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TOP GUARD DOGS FOR A FAMILY. Choosing a guard dog if you have a family and young children is a big decision as you need to make sure that you are getting a breed that is safe for you and all the family but what is the best guard dog for a family.





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I’ve worked in law enforcement in the United States for several years now as a patrolman and patrol supervisor. I’ve responded to hundreds of burglaries and approved hundreds of burglary reports and I’ve never responded to a burglary where a large/protective/aggressive dog was present. I’ve responded to dozens of burglaries that have had alarms, security cameras, and “intruders will be shot” signs though. Not that security cameras and alarms aren’t a good deterrent as well (I have them installed on my house) but a guard dog seems to be what deters burglars the most. I’ve talked to several other LEOs about this, some with over twenty years experience, and I’ve only met one guy who has responded to a burglary where a large guard dog had been harmed by a burglar. So no deterrent is 100% but a guard dog seems to have the highest percentage from what I’ve seen.


I’ve owned 2 bullmastiffs, and one thing that always stands out in terms of guarding is with my first one. I had a friend over and we were running around and I said to my dog something along the lines of “help keep her away from me!”, and although she’d never been taught that, immediately she would not let my friend near me until I called her off. She stood in front of me and barked whenever my friend tried to come closer, and she didn’t bark often. I was only a teenager at the time and didn’t realize that was something she would actually do, but now as a young adult with my current bullmastiff I know that they are guardians and I have to have control 100% of the time.


I have PTSD and having an alert and slightly aloof dog has been a game changer. I'm researching the right dog to get when he gets old. Boerboel is at the top of the list right now and Johnson's American Bulldog is second. This is going to be ten or so years from now so there's plenty of time.


I've got a 4 month old boerboel x bully kutta and he's hard work but soo worth it. I love him soo much. He's soo laid back and loving. He's amazing with my kids and my granddaughter. Best dog I've ever had xxx


I do wish Boxers got more recognition for their natural protective instincts. I had a girl that was so alert and ready to go into protection mode if I ever expressed to her that I felt threatened or unsure. The perfect balance between being a gentle family companion but also had the natural skills to be able to read you and take action.


I've had 2 English Mastiffs, you are absolutely on point. Mine grew up with my kids and were instinctivlyso protective of all of our family


I just got my first big dog last May and he does a good job patrolling and protecting the house. He's a Pit/lab mix name Goku


The english mastiff is indeed.a perfect guardian especially with children.When my daughter was young she was watched over by an english mastiff.Cajun also walked daily to the bus stop and visited the youngster.Cajuns incredible bond with my daughter fueled her calm but vigilant guarding.Later came our beloved Tigger a bullmastiff.Tigger shared the calm vigilant guarding.I agree with you completely about the deterring factor these beautiful dogs create.I hope all with children listen to your video and take all necessary steps to avoid dog/children related accidents.I hope children have experience with pets in happy positive ways that children take with them into adulthood.


My family has always been a Doberman family. We've never owned more than 1, but we ❤ Dobbies. We currently have a 4 year old female Goliath sized named Josie (by her breeder) & we got her when she was 2 years old & at below what an adult normally despite her parents being champions. Apparently, the money for her was money for dog food. 😂


The "Intimidation Factor" discussed with the saint bernard is a great way to put it. Most family's, especially ones with small children, want a gentle giant that discourages danger long enough for them to take action themselves to protect their children/loved ones.
And with crate training, I couldn't agree more. The crate/kennel should be made a quiet and comfortable space for any dog, it makes life easier for the owner while allowing the dog an opportunity to calm down or relax.


I have had several English Mastiffs. My Female, Lizzy, was 225lbs, she was from the "Grecko" line and was very aggressive towards anyone who she did not know. She would defend our children with her life, yet they could use her as a stepping stool to get whatever they needed up high. I miss her every day. She was massive, but loved her family and would do anything to protect us. She even took on a rattlesnake in our backyard, once I heard the rattle and realized she was in danger, I had to pull her away, because she was trying to protect us.... so loyal... so fearless and the BEST gentle giant ever!


Love the Dogue de Bordeaux. I have two now. Best dogs ever.


I definitely agree with the English Mastiff. I’m on my second one. Our last one passed away at 11 years old, he was amazing! Docile and loveable with us, friends and strangers even. But if there is a threat, he was on top of it. Only one time did I ever see him corner someone. He didn’t attack, just held them.


Just got a Cane Corso. Such a nice looking black brindle pup and comes from beautiful parents. Great for a guardian breed, but also agile enough to do dog sports and most any athletics with no difficulty. 2 months old and he already knows basic commands. Can’t wait to grow with him. 😁👍


I agree with some of your list, however, my personal choice is a female Rottweiler with a male Cane Corso. True both of these breeds, need to be with an experienced owner. Their training is on going every day I can take them anywhere in public as long as I'm with them for guidelines. My female Rottweiler - Buffy loves everything and everyone. Sheldon my Corso other than family he is very cautious.Buffy is the alpha he has 50lbs on her. No matter what the dogs are crated if visitors come to our home.


Love the videos I have 150 pound Newfoundland he has attached himself to our baby granddaughter she is 16 months old and loves to play with him when she comes he seeks her out



My first dog was a Bullmastiff and she was absolutely devastating to our family. I love Bullmastiffs!

She was a dog that intensely bonded with our family like nothing else. Unfortunately she passed at 9 years old from cancer, leaving us devastated.

Gentle giant is definitely a way to describe this breed. Our dog would ignore other dogs barking at her while on walks and just enjoyed walking with her family. Cool, collected and loved all children. She got along really well with the bichon/miniature puddle mix (14 pounds) that we rescued 2 years after.

She was such a huge presence in our home literally and figuratively that when she was gone our house felt completely empty.

Four weeks after she passed, a local breeder announced that they had a female Bullmastiff pup available. She was born the day ours passed! We had to get her even though we were grieving.

We now have 2 Bullmastiffs! And a king Charles Cavalier. This new generation of dogs are amazing but are more willful than our first one. They do have to be reminded, that when they perceive a threat, they need to look at their family for guidance rather than act on instinct.

But as always leave us laughing with their quirkiness.


Terrific picks, terrific video. You know how I feel about guard dogs, misunderstood breeds, and gaining knowledge. Lots of people do not understand just how much of a deterrent a bark can be. I have a pitbull/great dane who for the list part, likes people. However, because of his size, the glare he can give, his park, and highly unwarranted breed's reputation, he is intimidating.


I have owned 3 American akitas.two male, one female.awesome dogs


Why did you not finish 'The BEST Mastiff Breed For First Time Owners!' series? was so exited for that one..
