Even More Difficult GRE Words - GRE Vocabulary Wednesday

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For this week's GRE Vocabulary Wednesday we'll be covering some GRE vocabulary words that are extra challenging. In this 4-minute video, our GRE expert Chris Lele will go over the six of the most difficult GRE vocab words, their definitions, and how you can use them in context.

00:00 - Chris introduces six of the most difficult vocab words you'll see on the GRE
00:15 - Perfunctory
00:38 - Martinet
01:22 - Desultory
01:49 - Inequity
02:14 - Impervious
02:56 - Obsequious

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Thank you Chris! In the mundaneness of the everyday grind of GRE vocabulary, watching your videos and enjoying the life you put into learning vocab makes starting the day so much easier!


Perfunctory -cursory
Martinet. -strict disciplinarian
desultory -haphazard
iniquity -wickedness
impervious-something that cannot be passed through


30. Perfunctory- done in a matter without care
31. Martinet- strict disciplinarian
32. Desultory- lacking structure or focus
33. Impervious- cannot go trough (like water can’t go trough skin)
34. Obsequious- someone who uses flattery in an obvious, pathetic way


Thank you so much for the video. These are a great source for learning and remembering the words mainly due to the enthusiasm shown by Chris.

I don’t want to sound like a martinet but as I was going through the description below the video to make sure my learning is not progressing in a desultory manner. I couldn’t remain impervious to the fact that the spelling of “iniquity” isn’t same as in the video. Hope you’ll make the correction.
Hope this helps. Thanks again :)


1. perfunctory (adj): done quickly, showing little care or interest in what you're doing. It is like not really care and just being nice.
~ She asked me a few perfunctory questions and then ended the conversation.

2. martinet (n): sb who demands that rules and orders are always obeyed, esp in the armed force.
~ Some coaches are martinets, some allow players as much leeway as possible.

3. desultory (adj):
- lacking a plan, purpose or enthusiasm, going from one thing to another. If you are desultory when doing sth, you don't make plans or have a certain goal in mind.
~ I clean my room in a desultory fashion.

- of conversation or speech: going from one topic to another in a half-hearted way, unfocused.
~ She does not like him that much because the conversation they had was relatively desultory.

# slapdash (adj): doing sth in a hasty and careless way. You produce a slapdash work when you are late for your deadline.
~ She receives the highest score from the teacher with that slapdash painting.

# slipshod (adj): showing little care, effort or attention.
~ We should thoroughly conduct this impeachment investigation. Don't ever think about completing a slipshod investigation or amounting to an effort "to sweep it under the rug".

# impetuous (adj) = impulsive (adj): likely to do sth suddenly, without considering the results of your actions. It's like you want to go to the cinema to watch a movie alone in the middle of the night.
~ She is an impetuous little girl, tending to rush into matters without thinking over them.

4. iniquity (n): the fact of being immoral or unfair.
~ We lament the current social climate as though it were anomalous, but in reality, these iniquities reverberate through our nation's history.

5. impervious (adj):
- not affected, hurt or damaged by sth.
~ She was impervious to the criticism leveled at her.

- not allowing fluid to pass through.
~ The floor covering you choose should be impervious to water.

6. obsequious (adj): trying too hard to please sb, esp sb who is influential.
~ The service in this fine dining restaurant was attentive without being obsequious.


Martinet basically describes Angela Martin from The Office


Very nice! I actually got perfunctory wrong when testing myself on my channel.


Thank yo for these videos Magoosh. They are so helpful!!


All of the videos have something to learn from you


Really helpful video, i got to know some new words


धन्यवाद् मागूष भाई means thank you magoosh brother


That's really a nice video
Helps a lot for preparation students
keep it up!


Honestly, I don't think I'll ever use these words in my life, but GRE :)


Do you ever make videos of word that are all similar?


Impervious is actually a spell in harry Potter series, that's how I remember the meaning


As I aged, I became more and more impervious on emotions.


The desultory comrade was reprimanded by his inequity martinet master in perfunctory tone who was impervious to obsequious nature.


Most successful entrepreneurs are often a martinent.


a robot is impervious to it's just a perfunctory for making a comparison with robot, a human being can be a robot if he or she is her own martinet i think that might be an iniquity for that


I become more perfunctory when I am tired.
