9 Worst Supplements (Stop Wasting Money!)

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These are the 9 worst supplements that you don't want to waste your money on. Most bodybuilding and weight loss supplements don’t work for muscle growth and don't work for permanent fat loss. Some supplements like malatonin actually do work while others like mass weight gainers and multivitamins don't believe it or not..

#1 Synthetic Multi Vitamins 0:18
#2 Hoodia Gordonii 1:04
#3 Beef Protein Powder 1:39
#4 HMB 2:22
#5 Testosterone Boosters 3:01
#6 Garcinia Cambogia 3:37
#7 Weight Gainers 4:00
#8 Liquid Ketones 4:49
#9 Melatonin 5:13

Trying to burn fat? Want to build more muscle? Looking for a supplement that can help you? Here are 9 of the worst supplements for fitness goals.

1. Synthetic Multi-Vitamins

Let’s kick off the list with a supplement I can guarantee most of you have sitting on your shelf: a multi-vitamin. While getting your daily dose of vitamins and minerals is a good thing, synthetic multi-vitamins can be problematic.

Your body can’t effectively absorb synthetically-created vitamins and minerals, and that is why you’ll find up to 1,000% of your daily recommended allowance for a nutrient in just one serving. This poses the risk for over-dosing.

What’s more, many of these nutrients compete with one another. For example, taking calcium with zinc interferes with the absorption of zinc.

Finally, studies are conflicting at best on whether a multi-vitamin can truly help or not. Save your money and get your daily vitamins and minerals from whole foods.

2. Hoodia

Hoodia gordonii is a plant that is native to parts of South Africa, and it made waves over a decade ago as a weight loss supplement. The problem is that it was released with reported weight loss benefits and no real studies.

Once studies began, the results were embarrassing at best. One study found that the group supplementing with Hoodi – over 200 people – experienced a variety of side effects. The most common were nausea and vomiting. The placebo group had no problems at all.

Despite these results, you’ll still find Hoodia being widely sold and incorporated into weight loss supplements. Steer clear of this one.

3. Beef Protein Powder

Let me get one thing clear: the protein you get from eating real beef is great. It’s bioavailable, supports muscle building, and helps with weight management. With that said, beef protein powder supplements are not made from real meat.

Beef protein powder is the result of taking cow leftovers such as bones and tendons, boiling them, then drying the results into a flavored powder form. It’s a way to make a cheap product and sell it at a higher price tag than the more popular whey protein.

Beef protein powder has a terrible rate of bioavailability. The creatine levels found in natural beef are nonexistent in this supplement. Just because you see “beef protein” on a label doesn’t mean a thing. Stick with whey protein for weight loss and muscle building.

4. HMB

Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate is a leucine metabolite that is often touted as an excellent way to support muscle mass. Unfortunately, the research doesn’t exactly agree.

One research review examined the results of several studies on HMB and guess what…Not much could be said. In fact, one of the researchers commented that stricter controls were needed on HMB studies to determine whether or not it could enhance fitness results.

While HMB might be able to prevent a degree of muscle breakdown, it’s often marketed as an anabolic supplement that increases mass. However, no reputable human-based study has presented concrete evidence of it as an effective muscle mass builder.

5. Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone is the holy grail for guys. It promotes muscle building, fat loss, and a positive mood. Unfortunately, most of the testosterone boosters you find online and your local supplement stores are useless.

There are two problems with t-boosters: First, many blends contain ingredients with no scientific evidence to back up the claims of their test-enhancing ability.

Second, when a testosterone booster does contain an effective ingredient, it’s under-dosed to the point of being ineffective. If you want to improve your t-levels, focus on diet and exercise, not a supplement.

6. Garcinia Cambogia

This weight loss supplement became a superstar thanks to Dr. Oz, when he deemed it a miracle in a bottle. Not only was this not the case but Dr. Oz also landed in hot water with Congress for making unproven claims in order to sell supplements.

