FORGIVING OTHERS: 4 Negative Effects of Unforgiveness [Catholic Faith Formation]

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Forgiving others who hurt you is hard. But it will be harder if we remain in unforgivness. Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski goes through 4 negative effects of unforgivness and the consequences of remaining in bitterness, anger and resentment. Feel free to use the other faith formation videos on this topic.

How to forgive someone who has hurt you is a question everyone has to deal with. One way is to ignore the bitterness anger and resentment. This seems like the best solution, because it cost nothing upfront. But the truth is, the cost of unforgiveness is huge down the road. Our personal growth in virtue will be destroyed.

Someone may ask, "why should I forgive?". That is a good question to ask before doing something really hard. Is forgiveness worth it? What are the consequences of not forgiving others?

1. Unforgiveness keeps us in victim mode - Jesus Christ knows something about being a victim. He experience trauma and conquered it. In the cross of Jesus is our victory over our pain.

2. Not forgiving others lets those who have hurt us in the past dictate our emotional health now.

3. Harboring unforgiveness, anger and bitterness is an illogical response to another persons sin

4. Not forgiving others robs us of that life God has for us. Unforgivness blocks God's blessing.

This Catholic video was part 3 - check out the previous to messages on forgiveness:

Part 1- Stuck In The Past (Part 1)

Part 2- Forgiving Others: Take Back Your Life Through Love

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#unforgiveness #ForgivingOthers #Catholic
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God pls grant me the grace to forgive.


Thanks a lot for this video. I will show this to some members of my family 🙏🙏🙏🤗😇👌🏼


Thank you Ken for
Everything my husbands and I
Are back thank you for you support
Remain blessed


2:16 but they do deserve the most severe form of revenge possible.


This topic reminds me of the Catholic novel 'Mirusia' by Monika Barbara Potocki -> a girl is betrayed by her fiance and so takes every opportunity to get even with him, but all it leads to is the destruction of all her relationships with her friends, coworkers and family because of the bitterness that she has in her heart. Only when she forgives him does she attain a measure of peace.


My boyfriend left me on the day of our marriage, on top of it he cheated behind, I don't know how to forgive that.


Unforgiveness robs you of good mental and physical health. It's like a cancer eating at you daily.
One of the best gifts you can give someone, is to forgive them. Don't allow the baggage of unforgiveness to weigh you down.


The muslims never forgave Jews and Christians for not embracing islam. They seem fine nowadays.


It was going so well until you mentioned Jesus.
You wanna preach to the choir?
...then crack on.
But honestly, simple kindness and good advice is more endearing and engaging.

Okay, you just lost me at triumph of cross.
Everything else, great.
If you wanna help non-God-botherers, dilute it a little.
