Most Common GRE Words - GRE Vocabulary Wednesday

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00:00 - Chris introduces six of the most common GRE vocabulary words
00:15 - Ameliorate
00:38 - Mitigate
01:15 - Reticent
01:33 - Pragmatic
01:57 - Equivocal
02:28 - Ephemeral

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Ameliorate- make better(something bad)
Mitigate- make less bad(negative)
Reticent- not speaking or saying much
Pragmatic- practical
Equivocal- speaking something vague
Ephemeral- lasting for very short time


"Her reticence mitigated my pain at first, at least I thought it did. But I soon found that feeling to be ephemeral. It's been weeks now and I guess I've got the message, there's no need to be equivocal. My goal now is to be pragmatic but most of all to ameliorate my situation and if by some chance I'm lucky, I move on and forget."


My memory for the words which u taught is ephemeral.


The crushing defeat made the athlete feel extremely sad and left him reticent, though the sadness was ephemeral, as the athlete realized a more pragmatic approach would be to not waste time and start practicing in order to ameliorate his skills and mitigate the fall in rank in the season.


They say true love lasts forever, but I would remain reticent in my thought about the statement above. However, from a pragmatic view, I’ll say that true love is ephemeral, although my opinion if looked deeply into can be said to be equivocal. I have learnt that in order to ameliorate the heartbreak that comes with loving someone, I need to reticent my feelings.


I already know ameliorate and mitigate so...

1. reticent (adj): unwilling to speak about one's thoughts and feelings.
The students remain reticent when it comes to answering the teacher's question.

2. pragmatic (adj): solving the problem in a way that is based on the reality rather than fixed ideas or theories, taking realistic approach.
~ His decision to study Computer Science is a pragmatic one.

3. equivocal (adj):
- of words or statement: beating around the bush, being deliberately vague in meaning.
~ She gave an equivocal answer, which is typical of a politician.

- of action or behavior: difficult to understand explain clearly or easily.
~ The research produced equivocal results, giving scientists a hard time to analyze the findings.

4. ephemeral (adj): lasting for a very short time.
~ In this musical world, one artist's fame is usually ephemeral.


Nice one Chris! Several overlaps with my 101 Most Frequent Vocabulary video.


The opposite team during debate were equivocal and reticent, our team were focused on mitigating thus followed a pragmatic approach in our answers which tried to ameliorate the debate.


The PM was reticent about revealing the secrets of ameliorating the situations by mitigating the adverse impacts. When he was again asked he was equivocal about the ephemeral success though the approach was pragmatic


1. ameliorate - بهتر بڻائڻ
2. mitigate - گهٽائڻ
3. reticent - خيالن ۽ احساسن کي آساني سان ظاهر نه ڪندڙ
4. pragmatic - شين کي سنجيدگي ۽ حقيقت سان نبيريندڙ يا اهڙو ڪم ڪندڙ جيڪو نظرياتي خيالن جي بجاءِ عملي طور ڪجي
5. equivocal - غير واضح
6. ephemeral - عارضي


The words that you have taught are ephemeral


I am being pragmatic about my breakup, although he was equivocal about his reasons and even his friends were reticent about the matter. I feel they are just ameliorating the awkwardness. Our relationship was ephemeral but that's not mitigate the fact, it still hurts to say goodbye.


I was reticent at first not sharing anything with anyone because I was sad. But, there was she who always wanted me to ameliorate me, mitigate my feelings, and she always provided insights of other side of life; pragmatic reasons why we should not be remorse with our past life. You know why not we just live in ephemeric instances.


I think it is better to use these words in sentences which are typical of technical and scholarly writing. The aim of GRE to allow people to use vocabulary in their research writing.


Mitigated my vocabulary through this videos

In a positive way thou


The girl was reminiscing the ephemeral feeling of fear she once felt upon hitting the stage. Her palms her sweaty and knees were sharing to ameliorate the feeling she was reticent and tried to focus in hopes of mitigating the tough task she had at hand. When she finally got on the stage she was pragmatic about her performance only singing the songs she remembered.


In order to mitigate some of the unnecessary hours spent during health planning meetings, the chair appeals to participate they are reticent when discussing their views to encourage a pragmatic solution about the ongoing challenged. His statement was to avoid equivocal discussion.


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I speak French that’s how I automatically comprehend “ameliorate” I was borderline offended you mentioned Spanish and Italian and not French when speaking of Latin root to grasp your opening word commonly seen on the GRE examination.


Oh my friend used to use it so forcefully when he was preparing for GRE. It was hilarious.
