Guitar Exercises For Speed And Accuracy

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STOP seeing NO results with your guitar playing.. Get this FREE GIFT instead, it shows you how to achieve the MAXIMUM results possible, every time you pick up your guitar!

How do you make the jump from playing slowly on the guitar to playing fast, and back again easily?

In this lesson I show you a couple of great exercises to increase your acceleration and accuracy on the guitar.

Get your copy of the PDF download here:

In no time at all you'll be going from 0 to 60mph, and back again, without even breaking a sweat ;)

The most important thing to remember when playing fast is to relax as much as possible. Playing fast is extremely difficult when your picking arm is tensed up. So, go to your happy picking place and try out these exercises to accelerate your guitar playing!

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Owen Vickers
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It was my fourth year of playing the guitar and I was disappointed of how I was going. So my dad played some videos of how to get better and when we watched this, I had to do this for almost 2 hours. Thankfully now I am a good guitarist because of these exercises


To those who struggle and find it boring to hit dumb 4 notes in loop for hours:
1. Your muscels need time to develop
2. your brain needs time to establish and optimize links that will allow you to stay precise and in sync
3. right hand has to learn to play i sync with left hand. And precise picking is as much important as hitting fretboard. Takes a lot of time too.
4. It helps you to learn to stay focused and in line when you want to get loose and start "improvising"

While these exercises are booooring they do alot on background. Keep it simple.


Getting tense seems to be my problem, after getting tense I get frustrated. This video is helping me a lot. Thanks Owen.


Probably the best lesson on the internet on how to improve speed which is important to me as a 73 y.o. newbie struggling guitar student.


I found it weird practicing "1, 2, 3, 4" so I tried it with a major scale and it felt alot better and I find myself playing through the scale faster, I never practiced with a metronone when I was first learning so I can play semi fast but completely out of rhythm. This video helped alot!


Great Owen, I love the way you can make me understand things easier


My problem is that after I make a bad note, I stop and rage for 10 seconds.
I have to learn to continue, but I think this exercise is really great for a beginner.
Thanks, man!


Thanks Owen - helps a lot - breaks it all down - good practice tips.


Thanks for the exercises. I know this video is 5 years old but learning new things as a beginner never gets old.


I know this video is old, but it really helped me out. Much thanks, even though it's unlikely you'll ever see this.


finally getting my groove better. going to practice the finger exercises n rythm great!


I’ve been playing 15 ish years and have definitely skill blocked myself from not doing these things. For new guitarists, definitely practice the fundamentals! And keep rocking 🤘🏼


My cousin teached me this exercise three years ago when I was learning to play the bass. It did wonders in my beginner hands. I'm struggling to play faster riffs on the guitar even after a year or so, I had forgotten how useful playing notes with a metronome like this is. Thank you man!


Great lesson Owen. I use it in different variations and speeds with the metronome on to get the rhythms clean.


Great exercises! Just practiced! Will shoot to practice this daily. Speed is one of my biggest issues right now with my playing.


awsome lesson owen your lessons r great


I will try this. I've been playing for a couple of year's but I seem stuck at one speed. If I try to speed up my fingers just seem to have a mind of their own and I mess it up. My pinky just don't want to do what I want it too. There are days when I just want to throw the guitar out the window and give up. I practice nearly everyday for a couple of hours each time. So will practice this and see how I go. My little finger tends to turn inwards I've tried many exercises for my fingers but had no luck. I don't want to stop playing as it's something that helps with being on my own most the time. Thanks for sharing.


Willie Well done Owen you make a small exersize sound great


Been trying to learn how to start soloing as I progress throughout my guitar journey. Thank you for the tips.


Another great improving guitar picking lesson Owen
