You Actually Can Die From A Broken Heart!

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When a long-term relationships end, we describe ourselves as being heartbroken. But can you actually die from a broken heart? Laci and Anthony are here to discuss the interesting physical and mental strains that a breakup can have on you.

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You Can Actually Die From A Broken Heart, Study Finds
"It only takes a couple spins of a country music record or a quick stroll down Beale Street to learn that lost or unrequited love can make a heart ache."

Increased Risk of Acute Cardiovascular Events After Partner Bereavement
"The period immediately after bereavement has been reported as a time of increased risk of cardiovascular events. However, this risk has not been well quantified, and few large population studies have examined partner bereavement."

New Research Proves You Can Die Of A Broken Heart
"Experts studying the impact of bereavement on people's health have found that the chances of a heart or stroke attack doubles after a partner's death."

Reward, Addiction, and Emotion Regulation Systems Associated With Rejection in Love
"Our overall hypothesis is that early-stage romantic love is a developed form of mammalian drive to pursue preferred mates."

Cut Loose
"(Mostly) Older Women Talk About The End Of (Mostly) Long-Term Relationships."

How Breakups Work
"To the brain, getting dumped is the pain equivalent of getting burned by a hot cup of coffee."

Regional Brain Activity In Women Grieving A Romantic Relationship Breakup
"Separation from loved ones commonly leads to grief reactions. In some individuals, grief can evolve into a major depressive episode."

Study Suggests You Can Die of a Broken Heart
"As Valentine's Day approaches, scientists have confirmed the lament of countless love sonnets and romance novels: People really can die of a broken heart, and the researchers now think they know why."

Neurohumoral Features of Myocardial Stunning Due to Sudden Emotional Stress
he potentially lethal consequences of emotional stress are deeply rooted in folk wisdom, as reflected by phrases such as "scared to death" and "a broken heart."

The Cruelest Study: Why Breakups Hurt
"Say you're a college student who was recently dumped by the person you thought was the One. You're moping around campus in your I've-given-up sweatpants and eating crappy comfort food when you come across a flyer seeking people who are still pining for their exes."

Is Broken Heart Syndrome Real?
"When you think of a broken heart, you may picture a cartoon drawing with a jagged line through it. But a real-life broken heart can actually lead to cardiac consequences. There are established ties between depression, mental health and heart disease. Read on for more information about how an extremely stressful event can have an impact on your heart."

Watch More:
Use Science to Stay Together
TestTube Wild Card
Your Brain in Love


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Wow, I can't believe I'm still alive. But remind me never to fall in love again.


My gf broke up with me at a public airport then went with my friend right after who proceeded to make fun of me and the fact I was no longer with her. I was hospitalized due to Broken Heart Syndrome (almost had a heart attack) and I'm pretty much dead. 1 year and counting, the symptoms DO NOT last a couple of months if you truly made yourself vulnerable and if you loved that person with all your heart. Having your trust betrayed by the person you should feel safe with is excruciating.


"these symptoms last just a couple months" ...Try 3 years and counting. :(


When my dog died the pain of loosing her actually made my heart physically ache for like a month straight, so I'm not surprised by these findings.


Totally adds a new level to the phrase "Your love is my drug."


Have people only just realised this? Why do you think people end up committing suicide after a break up? Because when you love someone who doesn't love you back it's the worst pain any human can digest. It's the same with friendships, when a close friendship breaks down, it breaks you. I still miss my friend after 2 years, and attempted suicide three times, I can't stand it anymore..


Dear Laci,
I would like to take a moment and say thank you for existing. You are one of the reasons I still have hope for humanity. 


These 2 people seem to be awfully cheerful on such a gloomy topic


Oh, goodness YES! When I realized my marriage was over due to MANY factors, and I called out for a divorce, I cried so hard for three months for a few hours a day. I never felt such heart broken pain in myself. Yes, I loved my husband very, very much, but he was not able to express it back to me. He was incapable of expressing love cause of his mental issues. I gave him all that I could of a stable relationship, but no matter what I did, he pushed me away. Realizing he didn't love me after the second year of marriage was the real wake up call when I looked back from ti all. It still hurts me, but it could be worse.


Time is the death and the healing
- Wintersun


I wonder whats more painful, breaking up with someone who you loved so much or feeling the pain of believing that you will never find love and you will always be alone.
I fall under the latter category, my "love life" only consists of rejections never once getting a break. The saying "Ti's better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"  Really gets a literal meaning by my book. 


There was this one girl who I really liked so much, but then when she said she didn't want to pursue anything more, I took it pretty badly.

A couple of days after her rejection, I just sat in the lounge of one of the buildings on campus silently staring up at the ceiling for at least half an hour, feeling so much emotional pain that it felt physical. It took me four months to finally be okay with the idea that I would not be with her ever.


This explains so much! I had a big break up in 2011, then found out my mom had cancer just a month later. 2012 was the worst rollercoaster ride for me, then 2013 my mother dided, I moved and then started to feel like something was terribly off in my body. I was feeling like I was gonna have a heart attack if I wasn't careful. Skip to months later, I'm feeling better, like that particular pain isn't as prominent and I feel like being productive again!


thats why my dad got in the hospital for heart trouble after my mum broke up with him.


When I read the title my reaction was "No shit sherlock". Same reaction after watching the video. This is a regular thing with DNews.


I love the chemistry between you two it makes the show that much better


i almost lost my mom due to cancer, docs were saying she had days left to live sent her home for hospice and everything! that was the most terrifying experience of my life, i was so sick with depression and sadness, i thought to myself every second that i wish it was me instead. most nights i would stay up and scream and cry, i mean literally scream at the top of my lungs! all i did was pray to god to keep her alive for a while longer. so i found the strength to force her to stay alive, i force fed her, i made her get up and walk, i bathed her, just all around took care of her. i REFUSED to let her go. once again i PRAYED to GOD to help me help her. she slowly got her strength back and started eating, walking, and going to the bathroom on her own. this was all less than a year ago.... and im extremely happy to say that mom is still alive and doing well! she was there when i got married, and i want her to be there when i have her first grandchild! docs said the cancer disappeared! just POOF it was gone! up until recently they found another little spot on her liver but theyre going to remove it this month, doc said they caught it so early that it'll be a piece of cake to get rid of, just a simple little procedure. id like any atheist explaining that one to me! GOD is real people, and he listens to our prayers! believe me, i felt him with me when i was caring for my sick and dying mother.


Huh... An upside to never having a girlfriend...


I was only in one relationship. When he dumped me I was a mess. I didn't stop crying. I kept getting sick. I was just a big sobbing mopping mess who was convinced I'd die alone. I kept getting reminders of him everywhere. I'm still not fully over him.


I'm actually going through this right now (not for any bad reasons, but more of an unfair set of circumstances that we're both still devastated about), so I was pretty shocked to see this video in my subscriptions. I have heard of this happening, and it really does feel like experiencing the death of a loved one, so intense. It was still nice to see this though, kind of makes it seem that Dnews has been psychic for me lately. 
