Why I Left Lordship Salvation (Part Two) | Theocast

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I fell into the "Lordship" gospel and it really messed me up for a long time. What finally led me back to the "grace" gospel was reading the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, where Jesus said "As the serpent in the wilderness was lifted up, so shall the Son Of Man be lifted up". This lead me to study the story of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21, and I had an epiphany. The people were bitten by snakes as punishment for their misdeeds, but to be forgiven and live, they only had to _GAZE_ at a bronze sculpture! That was purely an act of faith which had _nothing_ to do with behavior or agreeing to live a certain life. Then I studied the Passover story and noticed a similar pattern. In order to be spared, they were only asked to do a ritual purely based in faith - paint their doorposts in sheep's blood. The symbolism and underlying meaning between these two stories was obvious. Long before Jesus was even born, God already had a history of letting people off the hook through simple acts of faith!


About 3 years ago, I found myself not being able to listen to the John Mac’s, Pipers, Washers, et. Al. And I couldn’t figure out why. All I knew is that I had a real phobia of their preaching styles. I always loved these guys, but I started to feel burnt out! These videos have opened my eyes! Thank you!


This video truly blessed me. I have been pondering on those that teach this for a while now. Wasn’t sure why until this video. My eyes are truly opened ! Can’t believe I was caught up in this for the past year now. God bless you for sharing this!


Happy to hear you came out of Lordship salvation!


So grateful for this Podcast and clear teaching, helping me to renew my mind correctly in the Word after having been under lordship salvation teaching my whole life. Praise God for his great salvation and good news to us that all has been accomplished in Jesus Christ Alone and that we can rest in that!


This is the gospel I first received and this is totally in line with what I have been taught back then and what I believe, to the dot. Later on some youtubers and acquaintances and some friends started to confuse me, but I always stick to the gospel I first heard. Many people do not understand that their "gospel" is performance based and a lot of online preachers preach a poisoned message that is not Paul s Gospel of grace! I am always amazed at how great our God is, how abundant His grace is, how good He is to us! Haleluja!


This was very helpful, thank you for trusting Jesus to do his great works in you.


This is good, I imitate Ray Comfort a lot, but now I will re-adjust my Gospel presentation to unbelievers


First, I've been quite a long time listener to the podcast you have!

I'm finding myself struggling, because it almost seems like there are two types of Lordship Salvation. One is the works-based version that is being discussed here, and I 100% agree that is not Biblical! However, there is also the type of Lordship Salvation that people like the reformers, as well as people like Sproul, Lawson, Horton, and many others seem to promote. IN their case, it is about recognizing that the Holiness (unique set-apartness and absolute perfection of God along with His demand that He is LORD over everything and everyone and there is no other true lord, the first commandment tells us that we are to place no gods before Him as He is the one true God and there is no other, Romans 10:9 tells us that we will be saved if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, and if you look at the 2 Peter 1:9 verse that you mentioned in part 1 in context with its surrounding verses, it actually talks about the fact that we should be thinking of our actions as verse 10 states "Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities [see v. 7] you will never fall", and Mark 1:15 also says that we are not just to believe but to repent and believe and that the Kingdom is at hand "and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the [kingdom of God is at hand]; [repent and believe] in [the gospel].". If also, Calvin, Luther, and the other reformers(yes, I am thoroughly reformed) all teach that the Sovereignty of God is at the very heart of reformed theology, in fact R. C. Sproul stated that the Sovereignty of God is what holds the whole Gospel together and is at the very center of every doctrine (including each of the Doctrines of Grace) that make up reformed theology, and if Sovereignty, Kingdom, and Lord/Lordship all mean essentially the same thing "Lord" then why would Lordship Salvation be wrong in its more basic sense.

It seems to me there are two types:

1) What you are describing, you have to do this and that and the other to believe and remain saved. That is truly heretical and is truly works based and makes it a work we do before, during, and after salvation and is tied to the Law and is definitely not good news.

