WHY YOU CAN’T FEEL YOUR GLUTES | simple glute activation exercises

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Hey everybody! Today we're discussing why you can't feel your glutes in certain exercises. I'm going to break down some simple glute activation exercises and the best glute activation drills. Let me know if you have any questions about the glutes down below!






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#gluteactivation #deadbutt #sleepyglutes
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Very informative. Quality content.
The single-leg glute bridge and hip thrusts are my go-to exercises for the glutes.


I usually feel bridges/hip thrusts in my quads and RDLs in my hamstrings. It’s getting better though! And my glutes are definitely sore the next day so I’m doing something right 😂


I had a lot of knee pain after playing ultimste frisbee last week. Did the exercises in this as part of my warmup this week and my knees are fine! Thank you Justina!


I just did a full half hour glute workout and it was the single leg stand that caused some actual glute burn. To be fair to myself, I had two huge neurosurgeries on my right upper thigh/glute bc I had crazy nerve damage no one knew about. So atrophy, compensation, and nerve damage are the likely culprits as to why I'm having such a rough time getting my muscles engaged. It's been 8 years since since my last surgery and I only started working out last June, so I'm still figuring this out on my own.


Great explanation! I always feel that learning how it feels to activate the glutes, strengthens that mind muscle contraction and effectiveness of the workout! I also love some body weight deadlifts and single legged ones in the warm up phase.


Justina, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I will do this warm up for myself and my clients.


I literally was getting confused by why I wasn’t feeling it in my glutes for some exercises and I literally asked my chiropractor with lovingly telling me “you’r putting all the work in you quads”…..oh what Justina is telling me not to do in videos 😂


Excellent instructional and informational video. Those purple shoes are epic!


Loved this one!! Any tips on decreasing lower back pain during bridges? My second to last vertebrae in my spine is compressed, so bridges often cause some pain. Especially the single leg bridge.


Yesterday I was looking for information about this because I also have a hard time feeling my glutes


These are great tips! My shins are finally getting better after walking everyday for a month without major pain and I'm adding some abs and arms in. But don't want to neglect my glutes. but last time I tried some things my shins hurt pretty bad after. What moves would you suggest I start off with??


What's best for glutes to off load over active quads


You know what, I have never thought that balance thing (platform on a cilinder) for a few minutes in circus master-class for school kids will make my hamstrings and glutes real sore the next day😳😅


I know this is an old video, but - I used to have issues with feeling my squats were more quad dominant than glute. Now that I've been doing classes with you for a full year - that hasn't been an issue!

What kind of form correction would you make for feeling less quad on most squat variations? More hip hinge?


Great informative video. Justina i have a question. Everytime i do RDL, i seldomly feel it in my hamstrings nor glutes. I usually bring the weights on my hands down way lower pass knees, touch the ankles really. Still cannot feel hamstrings stretch as much. When i lift up i try to think hammie and glutes but still cant feel i gain so much from RDL. I do believe my form is pretty good. Is this ok or what do you think the issue?


Your fave activation exercises are also my faves!! Maybe it’s the Aries connection we have?! LOL just kidding! Never heard the term “glute amnesia” before tho. My interpretation of that is suddenly my glutes forgot their function which…well considering I can still walk and stand and sit, they didn’t forget lol but anyway, I love working my posterior chain (butt, hamstrings, back) the most 💖 makes me feel powerful (I can deadlift more than I can squat), balanced (single leg work from dance experience says hey) and sexy (average person needs to realize that abs are ok but it’s the muscular back where it’s at)


My right glute is noticeably larger than my left... also which glute r you supposed to feel the activation with when doing the single leg stands???


So do we have to activate a glutes are visual time you want to work out of glutes. That's another 5-minute waste of time for for your day to work if you do have to fire up your glutes every time before you actually try to build them what a pain I have been doing that however I've been rubbing up my glutes I think that my left side has definitely the hip a flex energy mention I have a problem with that I have a problem doing the glute Bridges it hurts I fill up my lower back and my legs more than my glutes I just felt my glutes I just know that I have bad hip flexors and I haven't tried to do my stretches every day. I have active life so I'm not sitting all day long and I don't see a whole lot of shelf going on on my butt I do a pretty good amount of exercises to build my glutes. My left glutes I think has got some issues because it feels weaker my right glute feels stronger. I also twerk glute isolation is pretty good in some positions other positions you can barely see my glutes popping isolation time substances at pops and some that does barely moves.


WTF is "glute amnesia"? 🤣 Have honestly never heard this term or "sleepy glutes" used before.


Storytime that absolutely no one cares about! Back in the day, when I was a lot more ignorant (I still am lmao) about fitness related stuff, I used to workout with a routine from a YouTube influencer (🤡) that I enjoyed soooo much! Until one day, I started feeling this awful pain on my left butt (I cannot recall specific names, so I apologize for the non-specific location.) I can’t afford going to physical therapy, so Lord YouTube and Sir Google were out for the rescue. I found out about this whole “dead butt syndrome” thing. I began doing the exercises they suggested to alleviate the pain, and thankfully, it helped much!

(no pun intended) a couple of months later, a still ignorant version of myself found an amazing routine by Blogilates that fit perfectly with my preferences. Sadly, I started feeling (once again) the sharp-pinching right on the same place where I’d felt it before. Once again, Lord YouTube and Sir Google were out for the rescue. I laughed a lot, because I at the time, I had already watched all the videos from the clips that Justina showed at the beginning of this video. 😂

Now, with those bad experiences that I’ve had, I try to be more careful with whose workouts I follow. 😅 (I know, I know. I’d spare the pain by hiring a real coach, right? Well, I agree. Sadly, my almost-to-non-existent paycheck doesn’t. Hence why doctor Google had to come to the rescue… twice, heh. 😅) AND thanks to Justina (and other folks who aren’t around for the BS of the fitness industry), I question more the “information” I come across with. thank you, Justina, for clarifying stuff like this! (As of now, I’m having fun with Sydney Cummings’ channel; and it was thanks to your recommendations!)

Take care, everybody! And hopefully, I won’t have any more dates with doctor Google in the future! 😅
