


Mom: "Just try really hard to pay attention"
Me: Ok. Ill try. *Thinks about paying attention then realizes I was thinking about paying attention rather than actually doing it*


"You're so smart. If you only focused more on your work, you could be one of my top students."

Who else mentally cringed at that statement?


I love that you added the “Teacher” part. In my family we all have ADHD from my Grandmother down to my smallest child that was also diagnosed with Autism. Both are now being linked. I’m pretty sure I am also Autistic. I suffered so much in school. Teachers hated and abused me. I’m glad there is more awareness today, but I hate how now everyone wants to have a disability because it’s trending. If they knew how hard it’s like to live like this… I have had depression since 6 yrs old and to this day have never taken any meds to help and have managed so far without it. My son declined to keep using meds and both are also just dealing with the help of school IEPs. Teachers made fun of my child instead of understanding his condition. And they were cruel to me.


I have a brother with adhd, and he currently has the same primary teacher I had when I was younger. I couldn’t be more grateful for her. She understands that my brother has adhd and struggles focusing, so she never gets on at him to much. She knows when he’s struggling and made a small den in a spare and unused classroom for him to sit in when he’s stressed. She always keeps a friend nearby so that they will be able to talk to him if things get out of hand. She has been the only teacher to point out of my brother actually had a rough day so that my mum (and sometimes me aswell) could help deal with it. All these small things had actually helped my brother and he’s had a great year mental health wise, and I’m so thankful that she is his teacher. Apparently she might be moving up a year and my brother could possibly have her next year as a teacher, I really hope he does. That teacher has always been my favourite, and that’s just one of the reasons.


*gets up*
*starts to dance for no reason*
much better.
goes back to daydreaming.


Every adult that doesnt understand what ADHD is : "Just focus and try harder"
Me : *Say sike right now*


this video is really giving back how much I had struggled with when my ADHD was really bad when I was a child, but after a lot of treatment and training I got to control it a bit better now. sometimes it's worst than other days and a lot of people back then when I was just starting going to school didn't understood it, neigther did the teachers. they would only mock me or scream at me when I wouldn't listen oder couldn't anser questions that I did not understood. so I love to see that people can learn more about ADHD if they don't know what that is and what it dose to someone <3


“Stop being so annoying and loud all the time”
“You always make careless mistakes”
“Pay attention”
“Tell me what I just said”
“You are so unresponsible”
“Stop making excuses”
Everything I can remember I’ve been told that sticks with me


ADHD school starter pack:
Foot tapping
Rapid hand movement
Bad grades
Barely learn
Get mad at yourself
Stress and or anxiety for no reason


I hate it when people say
“jUsT pAY AttENtIOn ItS NoT hArD”
Like Bruh


Soneone: talks about something very important
My brain: *wow, that's some nice wall atoms you got there*


I'm not confirmed ADHD yet, but my doctor gave my parents a list of places to go to get me tested for it because we're all starting to wonder if what we thought was my Anxiety disorder might actually be ADHD or something else, but this video actually helped a lot


Me: can I get tested for ADHD

Mom: you don't need to be tested, phone and friends are rotting your brain


"You're smart, you just need to try harder."
"You just need to try and focus."
"I think it would be a good idea to try to become more organized."

I've heard this from almost every one of my teachers. Coincidentally, the *one* teacher I've had who also had ADHD was always understanding and never said something along these lines.


I’ve had ADHD for as long as I can remember, and for a while I didn’t understand it, about 5 months ago I found this really good Chanel called “how to ADHD” it helped me out a lot, so to anyone out there struggling I definitely recommend!
