Pros and Cons of having a pet pigeon

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Hello friends! When we think to get a pet, primarily, we try to understand what we are signing ourselves to. In this video I give biggest pros and cons that I could find after having a pet pigeon for a year and a half. Hopefully it will help you understand if pigeon is the right animal for you.

Music used:
Arthur Benson - She Is Whimsical
Arthur Benson - It's Not That Serious
Arthur Benson - Odd Behavior

________Video chapters_________
00:00 Intro
01:17 Cons
06:31 Pros
11:03 Advice

At the time when I posted this video, I didn't know that there is also a youtube channel called PigeonTrix where a person trains his pet pigeons, which proves the point that pigeons are smart and trainable pets :) I was particularly fascinated by this video:
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my grandpa friended a pigeon when he was a kid. they bonded so closely that it would follow him almost everywhere. he never had it as a pet. it would just visit him 98% of the day. aside from being at school. it would follow his schoolbus even. it even brought its mate by to introduce it to him. he would just leave his bedroom window open, and itd be like "hello :3" theyre very affectionate creatures and very misunderstood, similar to corvids. i love all of them


Russian Pet Policy: "If you can defeat it in single combat, you may keep it."


I love homing pidgeons the most! I get migraines and can't deal with sharp noises, yet I want a pet bird in my future. Your video helped me pick the right bird! I could enjoy the soft coos and wing flapping just fine without being overstimulated. They also seem to be less destructive then rats lol. I want a loyal friend who I can keep for 10+ years so this would be an investment im interested in. Thank you for the insite!


I've always appreciated pigeons. So many people refer to them as vermin, but I've always seen them as super cute. My partner and I bonded over how much personality the average pidge can have. Besides homing pigeons, I didn't realise people kept them as pets. Its one of my dreams to befriend a wild bird... Though I'd happily hatch one too.


The amount of sass in this video is absolutely amazing

But mainly pigeons it seems like are one of the best pet birds you can have. Most birds are smart (sometimes too smart), needy, messy, poop a lot, and are expensive. Those are the basic things to accept when getting a pet bird in general. But of all those pet birds, a pigeon is quiet, physically cannot destroy things easily, and live a decent amount of time (not too long where they have to be given to grandchildren but not too short where it's too tragic).

I've always loved pigeons and I want one someday, and this vid made me consider it more. Thanks for the info!


I started feeding the neighborhood pigeons that live on my roof about 5yrs ago. Over those years I made sure they had clean water and food, no matter how much snow was snowing. This summer, I noticed one of them has a deformed beak so I taught him to hand feed so I could make sure he’s eating and now I think we’re engaged! Lil devil doesn’t even eat from the ground with his flock anymore, straight to my hand 🤗


In the US, pigeons will go to some variety of an “exotic vet”, which is EXPENSIVE!! To find an exotic pet that isn’t prone to congenital diseases is AWESOME, even bunnies come with HUGE vet bills in their later years!


When I buy my own house, and have a large garden, I will keep some semi tamed/wild pigeons. I want them to be free to fly outside, and interact with their own kind. I'm sure I'll be able to look after Crows, Magpies, and Ravens too.

I'm in South London, and there are plenty of wild animals outdoor.

Pigeons are so cute. 🥰


Every feral pigeon in a mile of my house knows me by sight. I love them all so much


There is something very special about pigeons - they know more than we think!


"Get someone that you won't need to change for." 👏👏👏 that can be repeated!
I find pigeons adorable but they won't fit me, my cat fit my life style a lot better. But it's fun to see what it's like and she looks adorable when you cuddle her in the end 🥰


This whole video was so concise and enlightening, but that ending statement is the best freaking pet advice I have ever heard and I actually never thought of pets that way until now. Thank you for this.
Your bird is adorable by the way.


I was brought a baby pigeon for rescue a few months ago. It still had some yellow baby head feathers. It was born disabled. Neither leg or foot worked. Now one leg works perfectly and the other has a frozen joint an the from toes don't work. This said Rocky can fly and move around pretty well. Also rocky sits on my shoulder for hours at a time. 😍


the powder is just the disintegrated tips of their feathers. It's called bloom. Almost all birds do it. Pigeons are messy birds, they aren't really clean enough to keep in a house, unless you only have one or two and stay on top of the cleaning maintenance


Your pigeon looks so happy with you! I love her and your video was awesome.
One thing you didn't mention that all bird owners should know is that all birds are sensitive to fumes and chemicals in the air, and even one use of a teflon nonstick pan can emit chemicals that are deadly. Candles, aerosols, cleaning chemicals, etc are also dangerous, and if anyone reading this has a bird, you need to look into this. You will need to do your research to purchase bird-safe cookware and stop using certain everyday items to keep your bird safe.
I worked at a local parrot store for several years and my friend runs her own parrot rescue. The most common reasons people give up their birds are because they can't handle the biting or they can't handle the noise level. A pigeon would better suit these people if they truly want a friendly bird but can't tolerate those things. Pigeons have wonderful mild temperaments and are so underrated.
But like you said they must be committed to spending quality bonding time with any feathered friend every single day. If it sounds like a chore, get fish or a snake instead.
I'm a macaw owner and when people ask if I recommend them as pets, I say no. I love mine to pieces but he has been through a dozen homes for a reason, because macaws are a lot to handle and they aren't right for most people long term. If you do get a parrot, start small. I only recommend macaws and cockatoos to people with lots of parrot experience and tons of patience because they are more likely to be prepared for the challenge.


9:43 I love that you mentioned this because my budgie always does this. Whenever there is a weird silence, I go into the hall or look in odd places and sure enough he is silently eating unedible stuff. I wonder if he thinks he's being sneaky. ❤😭
Today I found him under the wooden drawers his cage is on, never been there before, nestled between some thick wires lmao


Awesome video! I rescue pigeons and ensure they are seen by a vet before sending them to a wildlife centre for release. Some vets will be wildlife friendly and will treat birds for free if they are rescues. Sometimes I will get charged, but it really depends on the vet. The pet pigeons I have are ones that will not survive in the wild due to their injuries. The only thing I would say is if your pet bird suddenly "looks" like it is not well (ruffled feathers, head down on it's chest, change in its' poop etc) is to get it to a vet ASAP. Don't be tempted to leave it for a day or two to see how it goes - pigeons can die very quickly if not treated.


Thank you so much! I have a pigeon, he was in the wild, and when a storm was coming, he flew onto my shoulder walking in my back patio. He didnt want to leave - so I built big aviary for him in my patio - he comes inside too, but he is comfortable in our patio for shelter - I love him. So glad he adopted me :) Also thoughtit was cool, I'm american, but like to learn languages, and just started Russian. One of my favorite.


I just watched the entire video for some reason. I don't have a pet pigeon nor will I ever get one, but you have a nice video.


I am shocked how natural you are with presenting information in a friendly, easy to understand way!! Great presence, and great video.
