Simon Sinek Start With Why

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“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”

Powerful message excerpted from the most-viewed TED talk of all time.

Start With Why - How Great Leaders Inspire Action.

Dave Bookbinder is the person that clients reach out to when they need to know what their most important assets are worth.

Dave is a corporate finance executive with a focus on business and intellectual property valuation. Known as a collaborative adviser, Dave has served thousands of client companies of all sizes and industries.

Dave is the author of the #1 best-selling books about the impact of human capital (PEOPLE!) on the valuation of a business enterprise called The NEW ROI: Return On Individuals & The NEW ROI: Going Behind The Numbers.

He’s on a mission to change the conversation about how the accounting world recognizes the value of people’s contributions to a business enterprise, and to quantify what every CEO on the planet claims: “Our people are this company’s most valuable asset.”

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