Pigeons as Pets Beginners Guide: Episode 3 - Housing & Equipment

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In this Episode, I discuss the considerations you need to make when choosing an appropriate indoor cage/housing and perches for your bird(s). I also cover additional equipment you will need such as for feeding and other general items.
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These videos are very underrated! This is exactly what ive been searching for because im planning on getting a pigeon soon. Only thing id change is to maybe add some pictures or visuals? I dont do as well watching videos of someone just sitting there and talking haha


Thank you so much for taking the time to educate! I rescued a pigeon/dove (I’m not to sure what breed it is) a few months ago and I think his/her wing is broken? Found him/her under my mom’s car not sure how many days it was there. So I made shift a cage and have water and bought seeds for the bird. The dog crate idea is great since I have one already.


I recently rescued a bird and your videos have been incredible and just what I needed thank you


I accidentally bought the perfect cage for a pigeon. I bought it on Amazon. Its the Yaheetech 30 inch stackable Flight bird cage. It has one huge door in the middle with a small door in it. There are also two small doors on either side. The large middle door folds down instead of swinging to the side so it is the perfect landing platform for exit and return which my rescue pigeon figured out right away. I added wires on either side to hold the door level. The door can still be close easily with the wire supports. The small doors are good for scary moves like cleaning so bird doesn't escape. I can also get a 9 inch bath pan in through the large door. I also put the pan INSIDE instead of underneath and used zip ties to secure the sides together. I am not scrubbing bird poo off of wire cage bottom nor do I want to make bird walk on wire. I can't speak highly enough of this particular cage.


I hope you can make a video of your cages one day. I’m having trouble visualizing what a good cage for a pigeon would be


these are great videos, my wife and i enjoy watching you, as you are very warm and knowledgeable.
We have a couple of ferals that we feed with seed, and we were wondering if this gives them more strength within the flock.
Have a great day. Thank you for the great videos Jemma.


your like me crazy is a compliment and i agree


@The Crazy Pigeon Lady
Hello again! Thank you so much for answering my other question earlier today. There's a pretty large pigeon/ dove rescue near me and I've been looking into fostering for a week or two. In my current house the pigeons would live indoors full-time. I would probably buy a large dog crate that I could keep them in at night and if I have to leave. Because of the pandemic I'm at home all day so I thought it would be a perfect time to try fostering out. I would be able to keep them out of their cage most of the day while I work. In this situation do you think it would be ok to only foster one bird, or would two be better for when they are home alone? Again, thanks so much for all of the super educational videos!


silicone baking sheets can also be used as lining. i heard it recently in a parrot video i think as i thought it was genius.


Your videos are SO helpful for preparing for a pet dove/pigeon. THANK YOU 🙏


How would you suggest blocking off rooms downstairs/to stop the pigeon flying upstairs when hanging out of the cage?


I rescued a pigeon who shattered what would be her elbow. We took her to the vet and she will never fly again. Is this something I should keep in mind while choosing a cage? What would you recommend


Hi what does one do with eggs? And should I own 1 bird or 2 male/2 female?


you know what im going to share you around you deserve t brev


Can you transport two doves together in just one carrier? If they know each other from before.


very informative video! I've seen a few of your videos and so far they're great and very educational. I'm thinking about getting a pigeon sometime in the next few months or year, so these videos are very helpful. I'm just have a few questions if you're able to answer them. I'm wondering how many times daily to feed a pigeon, and what their diet should consist of (a regular rock pigeon/domesticated pigeon)? Also how often do you recommend to bathe a pigeon?


Do you think you could use one of those big wire dog crates as a cage edit: nvm I didn’t get to that part


Hi Gem,
The pigeon we are looking after (approximately 5 weeks old) is waking to flap out of the way of his poop but refuses to sleep on a perch- so he's waking often in the night to poop. I guess that's because he would still be in the nest? Is there a good way to help him become accustomed to sleeping in a way where his bum is hanging over the ground so he understands he doesn't need to move every time he poops, or will that just come naturally to him as he matures? I've only ever looked after older pigeons before. This is my first baby who I have had for just over two weeks. He's doing incredibly well especially considering his right leg was badly splayed when we found him. He is now quite mobile and his leg is in a more natural position, although his non splayed leg is still much stronger and he has overcompensated for only being able to use one leg, which has made his good foot curl a little sideways. This has improved significantly and his toes are no longer mixed up randomly, but it's not fully corrected. Do you have any advice on helping rehabilitate pigeons with splay leg? Thanks for your videos: they're very helpful.


What about outdoor housing? I'm interested in getting a pet pigeon or two, but I have cats and our house may not be too accessible to the pigeons. Would it be possible to use a converted chicken coop or small aviary for pigeons outside?


can we get a bird reveal? :0 Would love to see all your birds c:
