Meet Your Spirit Guide in a Lucid Dream (Activate Your Higher Senses Hypnosis/Meditation)

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This hypnosis session to meet your spirit guide or guardian angel is ideal for both those who already have a practice and those who are beginners to the spiritual world. This session uses techniques to awaken all of your senses and attune them to the messages being sent and guides or angels that are always with you. Those you are seeking are also seeking to reach out to you!
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This uses an extended relaxation method and includes necessary steps often omitted by those who are not well trained in contacting the spiritual realms. This includes cleansing lower or toxic emotions, progressive relaxation to enter theta state and a mantra to protect yourself and attract in only the highest good.
This hypnosis session also amplifies your sensory awareness and sixth sense / crown chakra awareness. You are then counted down and all senses are utilized to connect to a guide or angel. I then guide you with some introductory questions and give you lots of time to ask your own.
The session ends with a gift or key message from your guide and learning how to know when your guide or angel is with you in an everyday waking state.

Time Stamps for this Video
00:00 Intro
01:15 Posture Prep
02:56 Question Prep
03:52 Start of Relaxation
06:50 Set your Intention
09:20 Open the Doorway to Your Guide


#unlockyourlifetoday #spiritguide #luciddream

Please ensure you read the full health advisory and disclaimer and seek any medical advice from your doctor if you have a confirmed or suspected health condition before listening to this. Do not listen to any of my recordings while performing any other task and always ensure you are in a safe environment.
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This was a revelation. I met a guide in the form of an owl who took me to the edge of a towering cliff. I’m normally scared of heights so it’s interesting that I wasn’t scared. The owl perched on my lap and looked up into my eyes, kissed my nose. When you asked me to ask “who are they” I heard “whooo whooo”. The owl was teasing me a bit. Then right on time you asked if they’d take another form and they became a woman named Elvedra. She wore beautiful light fabric and sat with me and held my hand. At one moment she drew her nail along my arm and it was like slicing me open but not scary at all, it was like something I’d been holding onto slipped out and away, some marshmallowy density. She encouraged me deeply and told me she was very very proud of me for taking this particular journey, that being a human on earth was an insanely difficult challenge that needed to be done. That there is so much beauty and possibility here but at the cost of so much pain and suffering and heartbreak. She also spoke to me about medication because I’ve wondered for a while if I should take it for my depression and she said not to think of it as medicine or drugs but as help, and to put it in a jar instead of leaving it in a pill bottle. She said it didn’t mean anything about my soul to need that, just that my physical brain needed help to facilitate my journey, just like everyone needs help. She talked to me about why I feel compelled to do theatre of all things and she said it’s because it’s badly badly needed for healing, and that I’ll probably do it in some form in many life times. It all felt so real…maybe it was a dream but if so…it was a dream that I needed.


This is THE ONE!
I have been listening to your channel for a number of years now, it has become my bedtime ritual and I thoroughly enjoy it.
This is my “me” time.
I love the Spirit Guide meditations, but no matter how many times I have tried, I have never recalled a message from my guides.
I was excited to try this new one last night, it was perfect timing.
I listened carefully and set my intentions….. I obviously fell asleep at some stage,
I woke up at 1am and removed my headphones, I didn’t recall anything significant happening, and I immediately went straight back to sleep.
However, at 5:15am I woke with a startle from the most profound lucid dream I could ever have imagined.
My guides were right there presenting me with messages to the questions I had set earlier, it was a vocal and symbolic message. There is so much more detail to my experience, if it wasn’t so personal to me I would share openly.
A million thanks Sarah for giving me the tools to receive the message I really needed.
Don’t give up people! It will happen one day. 💜🌈


Thank You
Helping me connect with my Spirit Guides was the last thing I needed to complete my awakening


Thank you again and again for your videos, Sarah.
I have listened to your meditations since 2018 and you have helped me through many a tough time.
Thank you for providing a safe and positive space for us all ❤️


What a beautiful meditation!!! I loved every second of it. This is a huge gift to the world. I hope everyone is guided to this and you get a billion views! Thank you for this!!!


