How To Get The ARMS FIRING In The Downswing

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The best players get their arms firing during the downswing enabling them to achieve a high level of ball striking and distance, but how do they do it?

In this video I share with you just how to get the arms firing in the downswing which is something that so many amateur golfers lack.

It often missing because rarely are golfers aware that they should even be making this move, get your arms firing like the pros and you will be well on your way to better golf

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Lyle & Scott


Elegant Golf Resorts



✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

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This has to be the holy grail of golf on YT. My swing has been some what inconsistent thru out the years. Early this season I discovered what you are teaching on the video. I let my hands and arm “drop” first, before opening my hips and shoulders. Now hitting with much more consistency and gain more distance with every club. My philosophy of this is I’m letting my arms and hands get in sync with my shoulder rotation. Of course your explanation is a much more profession and accurate. I told this to 3 of my friends, it help all of them. It cured 2 of them of their slice with their driver and hitting them 20yd longer


Best video ever to overhaul my swing. I was so engulfed in the turn and leaving my hands up that all it did was pin my arms to my body with no release. I hit my 7 iron 185 yds but it was left most of the time. The bottom line and the key wakeup call was I was essentially playing golf from impact to the target, I had no speed until impact, arms glued to my chest and tried to get them away but rotation and late release it can never happen. I played yesterday with this concept essentially playing golf from my backswing to impact and it was golf euphoria. As a former professional baseball player I managed through athleticism to play around scratch golf, but the handicap system doesn't recognize the rounds in the 80's of sheer frustration. THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO EVER. BRAVO👏


What helped my swing the most? Your entire YouTube library. Seriously, Chris, your stuff is gold. My swing has improved, but more importantly, my understanding of my swing has gotten so much better. I can actually correct the swing during a round now.


Bro your best video yet, this has helped my game the most, to many instructors focusing on hips, pressure, rotate, bla,bla, bla, I saw a video a few months ago from AMG golf that they call the Rory drill, also Overhand golf, hit an imaginary ball of your right hip with the shaft, this has completely changed my game, video and distance confirmed, my only swing thought is the arms move up and down hit the imaginary ball with the shaft and that is it, I think this is your best video yet, be safe bro


The most important attribute of a good golf instructor is the ability to communicate their knowledge to the student. You really have that down. It's very easy to follow your instructions. I'm a big fan.👍


The best tip I had was from my grandad who once played in The Open. He said 'never think of the swing as a series of movements. It's one flowing movement without tension'. He also said to always be aggressive if you want to score.


I can't begin to tell you how delighted I am with this video ... every time I've tried to work on "shallowing" the shaft, I've completely destroyed any power in my swing. Shallowing for me, is a weakening move. I lose all power with wild consequences for my ball strike. It could go anywhere. Thanks CR .. Rory story confirms my belief. Much needed!


This thought/feel pattern will help a LOT of people. Online instruction is difficult because not everyone has the same swing fault or feels but this concept is CRITICAL to understand. Everyone thinks of "leading with the lower body" differently. for me leading with the lower body thought led to years of over the top chunking the ball on bad days and 10-15 yard low slices that i could play on a GOOD day. I took a lesson and this concept is one of the first things he said after seeing my swing. was literally told to think of "only swinging with fast arms." ended up syncing my movements with arms and body for the first time ever. I felt like i wasnt turning at all but in reality I was. for people with my issue instruction like this is golden.


No one has posted a video like this. Your explanation is brilliant


Thanks. I was struggling with this over the weekend. I was trying to keep my hands up during my downswing. This makes a lot of sense. I had a misconception that if I got my hands down early I would be casting the club.


As someone who has trouble getting the lead arm off the chest in downswing, I LOVE this video. Just worked on these drills and it made it so much easier to center punch the driver and even saw a jump in ball speed. Will be working on these drills for the rest of my golfing life. 🙌


Thank you! My 16 yr old son is a +2 and struggles with falling back and late arms. Went to the range after watching this and it was an immediate improvement! Spot on!!


Chris that’s brilliant. Please do a video that follows on from this one.


This is just the part of my swing that needs to change and these drills will help me make that change. Thank you so much!


best video that fixed my worst problem in down swing. Thx so.much


Hey Chris, Thanks you as usual for outstanding teaching! I have to say I'm a realist so the most important thing I've learned about the game of golf is play within yourself, know your abilities, example, when we look at videos from the Pros I know ill never look or swing like them but if I understood the golf swing better, like I don't believe in positions I believe in Forces and the way the human body actually works to get the most out of the swing! And of course if I don't practice, practice what I'm learning none of it's possible ! Thanks again Chris your a Natural Teacher, you break down the golf Swing Beautifully!


I’m 6’4 and I had someone tell me a lot of tall people have this problem and this is what makes me flip, he said I let my shoulders stay in front of my arms too long. Can’t wait to try these tips, thank you as always Chris!


Great explanation of this move from the top. I think I’ve finally understand how it should be done. Will take care of my hip-sliding and casting I think!
Hope you will follow up this with a video on moving hips and arms through impact from the position you end with in this one.


Chris, I have been struggling for years with inconsistency. I watched this video last week and it was like a light bulb went off and I realized I was turning before the arms came down. I golfed this week with this change and had a much easier and more consistent game. It improved my rhythm, strike and less swing thoughts with both irons and driver. Thank You for all your great videos.


Very good tutorial Chris, explained the concepts nicely. Showing that the golf swing requires a sequence of good moves to produce a good end result. The problem is that one bad move can ruin it all. I liken the golf swing to asking someone to throw a frisby with their left arm and a cricket ball with right arm simultaneously - it can be done but needs a lot of patience and practice.
