Top 10 Strangest Mental Disorders

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Top 10 ‘Craziest’ Mental Disorders — TopTenzNet

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Throughout history, mental disorders have been regarded with fear, bias, and ignorance. Though medicine has drastically improved for the mentally ill in the last century, mainstream society still has a relatively uninformed and biased view against individuals with mental disorders. This is particularly harmful because every year up to ¼ of Americans fit the criteria for being mentally ill.

Coming up:

10. Type One Bipolar Disorder
9. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
8. Factitious Disorder
7. Schizoaffective Disorder
6. Depersonalization Disorder
5. Trichotillomania
4. Specific Phobia
3. Antisocial Personality Disorder
2. Dissociative Identity Disorder
1. Schizophrenia

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I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with OCD. Spent my whole life fighting OCD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 7 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


Anxiety and depression can also cause short periods of depersonalization.


Most of what you said about DID is completely inaccurate. The average number of identities for someone with DID is 10 and many people with DID know they have it.


Complain about mental illness stigma, make video about “craziest” mental


You can be aware of DID! And you can let a normal life without being institutionalized. The did symptoms in this video are very severe and don't apply to all of those with the disorder


Strangest would have been a better term than 'craziest.' Though I'm not really sure what dictates 'craziest' as you named some that are more common than others.


I have been battling with agoraphobia (fear of social places and events) for quite some time. Psychotherapy, and subsequent exposure therapy exercises/homework, have helped a lot. There was 2 years I couldn't even leave the house to go grocery shopping. I'm slowly overcoming this, though some events still can be paralyzing with fear and hyperventilating.
I also have Borderline personality disorder that I consciously work on with the help of CBT and DBT.


You misunderstood DID and completely undermined yourself when you said it was misunderstood, because you literally know nothing.
Every system I know who has been diagnosed has more then 2 or 3 alters. The idea of it being only 2 or 3 is actually a stereotype we fight against - the helpless host and the violent protector and the child. As it reduces it to nothing more than comparing us to Jekyll and Hyde.
Co-consciousness is a goal of therapy in which alters are aware of each other and the outside world and blackouts are severely reduced. I knew I had at least 1 since I was 11 (though I didn't know what it was) and alters that lay dormant knew about other alters long before I did. The idea of full loss of awareness and blindness to each other is, again, a harmful stereotype I personally try to fight against.
I am in university and living a life that is very normal, well normal to me, since I've had DID since an early age. Yes, I lose time but do you know what happened last night? I lost time for about 4 hours, came back and a piece of university work I had been stuck on was done for me by an alter. Or do you think we all live our life in straight jackets and mental institutions. The reason people with my disorder are in those places sometimes isn't due to the identity disturbances themselves, but rather the trauma that these identities hold and how it effects them.
Actually when you compare DID to ginger hair, DID is more common. recent studies say anywhere between 1-3% of the population has it.
Ok, sit down cause I have never been in hypnotherapy. I am in psychotherapy. But before that I was at university and had achieved high results at A-Level. I made it to 19 without help and I received help very early. Yes I am better with therapy, but so would be a person with anxiety or depression. We CAN live normal lives without therapy but our quality of life improves with it. You are literally saying we are helpless, and that all of us are unable to live with a disorder that was specifically created as a coping mechanism to keep us alive during trauma at a young age. This offended the most. And integration is not the end goal of therapy. Co consciousness is - awareness and communication between the parts.
And do you know how hard it is to get diagnosed, let alone get help. To say we can't live without help is literally the biggest pile of shit, I've ever heard.
I am 21, and have never been 'cared for' by my friends, or family more than a regular child, and have been living away from home for 3 years and I have never been institutionalised in my life.
Fuck, this bit made so angry I started shaking.
Funny how I was aware of my alters, and had over 20 when I was diagnosed with DID by one of the leading dissociative specialists in the UK, and my experiences go directly against what you said.
It's ALMOST like everything you said was bullshit and you should have done more research then webMD.
This is one of the most insulting pieces on my disorder I have ever seen and it lasted barely a minute.


there are many people that have DID and function well in society, sometimes the switches in personality aren't even noticed by other people. Lots are aware they have the disorder without being diagnosed, and can in some cases be controlled without any medical intervention.


Surprising that there are not more people effected because most children have had traumatic experiences in childhood.


trichotillomania is actually hell. it seems ridiculous but it controlled my life for at least 2 years.


I have Dissociative Identity Disorder and am able to take care of myself. Despite having 13 alternate identities, I am very functional. I don't have to rely on anyone to take care of me. Being functional is not uncommon for people like me. There are many you tube channels run by people with DID. I have seen people like me who have children, spouses and jobs. Most of the information in this video on DID is inaccurate.


Thank you for this. The most dangerous are those with anti-social personality disorders such as psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissistic, --qualities actually shown are "desired" traits in high-level leaders. I have no doubt that is true -- all you have to do is look at our "leaders."


OCD can be so much worse than people realise. i have been diagnosed with epilepsy, psychosis, borderline personality, depression and anxiety. my boyfriend has OCD and anxiety. Comparing both of our experiences, i would rather go through what i have than deal with OCD like his. He sometimes gets obsessed with rubbing his skin with the towel after a shower, once i found him in the bathroom having removed many patches of skin from his own body from rubbing so much, it looked like a 3rd degree burn. for a few weeks after that i had to dry him myself so he didn't have to resist the impulse, while all the burns healed.


I have the fun of having both Depersonalization disorder and Dissociative disorder, though it is slightly different I think in that I am very aware of these other selves. It is a very bizarre and once horrific combination. Luckily, after over 17 years, I am on a set of meds that work amazingly well so now my depersonalization episodes are few and far between. So that is treatable, just difficult to. My other selves have actually become more considerate and I feel like I've made peace with them. Except for one. I can speak with them and though they do take over my body now and then, I find I can tell when they want to come out. I actually wouldn't want my identities to merge, though when I was younger I did. I can see why people would call this "crazy" but that's how it is in my head. When they do come out, I have no memory of what any of them say or do and it is an experience that really cannot be explained.
The human brain is so damn weird and the things that can go wrong and what can happen to a person's own consciousness is both fascinating and terrifying.


Anyone else just finding this video and seeing beardless Simon for the first time? Wild!


D.I.D - I can live normally without therapy and we are not merged. Many don't seek medical intervention. I have 3+ personalities. It is true that many people suffer and struggle with this disorder, however there are many whose personalities work together. Only the people I've told actually know I have this. My altars are real. They are all real people just living inside of me. We just share one body. We all work together we have a protector and my kid has a protector as well. I know not everyone can have those cooperate, but many do and mine work beautifully together.. for the most part


Well said, "...fear, bias and ignorance" continue to be common responses to mental illness. Thanks for providing a clear and concise run down a select group of mental disorders.

Dr. G


I have to say. You just really pissed me off by saying that persons with D.I.D. need to be institutionalized or cared for. I've only been aware of mine for about 7 years and I live alone. Yes its scary as hell sometimes, but get your facts straight friend. We are not incapable of taking care of ourselves. We can even take care of others. You just made us sound like the movies do. It's not like that. I live with 3 of those on your list. I've had a lot of therapy and taken many medications to get where I am now. I feel insulted.


I have DP Disorder. It is the worst feeling in the world, take advantage being normal. You're lucky. Very lucky.