Human trials show that there was no difference between the group taking garcinia cambogia and the control group. Want to lose weight? Look elsewhere.
Рекомендации по теме

Just to update this video, hmb may have uses to prevent muscle breakdown if you work out in a fasted state. There are numerous studies in favor of hmb and others that are not in favor of it. If you work out fasted you may want to give it a shot. If you train fed it's probably not worth your money.


The List:

1) Synthetic Multi Vitamins 0:18
2) Hoodia Gordonii 1:04
3) Beef Protein Powder 1:39
4) HMB 2:22
5) Testosterone Boosters 3:01
6) Garcinia Cambogia 3:37
7) Weight Gainers 4:00
8) Liquid Ketones 4:49
9) Melatonin 5:13

Thank me later... Have a great workout! ;)


Who tf is drinking beef protein powder.. it sounds disgusting


A multivitamin bottle is 6 bucks for a month, maybe even more. I'd rather piss 90% of those 6 bucks than not use the 10% I may get from it.

Buy your multivitamins people, you for sure do not get enough through diet alone.


Melatonin doesn't have dependency issues and is actually recommended by doctors whose patients aren't sleeping well. Animal protein is bad for u so I agree there. As for testosterone boosters, most don't work but some have actually proven to raise it but only marginally. But if u have low testosterone a small raise is better than none. Some supps that have some studies to back it up in boosting testosterone are Ashwaghanda and Tongkat Ali and DIM. Not sure the mechanisms for Ashwaghanda but Tongkat Ali both lowers the hormone cortosol and helps block estrogen conversion and by that your testosterone naturally rises since cortosol stunts testosterone levels and lowered estrogen causes your body to produce more testosterone to try to balance itself since testosterone can convert to estrogen but if estorgennis blocked it'll keep on making more test to try to compensate. And DIM is also an anti-estrogen. I've tried these things and actually got blood work done and it did help raise my testosterone by 50 points. Doesn't sound like much but if u on the low end of testosterone levels that 50 points could make a big difference.


there’s no literature to suggest that melatonin is addictive


Seriously, too many people look to "supplements to lose weight". I didn't take anything when I lost 110 pounds. ALL YOU NEED to do is focus 100% on dieting and exercising. Optimize these for weight loss with little effort and you'll easily watch fat roll off your body. Good video brother! I'll never advocate weight loss supplements haha


Feels good having never bought any of them


2:29 Jurassic Park is developing Whey Dino


I've taken Melatonin since around 1997. I take about 3 miligrams about 4 times a week. Over 20 years and still small dose works great. BTW I work night shift.


You have a different video saying..HMB is a good supplement??


So glad to have found Gravity Trans! This is my go-to site and an indispensable resource. Not a paid endorsement, just a really satisfied and educated human working on my fitness!


I can tell you from very obvious experience. Multivitamins help immensely! Even though I eat plenty of quality fruits and vegetables, I still get very noticeable results from vitamins.


Just personal experience on the daily multi's, cause I've heard the argument against them before: I was a sickly kid, had bad strep throat and ear infections twice yearly, usually June and December like clockwork. I've been taking a daily for over 20 years now, and I've had the strep/ear infection combo maybe 12 times since. I rarely get colds as well. And the strep/ear isn't as intense, or last as long. I personally attribute this to the daily. Could be coincidental, but I believe it, power of positive thinking and all that.


I feel like i was underestimating this channel slightly, gonna tune in more now. Thanks man great info


That's not garcinia cambogia, that's mangosteen.


I switch off from melatonin to nyquil so I won't gain a tolerance 👌


Is N.O. Nitric oxcide a bad or good supplement. Also, I love your videos.


I have been a fitness professional for 10 years. You are exactly right! I'm glad you made this video to help more of the public understand this!


Why doesn’t this channel have more subs? You’ve helped me out quite a bite. Thanks for your guidance and keep making these amazing videos
