The legions of house atreides #shorts #dune

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They literally were wearing pajamas cutting down Harkonnens from the front and had to get stabbed in the back by Sarduukar, in a straight up fight I’d expect them to be dead even with Sarduukar


They were betrayed, outnumbered, and taken by surprise…


He had a small force that rivaled the Sardukaur, not the whole army. A small force is not enough. Given enough time, he would have, which is why the Emperor moved on them beforehand.


To be fair to them they were ambushed unarmored and they still managed to take out more then a good amount of enemy’s


Imagine if the house Atreides legion are prepared during that battle, they would have trade blows with the Saudakars fairly.


Atreides were not only ambushed but also betrayed costing them the shield and power. You would think that having so many warships they would have left a few I'm orbit to guard the planet from incoming ships.

But for the plot to continue we needed a crushing defeat and this was it


Even the greatest gunslinger can easily be killed with a bullet in the back.


The reason why the emperor sent them to Arakis is because he knew, beating house Artreidis in their home planet would be an impossible task. So they lured them away into arakis to kill them


Yeah, when you're ambushed by TWO different houses armies in the middle of the night after a saboteur disengages your probably wont win


The key to this is essentially that Thufir Hawat, the Atreides Mentat, was reasoning from incomplete information. Specifically, while he and the Duke knew that the Emperor was sending them to Arrakis as a trap, he had no idea that the Emperor was desperate enough to show his hand by illegally committing Sardaukar to the Harkonnen vendetta; and he had no idea that it was possible to subvert Imperial Conditioning


In the novel and movies pre sure it’s stated that the only way the Harkonnen and Sardurkaur were able to defeat the Atreides was because they had no time to equip armour or shields, were caught by surprise and were massively outnumbered.


Well, to be fair, Atreides forces were very heavily outnumbered, taken by surprise, and a traitor lowered the shields to let the intruders storm in without warning


In the novel we are told that a "small group" of troops, possibly the direct ducal guard, although this is never expanded, was able to be trained to a level that could rival and even surpass the Sardaukar. This is the whole point of Dune. The Atreides were able to decipher the training regimen of the imperial troops (and where their famed toughness and roughness came from). Moreover, they were able to see behind the facade under which the Fremen lived - recognizing not only their true numbers, but their ferocious nature, which rivaled, if not surpassed that of the Sardaukar. This pool of possible troops along with the Atreides military training regimen allowed the Fremen to defeat the Sardaukar at the battle of Arrakis.


House Atreides military didn't rival the emperors troops. One specific legion within Atreides was thought to be on the same level. This was a large part of the reason House Atreides was given Arrakis, and the Sardaukar were provided to assist in the assault. To eliminate House Atreides before their military might grew to become a bigger threat.

The Emperor ruled through military might, and a significant part of that involved political manuevers to keep any rivals from growing to be a military threat. Things like pitting the Harkonnen and Atreides military against each other, to weaken both.


They were ambushed, vastly outnumbered, surrounded on all sides, and fighting in their pajamas. No doubt if they were prepared they would have prevailed.


The atredies soldiers aren't even ready for battle. They fought in dress uniforms while the sardaukar was in full battle gear


this was the reason the emperor instigated the arrakis crisis in the first place. Leto was well liked by many houses, most proclaiming friendship between their houses. If Leto had an army to match the sadaukar the landsraad might have become rowdy, pushing the entire empire into a civil war. Oh and the atreides pretty much knew what was happening on salusa secundus. If they disclosed that information, even more houses would have supported them.


That's alright, his son's Freemen will slaughter worlds afterwards to compensate.


I was soooo worried about Jason Mamoa being able to honor the beloved character Duncan Idaho I not only was pleasantly surprised but LOVED how he met his end! He took out 11 Sadukar I believe…..perfect.


That’s like saying someone sucks at fighting after they got taken out with a sucker punch while they had their back turned. The legions of house Atreides were taken unawares and a straight forward fight never happened
