Militant Atheist vs. Jeff Durbin at the Reason Rally

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This is raw footage from the Reason Rally in Washington D.C.. Jeff Durbin and Luke Pierson of Apologia Christian Ministries were filming for a documentary now in production that features debates/conversations between Christians and Atheists. In this clip they speak with a man wearing a shirt that says, "Militant Atheist".
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Jeff has such a calm demeanor that I pray I'll possess one day.


Jeff refuses to interrupt a bad worldview from committing suicide; he let’s the argument live long enough to jump itself off a cliff. So effective.


I always appreciate when people can stay civil, not raise their voices or cuss.


'Stardust' quickly became 'humanity' when it is convenient.


“I’m a state machine” I don’t think he realizes just how true that is 🤔


I have to say, I was a straight up athiest for years(most a pity). Had I heard this at that time, it would have been years less. Thank y'all for your message.


I used to be an atheist for 12 years and it makes me so sad to realize the state I was in then.. man... to just think that we are not special, that we weren't created for a purpose just stardust floating around and sticking together to form matter.. never mind the fact that we reproduce. This is so hard to watch, he doesn't understand that he's just mad at God.


Just look at this man's face as he's struggling with the truth and the infallible logic of God, the bible and Christianity.


"Whats wrong with stardust bumping into/opressing stardust?"
.... silence
10 seconds later:
*_Wait, That's illegal!_*


It seems to me that a lot of people are bothered with the Bible's claim about the goodness and kindness of God rather than with the existence of God itself...


I used to be an Atheist but then God gave me a new heart.


Dammit. I seriously just wanna go right up to this poor guy and give him such a huge hug and tell him how much I love him and even then it's still nothing compared to how much his Father God loves him. There is so much pain in this poor man's past that he just doesn't even know what to do with it all. Father, please replace all that hate and pain and fear in his heart with Your love and absolutely inundate his life with Your light.


Jeff is working so hard to save one soul..God Bless him.


As a Christian, I enjoy talking with atheists and other skeptics who at least try to be rational and reasonable. This guy at least tries to be consistent in hiw worldview.

Unfortunately, I find that many in that camp refuse to be reasonable in any sense. They start by claiming science is on their side and appearing logical and scientific. However, when you debate them on that level and show that to be wrong, they merely resort to insults and ridicule. That's unfortunate because their showing a willful ignorance and refusal to truly pursue truth. They reject Christianity and theism not based on evidence and reason, but based on emotion and feelings. They simply don't want to believe for any number of reasons.
As a Christian, I came to faith through apologetics, research, and debates with people of several belief systems (though, primarily atheists/agnostics). I didn't really care what turned out to be true. I just wanted truth. The more I researched and questioned, however, the less I found that on the side of atheism, Evolution, and the secular humanist worldview overall. I increasingly found that on the side of Christ.
I encourage all people to think for themselves and form their own views, not merely listen to the views of others. Sadely, most people just believe what they're told by others.


Pastor durbin is AWESOME! He is able to talk to anybody without screaming and yelling yet still staying firm. And he NEVER gets tripped up when questioned! He is definitely being used to reach people. I have been watching his videos for 5 straight days. God bless infinitely!


Satan has people running blind .... Lord Jesus please come back asap


"You're making questions out of nothing?"

What's the problem? Something can't come from nothing?😂


Suppressing the truth that is what Atheists are doing and this Atheist proves it, rejecting God but living like He exists.


Wow. So well done. I love you how stressed over and over again Wayne’s human dignity as a man made in God’s image. We always need to remember the reason for apologetics, which is to share the gospel in truth and love. Keep up the good work brothers.
