What Did Ancient Egyptians Eat?

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Western civilization, descended from the Greeks, has always been fascinated by the powerful and mysterious Egyptian culture and their seemingly strange behaviors. One of the things the Greeks were particularly interested in was the Egyptian diet. In fact, the Greek historian Herodotus spent an inordinate amount of time in his writings on Egypt tracing the exact dietary patterns of the ancient empire.

So what did these people eat? What gave them the strength to build the pyramids, to spread out from the Nile, to forge one of the most influential empires the world has ever seen? The answers might surprise you.

#EgyptianCuisine #AncientEgypt #WeirdHistory
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Came back from school at the right time. I really like the Egyptian history, their culture, their achievements and the mystery that lies deep in time.


Ancient Egyptian "beer" was very different from the modern beverage of the same name. As hops were unknown in that time and place, they were not in the recipe. It was made from lightly baked, crumbled barley bread, and was cloudy, thick and extremely rich in nutrients, more like an alcoholic porridge than anything else. It had to be consumed immediately after brewing, as it spoiled within a day.


fun fact: the first labor strike was in ancient Egypt when the workers stopped getting paid with their bread and beer


Honey, beer, and fish sounds like a good time at the pub lol


This explains a lot... when I drink beer all day, I just end up building legos in the basement too.


“1/4 of what you eat keeps you alive
The other 3/4 keeps your doctor alive”
That was a pretty big brain one


This is the first historic cuisine you’ve shown that actually sounds edible.


This was by far the most normal selection of food for a ancient civilization lol


cumin, coriander and cinnamon are still used in almost every meal of today’s Egyptian cuisine :) .
Also bread is an extremely important part of our culture, bread is actually the only food that is subsidized, making it affordable to everyone in the country.
so interesting to learn about my ancestors


That rosemary fig duck actually sounds amazing


You only made one mistake. Onions were placed in the eyes so the eyelid would keep it's shape during the embalming. Drying the body made the eyes appear more sunken in and to make it easier for the Ka to recognize it's body BA the body had to look undead as much as possible. All other things were absolutely brilliant. And the fish I had no idea. I thought this is going to be a fun summary of my studies but you actually educated me on the fishing habits, as my all things ancient Egyptian obsession it's refreshing to learn something new


Please do a video about weddings through history! Love your channel!!


I wish people would mention that beer in ancient times was not aged for anywhere near as long as modern beer, so the alcohol content is very low. The mild fermentation process though made beer back then safer to drink than water, and allowed for it to be stored long term. In Ancient Egypt, beer was also an important source of calories, as it was basically liquid bread: no wonder the laborers who built the pyramids were paid in it.


Been to Egypt, enjoyed the history, culture, humor and food. Wonderful place to visit! Tasted hummus for the first time there, been enjoying it ever since. Thank you for this history!


Round of honey beer for my fellow laborers! 🥃


First of all, I'd like to thank you for this amazing video that teaches people about our history. Second of all, I'd like to add some little information you might not have known and it could be only known from an Egyptian. Most of what you mentioned here except for wine, beer & pork is by the way still in modern Egypt, the bread for example is to this day made by the ancient recipe and called "Eysh" meaning "bread" and is known all over Egypt as "National bread", there's also the " Pitaw bread" that's also ancient but mostly known in Upper Egypt. To this day, most of the dishes eaten by low & middle classes are basic vegetables cooked in different ways like the Egyptian peas "Ful Medames" and Falafel as well as a variety of fresh vegetables. During Egypt's national holiday, the "Easter", Egyptians of all classes practices the tradition of taking your family & loved ones to enjoy your day by the Nile, eating the salt preserved (decomposed) fish "Renga" that had appeared around 2800 B.C. In conclusion, every single part of this civilization no matter how small is it, can not perish easily.


Could you do a story on the Great Molasses Flood of 1919 In Boston? It was a huge explosion of molasses that covered the town. Untold horses were shot through the night. People died. The hospital walls and floors were covered in sticky molasses. It was years before the smell of molasses left the city.


Why is this channel better than the actual History Channel?


I look forward to these videos so much. I've been binging this channel.


I’d love to learn more about Indian cuisine throughout history. My family is from India and each region has widely varying food! I’d love to learn how that has changed throughout history
