How to Get Over An Ex Boyfriend (Get Over Him FAST)

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Hi ladies, welcome to my latest and greatest dating advice video. This time, the topic is how to get over your ex and move on as quickly as possible. So, if you’re dealing with some post-breakup blues right now, you’re watching the right video… I’m going to share several little-known tricks for minimizing heartache and moving on as quickly as possible after your breakup.

So, enough self-promotion…. let’s talk about how to recover from a breakup with the least possible heartache.

The very first thing you’ll want to do after a breakup is to remove obvious reminders of your ex -- photos of you together, stuffed animals and love notes, jewellery, etc -- and either toss them in the trash, or stuff them in a box and put it in storage. Once you’re fully healed and over your ex, then you can open the box and decide what you want to keep, but until then you really don’t need to be constantly reminded of him.

This also applies to your ex’s phone number. If you find yourself tempted to text or call him, but you know that’s not something that you should be doing, then deleting his contact details from your phone is an easy solution. This doesn’t work if you’ve got his number memorized, obviously, but it definitely does help if you lack self-control or you’re the type to send drunk texts when you’re emotional. You can write down your ex’s number and give it to a friend for safekeeping until you’re fully over him.

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This video is so helpful 💞😍 thank you so much


He was my best friend before we started dating, both of us had never been closer to a person or spent more hours with anyone than we did, and he broke up with me a month ago, I couldn't eat or sleep that first night but I'm doing way better now but since we had inside jokes about practically everything and gone to so many places I still have to go to now the memory of being there with him is heart wrenching. My question is how do I stop all the beautiful memories from coming up and then crashing me back down to the harsh reality that he doesn't want me anymore?


My boyfriend and I just broke up and two days later he got a new girlfriend. I honestly don't know what to do, especially since I see them at school together all the time.


Its been 2 yrs ....n i still think about him every night ..when i was the one to break up😭...


Just recently I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me with the married woman. We broke up, but he thrown it on me that it's my mistake about our relationship. I keep having bad dream about him. Anxiety :(


It's all about having a "constructive, grown-up way to handle a break-up" even when you're only 23 years old and just got into the world of dating. Thanks a lot!


how about having a revenge by being a better person?


True...wen u broke up ...he didn't say anything to me....No answer for my questions...I was i started to love myself...where he is loving someone else...


My boyfriend just broke up with me. He broke up with me on my birthday. We were together for almost 2 years. Then he said he fell out of love with me and called me obsessive. I am incredibly heart broken. I cannot stop crying. We were friends for 4 years before dating. I don't know what to do anymore.


how if your ex was your bestfriend and he still around your other bestfriends? its like you still seeing him everywhere :'(


How to move on? when you still love your ex and I don't have a chance to be with him again because he found someone that is better than me.


They say grieving is a bad way to get over an ex but I find it relieving to talk it through with a trusted person such as parent or friend. I had a very rough break up 1 month ago and I still think about it a lot. I'm 15 and went through a year long relationship with someone I really loved. He began getting possessive and not wanting me to hang out with my best friend who is a guy, who I've been friends with for almost 3 years. I was so stressed out and upset. He then moved on after a week to my ex-best friend obviously to hurt me. luckily she said no and he then moved on to a girl from a different town. I see them together all the time and I found that friends and trusted adults help you get through it. Talking helps me, I always remind myself how sad I was with him and surround myself with friends. I found out that friends are more important to me now because relationships are stressful lol.


It’s been two months and every once in a while I start thinking of him 😕


What if your the one who broke up with him, and your starting to regret the brake up. But your parents don't like him, but you want to be with him, and your depressed????


My ex boyfriend will only call when he wants something. He didn’t use to treat me like that but I guess it’s time to move tf on.


My boyfriend and I broke up 4 months ago but I'm still not over him and sometimes I still cry myself to sleep. I also don't have any friends to talk to right now.


Hey Amy. I was with my ex boyfriend for six years. He dumped me several times and was basically an asshole. It was a sick relationship. And the way he ended it, is a reflection of that. Now I'm left feeling lonely, but most of all guilty, because I accepted the way he treated me. I feel terrible and it feels like I'll never get over it (don't mean to be dramatic) I read something he said on social media (just coincidence, because I don't follow him anymore) saying stupid stuff about how he is over me. Really pissed me off.


My boyfriend he ignored me 5 months after that i just text him today we have to broke up.he is happy with that.but I still love him 😔😔😔💔


I like your advice. But what would you do if your ex owed you money? Would you just forget the debts and move on?


My bf of 6 years said he was visiting his mother for 2 days .Gave me a kiss goodbye and told me he loved me And didnt come back he wont answer my calls or texts .Then find out he is in a new relationship with someone else .He didnt even break it off with me, He wont talk to me or anything i dont understand what i did.I miss him so much
