5 Signs You're Experiencing Deep Loneliness

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Are you lonely? The feeling of loneliness is not the same as being alone. Being alone is a state of being, like living away from friends or family, while loneliness is a feeling. There's a saying that you can feel lonely even when surrounded by people, simply because when you are feeling lonely, you feel disconnected from the people around you. Sometimes, feeling loneliness is also a sign of depression where you just have apathy to almost all things and 'don't care' anymore. Do you think you might be feeling chronic loneliness?
June is Pride Month. How many of you will be celebrating?
Writer: Ananya Sawarkar
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Dawn Tan
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Mara Licardo
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Maria Walley. 5 Signs You’re Fighting Chronic Loneliness. Retrieved from;
June is Pride Month. How many of you will be celebrating?
Writer: Ananya Sawarkar
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Dawn Tan
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Mara Licardo
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Maria Walley. 5 Signs You’re Fighting Chronic Loneliness. Retrieved from;
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