Deep Sleep Hypnosis for Meeting with Your Spirit Guides - 8 Hour

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Fall asleep and enjoy a Deep Sleep Hypnosis for Meeting with Your Spirit Guides over the course of 8 hours.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to fall into a deep sleep very quickly. Here you'll easily relax and drift off to sleep. As you move from your wide-awake state, your mind will relax down into alpha and theta brainwave states. This is where the power of hypnosis happens within your subconscious mind where you can experience this mental and spiritual meeting with your spirit guides.

This is more than just a meeting. It's a journey of sleep hypnosis that elaborates on your very purpose of being, your spirit energy and how that all guides you through the universe. Even as you drift off to your deep sleep, hypnosis will engage your mind with a profound experience that will benefit you with energy in your body in the morning and insight to your spirit, empowering your everyday life. Notice the difference by meeting with your spirit guides through hypnosis and a deep sleep.

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Daily Guided Meditation for Self Healing Playlist:

Sleep Hypnosis for Sleep and Relaxation:
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Music: Music: “All Loving Angels” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

#SleepHypnosis #Hypnosis #SpiritGuides
Рекомендации по теме

Am I the only one that goes onto the comments of meditation before going to sleep to them like um reading the reviews 🤣🤣


First thing I did was go into the comment to make sure nothing creepy came through 🙄🤣 or that people didn't loose control


Anyone truly of good heart who is reading this, please send strength, love and light to me as I’m having the hardest time ever and I’m ready for that to change but I don’t feel like I’m gonna last long enough. Thank you.


Sometimes the comments section of these videos is just exactly what I need. Thank all of you sweet souls!


I listen to u hoping to find happiness since my husband passed in 2005...plz pray for me


to the special person reading this, always rembember to be happy with what you have, while working for what you want <3 big hugs from Shanthi healing music <3


Thank you for this. My Mama passed away from Covid in 2020. I was hesitant to listen to this one, but I quickly went to the comments and saw that many people experienced dreaming of their loved ones that have passed. Well, my Mama showed up in the most vivid dream & she spoke to me clearly. We even did a crossword puzzle (which she loved) thank you THANKYOU for this! 🙏🏽♥️


Hope that everybody looking for a resolution in their sub consciousness because of past traumas finds that peace tonight. Love one another and stay strong ❤️


Whoever is reading this right now. May God bless you with all the love is his ❤️! May peace & tranquility tobe with you & keep you at complete ease from now until eternity!!!
Love and light shine so bright upon beautiful souls reading this message tonight!! 🙏Amen✝️


I lost my mother three years ago. For years I have been battling with PTSD since her passing. Oddly, this was on my feed. I decided to listen to it and something weird happened. The feeling I had when my mother took her last breath reoccurred (the feeling of her leaving this world, that heartbreaking feeling) it happened to me again with such a jolt, that I gasped and started to cry. A feeling that I have kept so bottled up and hidden from even my closest friends for years. In just a moment I felt like it was broken. Thank you. ❤️


Clearly I wasn’t the only one to check the comments lol


To anyone who might be reading this comment: I listened to this last night. What little time I was awake I learned valuable information. I did not dream about my spirit guides last night. HOWEVER, I DID dream about a job that I just started going smoothly so I do believe they led me to this video. Also, I received some affirmations. I slept so peacefully. Thanks for the video.


Lastnight I played this and saw two of my grandparents that have recently passed. They both gave me a hug. I felt so happy that they came to see me.


It’s been 3 night listening what an amazing experience!! I lost my daughter and my husband/soulmate in less then 7 months apart I have them in my dream since I started listening to this love it now I just looking forward anytime of the day or night to get deep even more I feel like it’s visiting my loves by traveling to them... thank you


Wow wow wow. I’m speechless this is the first time I came across this specific video and it’s 4pm in the afternoon but I started meditating and having these frequency videos play while I sleep. I’m literally 11:54 seconds in and stopped the sensation I felt is indescribable I don’t want to say out of body experience but my whole body was full of energy I’ve never felt even close to before. When I opened my eyes I couldn’t move or say anything for like 5 seconds. This was such a beautiful experience. I will play the video tonight when I go to sleep and see where it guides me. Everyone that’s in here god bless you. Any hard time your going through the rain stops. And the sun is coming up. Don’t give up. There’s nothing to fear. I don’t know any of you but I love you all we all are one. Stay safe everyone and continue on your journey!


Ok . I gave this a try . Something happened .

I’m an atheist who doesn’t believe in god or soul . I wish I did, the fascination and wonder would be nice . I put it on just as I was falling asleep . I dreamed of flying through the cosmos like you have on the screen, but I never looked at, it was crazy . I felt everything you talked about, like my subconscious revealed everything to me, I was aware in touch with everything, it was me and everything, time was not the same, space was not the same . It was pure peace and awareness . It felt like a female that was slowing me to see and feel it, even though your voice is male, that’s crazy, it was all crazy . I woke wondering if I was just dreaming or saw everything . I cried and laughed when I looked back at the channel and saw your animations of flying through the cosmos . I never looked at the screen when I started the app. How can that be . I don’t know what to think . What just happened ?How did you do that ? I’m considering believing there is such thing as a spirit . That was the best I’ve ever felt in my whole life . I don’t know what to do . Can I talk to you about this ? How much this was needed is beyond words .


For some reason I have been afraid to try this. However, it currently has 777k views, and I am taking it as a sign that tonight is the night to face my fear and give it a try. I hope to find clarity and serenity. Peace to All ☮️ 💜


I stumbled across your channel about 2-3 months ago.

Ever since listening to your selection of video's each night, I've become such a better person.

I'm not walking around grumpy all the time, I've stopped people taking advantage of my kindness,
I can say the word no now without guilt of other peoples reaction.
I'm brighter and happier and have a new lease on life.

I suffer from anxiety and depression an feel like for the first time in so long I can manage it now and were having fun again.
I can ground myself again on panic attacks which are far lesser these days.

From My Family To Yours We Thank You and your Wife for making these video's.


This was hands down one of the best things I’ve listened to. I was only asleep for an hour and a half but it felt like 8. The dream was so vivid I saw these beautiful golden liquid pyramids in the sky morphing in and out of their shapes, I saw light blue spirits flying down low, people I haven’t seen in so long, and people I see regularly. Most importantly I remember three small children aged angels returning a necklace she was upset about to a friend. I genuinely want to say I have not been so happy in so long in the dream I was crying tears of joy and when I woke up I still was. What an experience to say the least


I went to bed last night. And I woke up in a really good mood the next morning. This video really works.
