Connect & Receive Guidance ~ Meet Your Spirit Guide ~ Guided Meditation

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This Original 10 minute guided meditation (recorded by us) will lead you to meet with, and connect with your spirit guide / spirit animal. Allow yourself to open up and Receive Guidance... Enjoy!

Spoken Voice: Original Commentary recorded by us.
Background Music: Composed by a member of this channel.
Background Image: is an original derivative image created by us, Transformed from Licensed images where attributions are not required.
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It’s so hard for me to visualize things. I’ve been wanting to meet my guide for years. I was finally able to relax enough to meet her. A beautiful white unicorn with gold around her. I started to get really happy and just kept hearing in my head “it’s okay, I’m here” and then I started crying. It was amazing.


i saw my recently passed tabby cat named percy. he came to me and told me to forgive myself for things i can’t control. i saw him play with two little kittens, one black and one orange. the entire thing brought me to tears


i saw my missing dog and I can't help but cry. during those moments i was so happy to see him approach me with the same expression when my family adopted him, our first meeting. i started to see images of him sitting down far away from me and i don't know it's as if he's telling me to let go of him. I'm not sure if he's still alive out there but i felt this sense that i should give him up, that he's happy wherever he is. his disappearance really hit me hard and is stopping me from moving forward. i miss him 😭


I saw a beautiful deer. She was wise, and loving, and connected to everything around her. Playful and calm at the same time.


I saw a moose and thought "come on, really? I got a moose?" And then the moose got mad


i only saw a purple light, but i’m going to keep practicing meditation and i’m going to work on myself, so that my spirit guides can show themselves to me!!


I saw a white horse, he said “you’re ready” and I felt love & compassion & saw old memories of when I’d walk and pass by these horses and accompany them for a while.. then I hugged and kissed the horse & floated above him.. couldn’t really get the whole message because she kept talking but it was a nice experience


I saw a light beige doe. She made me feel gentle and caring. She said “stay true to yourself. You are you and nobody can change you. Stay strong, happiness and a new beginning is heading your way.” When i said thank you she gave me a “hug” she wrapped her neck around mine and put her right hoof on my shoulder. She showed me flowers, cherry blossoms, and a beautiful river. She told me to trust my gut feeling. She said she guides my gut feeling/intuition. That whatever i feel is right. Is her guiding me in the right direction. I feel so changed. I feel like i have someone to look to for guidance. I’ve always trusted my gut. It’s never in my life been wrong.


I saw a big brown bear, it told me that I should be the one who protects myself, that meant so much to me, I actually started crying from this. This was really powerful


my spirit guide was the most gorgeous, vibrant tiger i’ve ever seen. surrounding us was somewhere fresh and Eastern in nature, with waterfalls. i felt such strong passion and power, and so much raw emotion. my heart felt as if it was on fire in a beautiful way, and i almost was driven to tears. he let me caress his face, as if we were old friends saying hello. he spoke to me but in a more telepathic sense. he said that everything would be fine. good things were coming, and i need to just be. i thank you for this video. i feel at ease now ❤️


I saw Jesus walking from across the field with a dozen of sheep around him. He simply told me to trust him...


I saw a blueish-stormy gray huge dragon with the most beautiful eyes. He had 6 of those ear things Toothless has but they were all the same size. He was breathed blue fire and let out a roar to the sky. We were on a hill and the grass reached my waist. I couldn't see anythint except the grass, clear sky and a forest in the distance. He came out of that forest and stood in front of me and just looked at me like a father would look at his son. He gave me a very calm feeling and I was happy. I could FEEL him say "I'm here with you, you're not alone".Then I started seeing all my family and friends like he was showing pictures to me. It was amazing


I saw a whitetail buck, he approached me and said “cherish the ones you love.” Physically, I began to cry afterwards, it was a short yet thoughtful message. ❤️❤️


Everyone's seeing mystical animals...
I just saw a little white sheep, he said baaa and ate the grass and I didn't receive any kind of message
Maybe I'm just lacking in imagination lol


I saw a four eyed deer, they didn’t say anything to me but they made me feel like I had a friend. We sat down in the field together and watched the sunset, they fell asleep with their head in my lap ❤️


Everyone: wow I saw a mystical creature
What i saw: . .
( _ )


Seen a wolf didnt say anything but made me feel protected.


I saw a deer. It looked so elegant, majestic, beautiful, too real. The message I received was “thought of you” and it showed me a white candle. I never felt a meditation so real like this one 🥰


This was a emotional one for me but I feel open to the spirit and grateful I did it… I been experiencing a lot of loss sadness and anxiety due to my job and cutting people out of my life.. I feel awaken but scared…but through these meditations I feel they help so ty and everyone I hope u guys are safe 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I was lead out of the field into a big forest and into a big clearing where I waited for my animal guide. At first when they appeared their image was blurry and I asked to see them and they were revealed to be a beautiful red and white fox. They jumped up and rested behind my neck with their tail wrapping around my left arm, and I felt them nuzzle into me. They told me to be strong, to fight and not let anyone make me a different person, and to be myself. It made me sad to leave but they told me to make an altar for them and my other guides as well as get fox bones to put on the altar. It was so nice and it brought tears to my eyes
