5 min a day to get VEINY ARMS

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Here is a 5 min veiny workout for you to get veiny arms! These forearm exercises can help you get a thicker and veiny attractive looking forearms if you do them everyday. Make sure to follow along with the veiny arms exercises in the video to get veiny arms instantly!

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I'm gonna update my progress after every like 🤜🤛

Day 1 : day 1 was tough but feels like it gonna work.My forearm is going through a little pain and I will come tomorrow


I am doing this for 2 days each ex for 3 mins = 15 minutes not only my veins pop out my grip strength also increased


Day 1 - Nothing really changed just a bit of a burn in the forearms but I'll keep going.
Day 2 - Saw a new vein near the lower wrist and feel a little bit stronger.
Day 3 - Nothing really changed from day 2 but im not gonna give up.
Day 4 - Noticed a small difference from day 1 and my veins have gotten a bit bigger.
Day 5 - No changes
Day 6 - Grip strength increased
Day 7 - I feel stronger and the workout is getting easier
Day 8 - Nothing really changed just a bit of a burn
Day 9 - Same as day 8 but when I woke up I could really feel the burn
Day 10 - I've made a big difference since day 1 and I can see another arm vein on my good hand, and on my weaker hand I've noticed 2 new veins in my hand and around my wrist.
Day 11 - The workouts have gotten easier nothing much changed since day 10
Day 12 - 15 I have still been doing the daily workouts but I haven't been updating it. Ive gotten a lot stronger and I can see that I have made a lot of progress and I am not giving up.
Day 16 - The workout has gotten a lot easier and i have noticed more veins in my weaker hand and in my stronger hand my veins have gotten a lot more visible in my hand and wrist
Day - 17 Workout gets easier
Day - 18 No changes
Day - 19 Grip strength increased
Day - 20 Strength increased overall
Day - 21 Veins start appearing more often
Day - 22 Workout got easier
Day - 23 Almost everytime I look at my hands I can see a few veins popping out without having to do anything.
Day - 24 no changes
Day - 25 veins popping out more just a bit of a burn from todays exercise
Day - 26 - 30 I've made a lot of progress since day 1 my strength and grip strength has increased a lot Im gonna keep going till day 60 or even day 90.
Day - 31 Veins appear more often
Day - 32 workout got easier
Day - 33 just a burn
Day - 34 no changes
Day - 35 (My Birthday Yay) Not really any changes but my veins have gotten more visible in my hands
Day - 36 Just a burn
Day - 37 Workout got easier
Day - 38 No changes
Day - 39 Grip strength increased
Day - 40 - 45 My grip strength has increased as well as my overall strength and veins are a lot more common now
Day - 46 Strength Increased
Day - 47 No changes
Day - 48 - 53 A new vein in my arm, strength and grip strength increased
Day 53 - 60 I've notice since day 1 I have made so much progress with strength grip strength and just muscle overall and I will be continuing this challenge, The workout has gotten way easier
Day 61 - 68 Over the last 7 days my strength has increased and my hand veins are a lot more visible
Day - 69 - 75 Grip strength increased, workout is easier
Day - 76 - 120 Workout has become a lot easier and my veins are almost always in my wrist and hand, also i have noticed a new arm vein.


I LOVE it, finally a different forearm routine!


I’m going to do this for one month, but actually follow through. I’ve never been able to actually be consistent with these workouts but for the next month I am going to make sure to do this twice a day and update this comment.
Wow. It's hard to believe this comment was 3 months ago now. I never put in the last 5 days, but I followed through, and this workout did work. My arms are significantly veinier and more muscly then they were when I started the challenge. This workout definitely worked, and if you persist you can 100% make progress. Thanks for all the awesome replies and likes, I hope you guys all stick to it and makes improvements of your own. Peace!
Day 1- no progress, mainly felt a burn in my biceps rather then forearms, but I’ll trust the process. Going into this I have 2 decent veins on both arms, and a bunch that are visible but aren’t popped, hopefully this will help.
Day 2 - a little bit of change, one new noticeable vein by the wrist
Day 3 - Had to take a flight, so could only do the workout once rather then twice. Not that much progress, but I guess the veins I had prior became more noticeable when not working out. Definitely can see some change.
Day 4 - Pretty much the same.
Day 5 - For sure seeing progress slowly but surely. Veins are getting longer and more pronounced, and new ones in the wrist area are starting to come through. For sure seeing changes since day one.
Day 6- pretty much same, not much progress from yesterday
Day 7- made it for a week 💪💪 btw sorry for taking a long time to update this comment, forgot to yesterday😅
Day 8- I feel my form is getting better, and the workout felt hard today (In a good way)
Day 9- for sure could feel yesterdays workout in the morning 😂, still worked out again tho, made sure to keep good form especially with the planks and incline push ups.
Day 10- veins are becoming more pronounced near my wrists and the backs of my forearms.
Day 11- progress is just continuing as usual, slowly and steadily I’m approaching on my goal.
Day 12- continuing as usual
Day 13- Everything is going well, thank you to everyone commenting and reminding me to keep this updated
Day 14- same old same old pretty much
Day 15- I feel a little demotivated bc progress isn’t coming fast, but I know consistency is the only way I’ll get gains, so I’m going to keep going
Day 16- The second workout was a little bit weird, as I did the second part (the pushups and planks) seperate from the first part. Im not sure if it counts bc of that
Day 17 - one long vein that I think is connected to my bicep vein is visible pretty much all the time now
Day 18- just noticed my hand veins r also looking more pronounced
Day 19- don't really know what to say, progress is still coming but no big milestones.
Day 20- I would just like to note how sticking to this (which I have been btw sometimes I just forget to update the comment for a few days) has made me a lot more disciplined, I've never really stuck to a workout for more then maybe 5 days before, and I feel like bc of this slowly but surely other things in my life have been changing for the better, like ive been reading more and procrastinating less.
Day 21- The journey continues I guess, looking back at my pictures from the start of this challenge the improvement is clear.
Days 21-25: ngl I totally forgot to update this comment, but I’ve been staying consistent throughout don’t worry I’m not going to give up.


