What Foods Did They Eat In The Bible | The Bible Diet

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What foods did they eat in the Bible?
This is a fascinating video that helps you to understand the Bible diet and what they ate in biblical times.

Biblical Diet For Health

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00:00 what are biblical foods
00:52 foods in the old testament
03:23 foods in the new testament
06:05 a diverse diet

What Foods Did They Eat In The Bible?

Hello and welcome back to our channel! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of biblical foods. Have you ever wondered what people ate during the times of the Old and New Testament? Let's explore the culinary landscape of the Bible, backed by verses from both the Old and New Testaments.

Foods In The Bible: Old Testament

Let's start with the Old Testament. The landscape begins with the creation of the garden and you can let your mind wander of all the delicious foods they could just pick and enjoy.
The diet expands after the flood when clean meat is now on the diet.
One staple food was grains, particularly wheat and barley, which were used to make bread. In fact, bread is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible, such as in Deuteronomy 8:8, where it says, "a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey."
These foods were also included in the menu of the promised land in Deuteronomy 8. Not only would they enjoy these foods in the promised land but the foods came with a promise – when they had eaten and were satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God.

Moreover, fruits like grapes, figs, dates, and pomegranates were also abundant in the region and are frequently mentioned in various verses.
In fact, in the research for my latest book – 7 foods of the promised land, the historians noted the dates in Israel were the finest of all the lands.

For meat, lamb and goat were commonly consumed, as seen in numerous sacrifices and feasts throughout the Old Testament. For instance, in Genesis 22:13, we read about Abraham sacrificing a ram.

Biblical Foods: New Testament

Now, let's move on to the New Testament period. During this time, the diet may have expanded due to influences from Greek and Roman cultures.
The trade routes went straight through Israel from the North to the South and the East to the West. The design of this trade route was intentional from the beginning. God wanted everyone to travel through Israel to see His hand on His chosen people. In the last days everyone will again turn their eyes back to Israel and see God’s hand at work.
The spices would have become more varied because of the trade routes. They already enjoyed cinnamon and mint, yet now they would possibly be experiencing saffron and other herbs and spices.

Moreover, olive oil continued to be a staple. It was used for anointing kings, lighting the temple, and also for cooking. Olive trees were and are abundant in the region, and olive oil is mentioned in numerous verses, such as Exodus 27:20.

The Bible Diet

In conclusion, the foods mentioned in the Bible provide us with insights into the culinary traditions of ancient Israelites and early Christians.
With every meal that we serve our family and friends we can be reminded of God’s love in that he gave us the best Bible diet ever.
He designed the foods in seasons so we would always have a reason to seek him in all our ways, to see him at work just as His father was at work, and to praise the lord for the good things he has done.

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