How To Make Good Decisions

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When uncertain or afraid, how do we free ourselves from delay, make good decisions, and take decisive action?

1. Make decisions sooner:

It's easier to make decisions earlier than later. For example, if you hate your job, make a decision to leave sooner. Yes, be judicious and and collect information...but don't get into analysis paralysis or become scared of change. Set a date and prepare. Making bold decisions for yourself is the secret to moving your life forward. Ask,"What's decision have I been putting off in my personal life? What decision have I been waiting to make at work? What decision do I need to make in my relationships?" Avoidance may be the best short-term strategy to avoid pain and conflict, but it is also the best long-term strategy to ensure suffering. Stop putting it off, make that decision and stick to it.

2. Set criteria:

Criteria means you look at your decision making from three perspectives: What's good for you? What supports other people around you? What should the universal rule be for everyone faced with this decision? This means you seriously contemplate if decisions are right for you, honoring of others, and generally good for most people. What other criteria could you set? Create a “cheat sheet to good decision-making” with your own criteria and keep it by your computer and in your wallet. Consult it at every important decision.

3. Do intelligent research:

Bad decisions are often a result of acting without any information, listening to the wrong people or forcing a false choice. Intelligent research means collecting as much information as possible from informed people. There's nothing you want to achieve or overcome in your life that someone hasn't already achieved or overcome. Before you make your decision, go out and consult other informed, happy, smart, joyous, accomplished people who have done what you want to do. Often, you'll find it's not just a matter of choosing A or B, but rather there are a multitude of choices available to you.


Brendon Burchard is the most watched personal development trainer in the world and a Top 100 Most Followed Public Figure on Facebook. Over 30,000,000 people watched his videos in the last 12 months, and over 15,000,000 see his posts every week on Facebook. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, his books include The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge, The Millionaire Messenger, and Life’s Golden Ticket.

At the age of 19, Brendon was in a car accident that inspired him to turn his life around and follow his dream to be a writer and trainer. He failed at first, going bankrupt as he strove to write his first personal development book. But by the age of 32, he became a #1 bestselling author and a multimillionaire as an early pioneer in the online education space. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping others find their charge and share their voice with the world.

Larry King named Brendon "one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world." SUCCESS Magazine named him in their Top 25 Most Influential in Personal Development along with legends like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Joel Osteen, Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, Deepak Chopra, and Wayne Dyer.



Рекомендации по теме

Be decisive - If its wrong, learn from it and let it inform and not control the future, great stuff!!!


In 2015

This is my story. I stumbled on this video as a Ad on my TV in 2015. It changed my life since then.

I was chugging a 16oz beer on sunday morning. I was going through some immigration issues for USA. I watched this video till the end.

After that i made this decision to stop drinking and work on myself. Thank you brian for making this video.

Not only this video but this whole series of video is my all time favorites.


Sir, Im deeply grateful to you because in a year, I have changed so much.That all credits goes to you.this whole week I am goin to decide righ descion for my life..


I like the first point, "make it sooner" and once we make the decision we often say "why didn't I do it before??" ahahah 😀


This is so weird... I came to this video thinking about a decision that involves moving to Atlanta... and then at 2:27.... boom... "If you have to decide.. Should I move to Atlanta"... Talk about law of attraction!


It is one of those videos I came across last year in Youtube Ad (It was a Saturday I was drinking at noon). Man-O-Man My life after another n one after other. At that point in time Brendon, this what i needed.This is not a sponsored content Personal opinion. Brendon, I love your videos. I have read your book Motivation manifesto, Seriously a good book one year now. Started with you I follow Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar. Long live my friend. Sorry for language errors


totally agree... forward is the only way to move... nobody gets anywhere just standing in the road. In fact, if your not careful....


That is a good episode, ,,, but please teach us how not to regret about bad desicions 😂😂😂


Gosh damn you are an amazing person and you're so smart! I wish my brain would work like yours. You say the power plant creates energy but it's not always easy to get the material lined up to start generating the energy. I believe I can do as good as you with how smart you are but I don't believe I can do it the same way. That "way" is what I need to figure out. You're quite the philanthropist, Brendon. Thank you.


Hi everyone!
I’m of those people who fully think and believe in what’s their dream life, talking straight about professional life as a way of living… But I’ve felt along the way like I haven’t had the courage to make ‘good’ decisions in order to achieve what I stated as my main goals, at least the ones I really what to reach… Not because I’d made bad decisions properly, but for not taking the ones that suppose are gonna get me closer to what I really want, due to ‘fear’… It’s awful feeling like if I were too small to jump to the big thing, giving up too quick in the fight!
The truth is that I have everything to achieve what I want (and always had had), at least the most of people (esp loving ones) have expressed that thinking to me and I believe in that so… But I’m frequently delaying my projects, and it’s been the same way for many years…
Recently I’ve come in awareness that those depression and frustration I felt were no other things than ‘fear of success’, letting opportunities pass away… Now I’m afraid that had waited too long to achieve the goals I’d stated since my childhood… Currently I have other responsibilities, like parenthood, which sometimes I use as an excuse for not leaving my current job and start doing (compelling) my dream… Worse, having time periods for doing my stuff, but wasting them instead in procrastinating… It’s truly a hard fighting against myself! But I still do believe that I can make it...
Sorry if I’m saying too much… but all it’s in order to comment that: that’s why I like to watch and listen Brendon’s videos while working (as other motivational materials in the net) … Those cheer me up and remember me to keep going forward with a special sense of positiveness! :)
Thanks, and blessings to all of you!


Very good points on this topic. This video came in the perfect time in front of me. I'm actually having a big decision to make, or I've already made it, and this video was the final nail to the coffin. I have a chance of becoming an owner of goldsmith workshop in a few years, because I've been there as an apprentice. This would guarantee me a financially safe life. So many people suggest me to continue working there, telling that it's smart. BUT, gold smithing is not my passion, and instead I will soon quit and live accordingly to my passion, which is writing and helping people. I think it's a good decision (maybe not smart) to do what you find meaningful and important to you, than spending your life doing what you don't love. I wish you all good decisions! :)


That's my problem. I'm scared of change. I have to learn how to make decisions earlier... :/


Always the perfect advice and insight, at the perfect time. Thank you.


You're right! There have been things I wished I started sooner. I wished I would have started a business sooner, I wish I would have started my channel sooner, I wish I would have tried new concepts sooner. I had all these things in mind but just didn't go for it! Happy that I am now though. :-)


I suppose I'm just afraid to have responsibility and commitment


Oh I like the "front page of the newspaper" idea - cool way to frame/ think about the "consequences" and your FEELINGS around it.


Well said Brendon these in mind when making future decisions say it all in simple way to understand but rich meaning in it to tell my friends to start off their day with ur talks giving such meaningful talks is from muscat


This video was amazing and very relevant to my situation. I recently moved to Atlanta from California to open up a coffee shop as a partner and manager. I have made the decision to leave the coffee shop and go back to California to finish my studies in music. But now I am getting a better offer to stay at the coffee shop which would set me up a bit better for the future but on the other hand, it’s not what I am passionate about and I don’t like being so far away from friends and family. If anyone can give me advice on making the right decision, I would greatly appreciate it


Yes, to find someone who had the same experience or resolve the problem I encounter. Great sharing!


I love Brendon's encouragement and want to post a review of Life's Golden Ticket...where should I post that review?
