Can You Actually Die From a Panic Attack? How Danger Symptoms Fool You

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Do you know the danger symptoms of a panic attack? Many people don't. In this video, I talk about how danger symptoms can fool you into thinking you're having a heart attack or some other life-threatening emergency. If you or someone you know suffers from panic attacks, watch this video for a breakdown of the symptoms.

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
Рекомендации по теме

When you finally accept that what you feel is only because of anxiety, for me, it reduces a lot of the symptoms i had


Been there. Very scary. After two trips to the ER and no diagnosis, I diagnosed myself. Eliminated caffeine and resumed a meditation practice. It helps.


It's horrible, i often get them and it's terrifying. People underestimate it unless they go through it. More media need to show what it's like. It's not nice when people just tell you to calm down, if anything it makes it worse. Thanks for your videos


Dr. Marks, I appreciate that you answered the question straight away and didn't drag it out. Thanks! That's so important for anxiety sufferers and those who struggle to focus on longer videos. I am still watching though ;)


This year alone I went to ER twice and to a clinic twice because of anxiety leading to panic attacks. One doctor have sit me in and talked to me about life, what is happening to me and assured me that I am okay and I should live my life. Though I still feel the anxiety occasionally, I've learn to deal with it (In most cases). When things gets worst, I go to youtube and watch videos like this to help me align myself again. I hope one day all of us will be free from this chain. Goodluck everyone! I know you can do this ❤️


Something like this happened to me. It lasted a few days and I actually felt it physically. It was some of the worst prolonged existential dread I've ever experienced. Caffeine might have definitely had something to do with it.


as a person who also suffers from panic attacks and health anxiety this statement is true 6:20


As someone who suffers from severe panic disorder, the last thing I want to see is the video thumbnail that says ‘panic attacks fatal’… images like that can get in mind be a trigger… but I do appreciate the information you’re providing to help people like me.


I had a panic attack 2 hours ago then this popped up on my suggested. I always feel like I’m going to die but I know I won’t. Well. Fear has been answered


My history of pannic attacks and how to get through them actually saved me from choking. A noodle was knotted around my ugula and into my wind pipe. I had to calm myself through the gagging and find long tweezers to remove it.
I think knowing you've survived all the symptoms can build confidence that it will be OK.
Love you all xox


My dad had a panic attack (1 of over 1000 over his 74+ year lifetime). He fell, hit his head, started bleeding, went to hospital via ems and died of a heart attack.


Anyone else have to wait for a non-anxiety day to watch this one, so you don't set off a panic attack ? 😂


This amazing woman has saved my life and helped me improve my mental health. I’m so grateful for her videos.


Thank you ma’am you help me feel comfortable I’m from philippines and I have anxiety and panic attack


Can panic attacks make it feel like you're having a heart attack too? Like a numbing sensation in your arm and your heart hurting really badly? I had a panic attack some weeks ago and it took me almost a whole week for my chest to stop hurting...


I’m not scared of dying during a panic attack at all. It’s the opposite I’m scared of. I have panic attacks daily ever since I got a debilitating chronic illness years ago so the awareness of it never stopping is what’s terrifying. It doesn’t stop. No medication, no technique has made it stop. It’s a constant severe panic attack for years.


I just want to say thank you for saving my life. I tried to email you I tried to message on instagram and TikTok so this is my last attempt to reach out but thank you so much! I was diagnosed with BPD and adhd. I went to dbt and still struggled 3 years later to today I’ve been on bipolar medication for 1 year and noticed a huge difference in both my bipolar and my bpd. If it wasn’t for you posting videos about both separately and together I would not be alive today. Thank you so much for not giving up on us and giving us so much education. I show your videos to my councillor and my psychiatrist when I feel they don’t hear what I’m saying. And they finally heard my cry for help.

I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder with BPD adhd and autism spectrum disorder. My bipolar was very much the “atypical” type that my psychiatrist didn’t even recognize till I showed him that video. So again thank you and I hope you get to see this because you are literally saving lives in other countries.

From a fellow Canadian! I owe my life to you in helping me get to where I am today and not 6 feet below. ❤


I had a panic attack so bad I can still remember it about ten years or so later.
Felt like I was having a heart attack and I had to literally sit at a bus stop like an older person until it passed. Scary asf, feeling like you're about to die.


I had a panic attack last night and I’m still trying to get over it this morning so this upload is very timely. Thanks Dr Marks, your delivery and insights are very soothing right now


Thank you for the explanation. I have had a few panic attacks and did think I was dying and did go to emergency.
