How to Become a Great Decision Maker - Matthew Kelly

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5 Ways to Make Better Decisions

How to Become a Great Decision Maker – Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

“There are lots of life skills that can enrich our lives. Communication, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, leadership, adaptability, and the list goes on and on. But there is one life skill that is more important than all the rest. One life skill that will have the most impact on every aspect of your life: decision making.

Improve your decision-making skills and you will improve your life, relationships, health, personal finances, career, and every other area of your life. Decide today to become a phenomenal decision maker. It will change your life forever.

How? Here are 5 ways to become a better decision maker:

1. Take your time. Don’t rush a decision, especially if it is a big one.

2. Be honest with yourself. Try to look objectively at the pros and cons. We are experts at deceiving ourselves, especially when we really want something. But desire creates blind spots.

3. Consider your options through the lens of your values and priorities. Will you be turning your back on the-best-version-of-yourself?

4. What are you missing? In most situations we don’t see most of our options.

5. Study decision making. Read books about it, ask people how they make decisions, and observe your own process.

Invest in yourself by improving your decision-making skills. Becoming a phenomenal decision maker is the ultimate life-skill.”

The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.

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“desire creates blind spots” powerful truth. Yet another video full of wisdom and inspiration! Thank you, Matthew. Would love to see you interviewed by Evan Carmichael.


What a powerful video! This is probably one of my favorites. So many bits of wisdom in such a short time. I don't know how you do it. I would have never looked at decision making in this light if it weren't for you but I could not agree more.


I have rushed decisions in the past. It wasn't until later that I figured out I overlooked options. This is such great advice, Matthew. Thanks for sharing these tips.


I don't know how you do it! So much wisdom packed into 60 seconds. Thank you for sharing the importance of investing in yourself by improving your decision-making skills! So simple but asking those you trust is a great way to get starting improving upon this.


This video was so timely for me. Being nearly into a year since my husband passed away I still find there are important decisions that we would have made together that still need to be addressed and made. I ask Bob what would we do? I know most of the time what he would say, so I need to balance my impatience with wanting to see things completed! I appreciate the reinforcement of whether or not a decision needs to made right now or wait. Thank you again for packing so much great information into a few words. God bless you and your ministry abundantly!


Great wisdom Matthew. Blind spots really resonated with me. Thank You


Thank you Matthew !! Another brilliant post that is very helpful and positive. Bless you 🙏❤🙏


Great video Matthew, really appreciate the advice on decision making. It's definitely one are where I have a lot of room to grow!


Decision making is a skill I have certainly struggled with before. Thank you for this video, it provides great life advice!


Very helpful message! Thanks, Matthew!


and sometimes the right decision is to not make a decision. We can feel as though every issue being addressed requires a yay or nay answer. But in fact there are times when you decide to simply not decide. I guess you could say let sleeping dogs lie. Great video and excellent advice.
