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If you're congested you'll want to use this super easy home remedy I learned from the Amish!

We love using super simple home remedies, but when those home remedies also use common ingredients I already have on hand AND start working immediately? Then it's a double win.

For more home remedies be sure to check out the following:



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Рекомендации по теме

Growing up if we had a cold with or without a cough, my mother would cut up a large yellow onion leaving on the skins and boil it in a pot of water. She would let it boil down until the liquid would look tea like. She would let it cool down so it could be drank and add a little honey. It would break up the congestion in no time. It works great! I still do it today and I am 62 years young.


I was raised by my Grandparents who were both born in the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) in 1899. Grandma knew every root, leaf, berry, bark, and plant found in the wild & concoct ointments, salves, tinctures, and teas for whatever ailed ya. She'd use a salve she made from crushed horseradish, crushed ginger root, crushed wild onions, and honey comb to rub on your chest, then cover with a warm towel for congestion. It always worked


I cured my late onset asthma diagnosis (age 22) with pickled red onions and garlic! I used a quick fridge pickle and ate it with everything. I’m 24 now, and haven’t used my inhaler (rescue or prevention) in over a year!


This is what moms are about. Love all you moms out there taking care of your familys!


The skills & talents God gave us are for our benefit, to harness the power of the many gifts with which we are surrounded. Observing the effect of onions on the mucus membranes and putting it to use is smart and effective. The power of observation, adaptation, multiplying our blessings and more, are all gifts from a loving God. Amen. Thank you for sharing your gifts Carolyn. Prayers for you and your family.


When I young my mom would put onion slices in my socks on the bottom of my feet when I was ready to crawl into bed for the night. It always worked like a charm. FYI make sure you go to the bathroom before you go to bed it’s awful trying to walk to the bathroom during the night 😆


Just came home from the hospital for pneumonia. My chest is still congested, taking antibiotics, etc. I am so thankful to find this. Will try it ASAP!


Having the patient propped up with pillows made me smile- ya got it right- the lungs needing help WANT TO HANG, not lie down. So, propping up the patient, allows for the lungs to hang and breath easier- which is a big deal. First hand, my lungs said so: prop the patient up on pillows.

This is a common sense much NEEDED channel 🙏many blessings HEALER family- your teaching skills are supreme 💥🧬.


Dr. Barbara O'Neill out of Australia swears by how diverse the medical uses for onions are. Put some slices in a jar with a little honey and let it sit for at least 20 minutes for a cold and cough syrup.


I learned that putting a slice of onion or chopped onion on the bottom of one’s feet immediately relieves nasal congestion. It is amazing. I could tell the difference in a minute. Put slice or chopped onion in a plastic grocery bag or an envelope made of cloth. Place your foot directly on the onion, wrap around top of foot, place sock on top of that. Go about your day as normal, walking on the onion.


Stew some cloves for tea...add honey. That is guaranteed to demolish congestion. I did it when I had Covid.


When I was lil, before microwaves were common in most homes; mom would fried onions into a huge mass and then do something very similar to what you show here. As a teen, I often chopped onions, put them in my socks, and slept. it would work my fever out and in the morning, my pillow's towel would be soaked with mucus and sweat. better out then in!


Dont forget the natural quinine in grapefruit and citrus skins plus zinc from oysters and beef, stay safe!


I am notorious for crying so bad I can barely open my eyes while chopping onions... BUT someone recently told me if you don't cut the root end off until the end, you will not cry. IT REALLY WORKS!! I was amazed! Just a little tip. Love your home remedies!! Thank you so much for sharing!!


What about using an old pillowcase to hold the poultice?


Hubby's Dad is English and they would cut up an onion and simmer it in milk, and then drink it. It really does work. Onions/garlic are miracle foods.


Thanks for sharing! Our version of maybe less effective but simpler and similar! We just cut an onion in half and put it in the bedroom with the door shut. Fine for kids too. Learned this trick from my (Mennonite descent) husband.


My family would dice up an onion on a plate pour sugar on it and put a small bowl over the top making sure all the ingredients are under the bowl. Then they would sit it on top of the wood stove and syrup would seep out onto the plate and we would take a tablespoon or two of the syrup works like mucinex


YES! Growing up we would get this done when we would be so sick. My dad would cook down onions in butter enough to make 2 large pouches, one for the chest and one for the middle of our backs. and it needed to be as hot as we could stand it! then we would have a large towel wrapped around our tourso to keep the pouches in place and we would sleep with this all night long. Smells really nasty by morning. It does work though, it would really clear up a lot of that congestion.


Been suffering w covid symptoms for over a month and still feel congestion, cough but nothing happens.., so thank you so much for this idea, , I tried it last night, , and believe it really helped.. Blessings to you and your family.. Would so love to live in that house :)
