The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world | Dame Ellen MacArthur

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What do you learn when you sail around the world on your own? When solo sailor Ellen MacArthur circled the globe – carrying everything she needed with her – she came back with new insight into the way the world works, as a place of interlocking cycles and finite resources, where the decisions we make today affect what's left for tomorrow. She proposes a bold new way to see the world's economic systems: not as linear, but as circular, where everything comes around.

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My own solo circumnavigation took place on a 33' sailboat in the high latitudes both north and south. I will never forget the five months I spent in the Southern Ocean with just me and the albatross (I had no long range communication gear). I saw no other boats, ships or aircraft during that time. Actually 3 months S. Africa to Tonga and 2 months rounding Cape Horn from San Diego to the Falklands. This was truly the experience of a lifetime for me.


Ellen’s testimony is a powerful invitation for all of us to rethink our business models and to establish a sustainable relationship with our planet.


A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor, indeed. Very inspiring


This is fantastic!! I can't believe that this week is the first time I'm viewing this. I plan to use this with my English students who will have an action research project soon! I LOVE your platform, that sailing is what brought you closer to this, and that you are "balls to the walls" giving this your all. Thank you. It's definitely both ambitious and inspiring! I love your correlations to your great-grandfather's life. "24 cars in the world" at the time he was (was it born?) around is really amazing. Estimating that he passed in the mid-90's, and wow what a contrast, right? Thank you again!


This talk and the idea she had arrived to is exactly what the Zeitgeist Movement are working towards. She call it Circular Economy, we call it Global Resource Based Managment System


Amazing words by an amazing human!! Congratulations Ellen!!! You are an inspiration!!!


The most inspirational person on this planet today, and for many reasons. A donc.


This is a wondeful and inspiring talk about our present environmental situation and how to proceed...


Sailng part of the story was absolutly amaizing.


She's a beautiful speaker and with unique experiences. 😊


I read you book a few years ago and today, in 2023 I decided to search tube to watch you sail; instead I landed here, I am an ex Navy Veteran and understand the power of our oceans, having served on something bigger than your craft, (R09) "Ark royal"Lady your are insperational. I would follow you to the ends of the Earth. Thank you. for opening our eyes a little bit wider; you presented yourself immaculately BRAVO; BZ Pip Pip!!


Sehr tiefgründig, circular economy, beeindruckende Frau!


THIS is the kind of message we NEED to hear.


A strong, intelligent, driven, accomplished, and independent woman tells her amazing story and not a single mention of feminism.

*That's more like it TED.*


"at 17 I was told I wasn't clever enough to be a vet". I know the feels bro..i know the feels.


You got big balls sailing the southern ocean, I'm Aussie and I sail but never would I go down there, it's an achievement that's not on my list, Bass Straight and the Tasman is enough for me. Congratulations though, what a remarkable feat.


Your great Grandfather will be very very proud of you mam. Full respect.


Always wondered what a linear economy was but the picture at 11:53 cleared it up.


At the time, when she first raced around the world, I resented the big budget of her campaign and the media fawning over her -there were a dozen other boats being ignored and she is not the first woman contestant. Now hearing her speak I understand the strength of her campaign. Her clear unwavering certainty -this is what must be done so this is what I will do -is so refreshing in contrast to the blame transfer professionals on social media today -the omnipotent "victims" who expect to be given a new universe to compensate for their mistreatment.

Sailing is a fantastic teaching opportunity for youth in general and girls in particular if they plan to pursue leadership or STEM opportunities.

In this talk I think that Ellen sounds a little crazy implying that we will run out of materials, but what she is talking about is well known at major corporations as "full product life management". It is something they all weigh against market conditions and foreign competition that is often subsidized.


Stumbled upon this video 'cause I just came from an island trip and wanted to learn about sailing. Then I was pleasantly surprised. 💚