The music here is THE MOST relaxing, pure bliss - thank you


I remember listening to your channel when it was about wieght loss and at the time I didn't need to lose weight at all but I did do alot of meditation. Your channel has always been very professionally presented and had really, really good content . Thanks for all the hard work.


Thankyou! Not fully mastered but enjoying every experience so far on my journey. ❤ much love.


Thank you for making this, it really helped me further expand my journey into my intuition.


Thank you Sarah. Really loved listening to this meditation. Was getting fleeting glimpses of someone and a name came into my thoughts. Not of anyone I know. 🙏🏻🦋 namaste


Love this one! I am so grateful for your channel !! 😊


Thank you thank you thank you ... I am so grateful for your beautiful guided meditations 🫶🌈🤍


Thank you so much Sarah I love your meditations I'm now going through the channel of meditations I hope you live in the blessed life


Trying now!! Comments look promising❤❤


I was struggling to see have done this one BEFORE a lot of times actually with my sleep mask earphones. It comes up as sleep hypnosis, so I always am sleeping. Anyway, I felt my vibration very high and when it came to a sign that a spirit or my higher self was there, I got major chills in my left leg into my thigh all the way down for a good minute or close to a minute. So I knew something had happened. Then I thought maybe I fell asleep and started dreaming, but I was not bc as soon as I was aware again that I was fully awake, I kept seeing a chinese man like a samari😂 sitting with me up high on like a balcony and we were sitting there with our legs through the rails and our legs dangling. He was looking and talking to me. He was dressed in black like samari pattern dress I guess. I was myself, but as me as a little girl, but not in my past. She was me now. I did not see my face, but it was me bc I asked questions and talked back. It began as me saying "I wanted to die"😢. He said "why sherry". I said "bc I don't like being human". He said "well you have committed suicide in other lifetimes, you must stay here and break the curse ". I said " well I know I have to live, I just am sick of being a human being, I want to live in this world" he said " oh I know it's hard being human" I asked if he had ever been human. He looked down and said "once" and I know it's very difficult. Then I started crying in the to him(still a little girl) about 8 I would say bc I did see an 8 in the universe or my mind or whatever. He hugged me, I smiled. Right THEN an old man started walking up stairs stone stairs, long ones up into the sky. He was tired and was looking up how many more stairs he had to go, but it wasn't too far. They were just faded from infinite space but there was a destination that he was almost to. A white old man, probably in his 80's. White hair, balding some in top. I don't know where that came from. Anyway, it felt like as soon as I knew I had lived many lifetimes and there was suicide ACTION taken and I was breaking the curse by not actually taking ACTION and not planning to ever. It felt like the old man maybe was me and he was released from somewhere to go to heaven. That's what I got when I was in trance. Then unlock your life meditation would come in and out asking certain things and I don't remember all of it, but that was the big things. I can't imagine that I would just conjure that up with my mind while awake so I believe it was real. When it came to asking questions, I do not believe I got any answers. I will for sure do this again tomorrow.😊t
Thank you so much


Thank you Sarah, you are brilliant and very inspiring, this is the second time I heard you in two days, I am so happy that I found you, only yesterday, I need to be careful otherwise I could be listening to you all day, thank you again for your generosity of this gifts to the people. God bless, sending you light, peace and love.🙏🌏✌️👽👍💙🥰


I love Your meditations. Write my own too. I listen to Your every evening❤ But I have a Big wish, can you make some for us who need advance level. I can go to trance State in one minute 😅 So sometime the meditations are to slow, and I Fall a sleep instead 😅


Thank you! You have a beautiful voice.. The voice of an angel.


Very relaxing Phosphene trip, I like listening before falling asleep, first time I felt the crown of my head do that last night, I actually was stunned, pretty cool. Thanks keep up the great content


Hi, I'm really new to all of this but I have really lost my way after a string of awful things happened to me this year. I put out there that I wanted to commune with Dean, my cat who died suddenly in January, I got to the 13.30 mark and just when I thought I could see him in the sunlit garden I saw: I was wracked with terrible pain in my chest and broke down into tears. I couldn't progress tonight but I will try again, I'm obviously still emotionally messed up from his passing 😞
