Fastest Way To Get Over Fear Foods And Cravings

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In this video, I share my experience what is the fastest way to get over your fear foods and cravings in recovery. I used to have so many fear foods and cravings - I came from orthorexia after all...but I learned what worked the best to end all my obsessions with foods. Hope you gonna find it helpful!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video or in my other videos is based on my own experience. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of trained medical or mental health professionals. The viewer should regularly consult a physician, therapist or counsellor in matters relating to his/her physical or mental health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. In the event you use any of the information in this video or other videos on this channel, the creator assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Рекомендации по теме

Your videos are so helpful. I started eating whenever I want, whatever I want and as much as I want, without asking myself if this is right or wrong. i just do it. And I started eating a lot of fear foods, but they begin to lose their "worth". They were always so special to me, but now they are losing their power. they are just neutral food to me now.


You're awesome ! After being diagnosed with crohns I was terrified to eat anything I cut everything out and was afraid of everything killing me. I'm in remission and now I'm re learning to eat and not be terrified!


Thank you so much! What you said cleared my mind abou eating more fear foods and that I don't need a big crave as a sorry to eat fear foods! It's exactly like you said, we always know what to do and how to cure but we have to listen to people outside! And you do a very good "job" with all this videos! Can't thank you enough!


You look absolutely stunning in this video!


thank you so so so much for making these videos. your videos have helped me so much it's unreal, the past few weeks I relapsed really badly and I got really sick and I think that was the absolute last straw and from now on I am putting all my effort into recovery. before when I tried to recover I could never let go of like thinking a lot about what I'm eating and the amount I'm eating but now I am trying to eat whatever I want and however I want without too much thought and I can feel it helping already. I would never know how to do that without your intuitive eating videos so I cannot thank you enough. 💓


Such a beautiful soul you have, Elisa ❤️ you are helping so many of us ... I personally had to deal with very bad body image the past few days and your videos are so helpful right now xoxo

Автор’s definitely scary to take that step


I want to thank you so much, your videos and book helped me more than anything in my recovery.

I overexercised for a long time in my recovery without knowing it was stoping me from recovery.
Now I stopped exercise, but what about exercise in school?
I have 3 times a week sport in school and can't just not go. Am I still able to recover if I have to do sport at school?


I can’t thank you enough for making this video!💕


You are a beautiful woman-sharing with all of us your experience. I do need this reassurance often. Daily right now. Thank you.


this is a very helpful Video! thank you so much 😘


The foods I fear are because I’ve had reactions in the past due to health issues. Would this apply to me?


Is it dangerous to get diabetes if I eat my fear food in big quantities and often? I eat a lot of sugary foods.I’m scared about getting health problems. I noticed that the cravings are less, I eat a lot less than before but still, in a week it can be a lot of sugar.


What happens when i am afraid of carbs in general?