2)The other taught by Christ, the Apostles (including Paul), the reformers, and most of the truly reformed scholars I know today, seems to be the idea that although Lordship is part of Salvation, it is a work done through us by the Holy Spirit as a way to glorify God not us as it is done by the LORD Himself working through His Elect. Given that John 3:3 tells us that we can't even believe unless the Holy Spirit regenerates us first and gives us the amazing additional gift of faith to believe (Ephesians 2:8-9), and given that before we are even told in Romans 10:9 and Mark 1:15 to believe we are first told to confess Christ's Lordship (Romans 10:9) and repent (Mark 1:15), and given that we know the Holy Spirit is never deceptive and that we can only let our lips say that Christ is LORD and make true repentance to God with the Holy Spirit's help (we cannot do this before salvation, but only at the moment that the Spirit is given to us) it would seem that this type of Lordship Salvation is exactly what the whole Bible, the reformers, and current genuinely reformed theologians seem to proclaim.

So 1 above seems to suggest that to get saved and stay saved you must do things (works based) and through your own power.

While in contrast, 2 above says that you are still acknowledging the Lordship of God and understanding of what it means for God to be Thrice Holy as part of your Salvation, but you are doing this through the guidance, leading, prompting, power, and convicting of the Holy Spirit and through His Will not your own so as to glorify God as you are confessing His Sovereignty over your life completely. So in this form, wouldn't Lordship Salvation be correct as it would seem to honor the LORD of LORDS who came to this earth to die for His chosen and it would honestly just be glorifying Him. Also, it wouldn't be doing things to try to Get or remain saved... but rather as our love and gratitude toward our LORD and Savior.

So if the first alone is lordship salvation, then I want nothing to do with it as it is truly heretical!

But if the second is Lordship Salvation then I will gladly proclaim it as the truth of Salvation until the day I enter glory and for all of eternity thereafter! For I was saved to serve my LORD and revere Him like Isaiah when he fell to his face in reverent fear when the glory of the Thrice Holy God entered the temple! That is the God I know, love, and serve and because of His unbelievable grace which He gave me even though I fail every commandment every day of my life, I will proclaim Him, as He has called and empowered me to do through His wonderful Holy Spirit, the ONE and ONLY TRUE Holy and Sovereign LORD!


Wow, I'm benefitting so much from these videos! Thanks for taking the effort to clarify!


I'm so loving this. Lordship theology messed me up so bad.


My experience of over 40 years. It’s all about how hard you try. You can’t achieve your own righteousness through works, but you are a lousy Christian if you don’t try hard enough. I love the revelation that sanctification is a gift, something that God is working in you and not something I am trying to do through my works. Trying hard has always led me to failure.


Where has this message been my whole life? 😮


Love is the key. The more you read the Bible, the more you fall in love with God. Jesus lived and died for us, He wants the same love from us ... that's what Revelation teaches. The prayer Jesus taught us "Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven..." We were created to bring HIm honor, glory and power, this will bring us great joy for He truly is worthy. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, praise God<3


Yes, this was very helpful! I am eternally grateful for God's mercy and grace. I lived the majority of my life worrying about losing my salvation and if I was pleasing God with my life. Even though I was first exposed to the reformed doctrine in my teens, it wasn't until just a few years ago, as an adult, that I saw the true beauty of God's redemptive plan of salvation without "works" mixed in.
While I understand that you can be saved and not reformed, it's very concerning to see how easily works-based teaching can grow from causing basic confusion on the state of your salvation to things like spiritual disciplines that directly teach a works-based/self-driven sanctification. When Christ is no longer the author and finisher of our faith; and we have some responsibility in our salvation, there's no end to the number of false teachings that can creep in.


This is beautiful and both your videos helped me a tonne!!


This was so helpful and clearly articulated. Thank you!


Enjoyed both videos... I also commented below...


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, (which God prepared beforehand) that we should walk in them.
Even our good works are not our own. He has prepared them for us, His elect. I know alot of people struggle with that, but His Word is True.


Thank you brother for sharing this, ive forgotten that it is the good NEWS, already been done. Its not my works 🙏🏼😌
