How To Eat Like Jesus Ate | Q&A 75: Biblical Way Of Eating

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What does a Biblical way of eating look like?
Eat like Jesus ate and find out more about biblical eating, how to eat God’s way, the Bible food pyramid and more!

00:00 - 01:39 - Intro
01:40 - 05:47 - How to eat God's way
05:48 - 08:35 - How to transition from the Daniel fast
08:36 - 11:57 - Biblical diet for weight loss
11:58 - 13:32 - Biblical food pyramid
13:33 - 15:20 - QA winner & Conclusion

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The questions today are all about biblical way of eating:

1. How to eat according to God’s way? - Amanda

So first, we have to decide, second we discover and third we appreciate. So decide. I knew in my heart that there was a better way and I was not sure I was ready. But I knew God created me. I knew God gave us delicious foods and I knew he is and always will be my healer.

2. How do you transition from the Daniel fast? - Melissa

First congratulations on considering and passively doing the Daniel fast. The comments that we get on a daily basis from people doing this course, it just makes my day. I love reading what God is doing. Seeing God at work is always such a blessing. Now we transition in many ways.

First, take some time and ask what was the best part of the Daniel fast? What Foods did you discover that you liked? What recipes? Did you find that they were totally delicious? And I hope you use some of the recipes in our Daniel fast course. Because we have three new weeks of menus and recipes.

Review your journal of all that God taught you? And then decide what you are going to continue? What recipes are you going to bring into your main menu? What are your main menu plans? What are you going to do? What thoughts have you now put in place that keep your fear and other debilitating thoughts totally away? So you would keep those in the forefront of your mind? What beliefs do you now have that have been transferred to biblical truths, you keep those promises in front of you. Now it is okay to add meats back in, I would add them in a couple of times, like maybe the first week you have it twice a week, then the second week, you'll have it three to four times they have to have in meat dishes in your plan.

3. I've had some success losing weight by being disciplined about what I eat. I had cut out carbs and sugars. However, over the last two years, I have slacked and regained much of the weight. I would like to redo this but I want to do it God's way. - Yip

Okay, let's start with identifying why you changed your eating. What was going on in your life? What was the draw to certain foods? Use the hunger satisfied journal. This is so pivotal to your success. record what you eat and why you ate it. I want you to plan your foods 24 hours in advance. I want you to do this before changing your diet. I want you to discover the why. And the why is key to never going on a diet ever again. Once we learn our thoughts and identify the thoughts that are causing you to go to food instead of something else, that when you're in trouble or by just by habit many times it's just habits that are causing us to trip.

4. What does the biblical food pyramid look like? - Ruby

So in Scripture, there is no food pyramid. Yet, we can use scripture to discover the foods that God brought to us to enjoy to be a blessing. Now it starts with Genesis 1:29, every seed bearing plant and then after the garden, they were made to make their own bread by the sweat of their brow, okay, so no longer when foods are in the garden be free and easy. Now they're going to take work, and if you want to eat, you're going to have to work. So I see a pyramid with the seed bearing plants being pretty much the major food that we consume. And then adding in the freshly milled bread,And from there we see other scriptures that talk about sweets, honey from Honeycomb, honey from date, even a honey can be made of us from a syrup from the grapes or the pomegranates.

Thanks for watching this video and letting me share from my heart. I want to be there for you to help you discover God's recipe for excellent health and more importantly, to feel the confidence of knowing how much he loves you.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much this channel gives me so much knowledge, especially after suffering a heart attack I need to learn how to eat clean. I stopped eating meat, but i’m struggling trying to eat healthy. Please pray for me. I’ve been put down, called horrible names, and mocked by others even my own family just because of my situation. I lost my job over declining the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health conditions (Lupus) and heart failure. I have no family or friends to turn to. Struggling to not be homeless. Every month is a stressful. Im so ashamed my and embarrassed about my situation but it’s real. I’m a single mother struggling to provide for my two autistic sons both non verbal. I’m so overwhelmed. My husband passed away three years ago. I miss him dearly.Please keep me in your prayers. Holding on dearly to my faith. I know Our Heavenly Father will provide for me and my children. Praise Jesus! walking by faith not by sight!


Just about to finish up Treasures of Healthy Living bible study. It has been life changing! I will start it again soon. I never want to forget the lessons I have learned throughout this study. I would highly recommend it to anyone!


Thank you Annette for this video. I am preparing to do a fast so the information was truly useful and very much appreciated. God bless you 🙏


It’s AMAZING how God is sending me a message right now. I have the EXACT same situation and also exactly 2 years ago i messed up my eating. TODAY i have also binged but lately God kept coming to me and today i had a breakdown and i truly felt His warmth and presence. I never watched this channel or similar videos before but i just thought of searching it and look at the situation. Im overwhelmed by God’s love and kindness


Yes, let's follow Jesus, not only in food, but also in keeping his 7th day Sabbath. :)


Most of the foods I eat are plant based. I enjoyed the presentation. Thanks for sharing God bless you ❤


Jesus diet helped me alot. Thank you for your information and God bless you .


Wow. I am having a Bible study day! Thank you so much for answering my question (I saw it in there even though it wasn't one of the questions 😊). God is leading me to a time of diving deeper into Him. I am taking all sorts of aspects of life from different sources (yours is nutrition and health) and Godincidentally enough, they're ALL saying the same thing! READ YOUR BIBLE MORE, GET TO KNOW GODS WORD until you recognise what ISNT God! Thank you Annette for the time and effort behind the scenes for such deep knowledgeable content. I pray for God to bless you as you go about your day/night! 💖


Thank you ma'am, another wonderful section
YHWH continue blessing your household.


Thank you Annette I have issues with sweets 🍭 especially when I get overwhelmed


Your where I am at now. Also, about sabbath day. Been a vegan but I am seeing my husband helath fade with it. So it brings e to you. Ordered your cookbook and got it. Thank you, it makes sense. Peace!


So knowledgable thank you mam! I was just really intrested in what was Jesus view on the food pyramid and this man pushed balance which is truly amazing thank you so much your very informative


Ok start by throwing every sugar recipe you have.
That alone will greatly improve your health, but that huge step is just the


Thank you Annette for this lesson. May GOD bless you mightily❤


You’re videos are amazing! God Bless you, you humble servant for sharing God’s word! Amen sister 🙏🙌


Hello ma, im one of your subscribers and I believe in eating God's way but i recently got very sick with gall bladder stones as a complications of sickle cell anaemia disease, please what do you counsel I eat to help get rid of the stones and live a healthy life through my diet.


Always a blessing to hear Bibical ways of Eating! ❤️


Thnks for sharing it.A good way of eating in Jesus way .Biblically into our way of healthy lifestyle..


Thank you again for such an informative video!! Gods blessings 🙏


I am listening to this while eating Girl Scout cookies. 🤦🏿‍♀️