I have done this for 10 days straight and my forearms look so veiny thank you @5-Minute Fitness


Omg Tysm this is helping so much I’m on the first day and I’m already seeing a few veins getting a bit bigger, my grip is also better.


Yes, I recommend doing it every day, has had an effect on my forearm 😊


Doing this every day for a month:

Day 1: No proper veins just yet, I have moderate bicep muscles already from weights, but no proper veins. Felt a slight burn from the workout.

Day 2: I regret being sceptical about this. I went to do my usual workout and I normally can’t see any veins in my arms, but this time there were three pretty big ones along the front of arm. I’ll keep going and update every day.

(Important note: I’m switching to doing this twice per day, when I wake up, and when I go to sleep.)

Day 3: Not really seeing much change from day 2, only a little bit. But I’m not going to give up, I’ll keep going until the month is over. While I was doing the excersizes today I saw a new vein.

Day 4: It’s definitely working. I see a tiny bit more progress with each day. It’s only day 4 so I’m wondering how good the results will be after one month.

Day 5: not much progress today, I’ve also noticed that the veins only really show up when I’m doing physical exercise. Hopefully they show more often if I keep doing this.

Day 6: definitely seeing a lot of progress from day 1. I’m going to keep going, I’ve got to get to a month and see the results.

Day 7: The workout is becoming a lot easier now, I’m still doing it twice a day, morning and night, and I’m seeing a lot of new veins.

Day 8: wasn’t able to do it in the morning because I’m with my family and I’m busy, I can still do it in the afternoon. It’s so much easier now. I’m seeing a lot of progress.

Day 9: My veins are now nearly visible permanently, not just when I’m exercising, very happy with results so far.

Day 10: even though my veins are not always popping, they are not always visible through my skin. I think this is really working. Only 20 more days to go 🎉.

Day 11: seems to still have an effect, but slower now. I’m not noticing veins getting bigger, just more of them showing up.

Day 12: Progress still slow, I added some training with weights to my schedule, I wonder if it’ll have an effect on this.


It's working bro thanks a lot man


I have do this exercise during a week.
I can tell that is real, when I started I don't have marked veins, but now they are growled up. I recommend all of you do this twice per day


Actually this one is very very very good. Thnk you so much my friend. Realy thank you friend for trening us❤️good luck all of you.


0:06: Shoulder Taps
0:55: Quick Lateral Raises
1:45: Rest
2:01: Bent Over Reverse Flyes
2:51: Pike Pushups
3:40: Rest
3:55: Plank Lateral Raises
4:45: Clap Jacks


I have done this 1 day and i will say this is useful


doing this every day for a month(new to working out) day 1-arms are burning my veins popped out a little but they went back down i feel nice and refreshed haven’t worked out in awhile im also doing abs and arms workouts before this exercise so hopefully that helps the process


Very good workout. Getting veins from day one
Thank you 🎉🎉🎉


do this before a workout and the workout works so much better💪💪💪


This actually works I compared with my before veins and now with pics and I have some effect to my strength aswell in 4days


Here are the times:

0:12 Mid Air Finger Bounces
1:01 Switching Palm Squeeze
1:51 Rest
2:06 Finger Press
2:56 Finger Raises Plank
3:45 Rest
4:02 Kneeling Knuckle Pushups
4:56 End

Have a nice day! 😊
