GOT GAS?! - Why Upgrade to Larger RV Propane Tanks - RV Life

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If you still have small 20 pound propane tanks on your RV then you need to upgrade to larger 30 or 40 pound propane tanks! Here's why!





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Our small twenty-four foot travel trailer originally came with two 20 pound propane tanks - the same size used in most outdoor grills. For a weekend RV camper this is more than enough. However, those who use their camper for multiple weeks in a row and especially full time RVers may find themselves out of propane at the campsite.

For our RV life, two 20 pound propane tanks would provide heat, cooking fuel, and keep our refrigerator cool for roughly three weeks straight during warm months. However, during cold months when the propane furnace would run often, these small propane tanks wouldn't even last two weeks.

Now, since we stay on site for two weeks at almost every campsite this simply wasn't enough. We prefer to refill our propane while traveling between sites. This saves us diesel fuel for our truck and time for ourselves by saving an entire trip into town just to refill propane. So the answer was to upgrade to larger 30 pound or even 40 pound propane tanks.

We chose 30 pound propane tanks for a number of reasons, and we think you should upgrade to larger tanks too! Why should you and what size should you get?

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Loved the video. I am at my daughter's property now. Had my motorhome Towed here. Have to stay for a while, not sure how long. My daughter has bad news. We are now fighting Stage 4 cancer with lots of chemo and ration treatments ahead. Please pray for her if you pray. I do every day all day long. Going to be very busy. But will still be watching everyone's fulltime Rving experiences. Love you both, be safe


Instead of the larger, heavier tanks that can't be exchanged in an emergency, I simply carry a spare one in the truck bed.


Some Ace Hardware Stores refill propane.


Another perspective on this is.... Stay with the 20 lb tanks. Carry one spare. That way you still have 60lb capacity. No added tongue weight. And the best is you can choose to refill or exchange. We also like having the extra 20lb tank to use for our coleman outdoor stove or a propane fire pit. Just another thought or two on the subject. Great video.


I like watching the people fill up my propane tanks. It has been my experience that when you exchange tanks you tend to be short changed on the amount that they claim that they put in their exchanges. I also carry a thermometer that I can put on the outside of the propane tank to tell me where the level of propane is. it is easier than having to weight each tank. :-)


I upgraded my 21 ft travel trailer from 2 20# tanks to 30# tanks. Now I have 4 20# spare tanks as I had 2 spares from before. It's only me, so I can go a very long time if needed. I also added an automatic changeover valve to prevent the middle of the night swapout, lol. Like a Murphy's Law.


One of the few times when saying "I've got gas!" is a good thing 🤣. Thanks folks, stay safe !


I would primarily use 30lb tanks but keep a pair of 20's in the back of the truck for spares and easy exchanges. Here in the Midwest Menards Home Improvement is a excellent place for filling.


I’m planning to do this. Just switched my batteries to 6v in series too.


My truck camper had two 20 pounders I quickly learned I needed more so now I have four 20 pounders I carry two extra on the back end covered. But with a slide in truck camper you have to be innovative. Wishing you safe travels.


Best upgrade. Making my winter so cozy.


Am I the only one who just wants to go cuddle with the sleeping fur baby passed out on the bed? 🥰


Changing our thirty pounders can be a hassle some times, but it's also cheaper to refill rather than swapping out 20 pounders when you need a replacement. Thanks for the video!


I have a total of 6 20lb tanks for black stone and Generator


Welding supply stores like airgas are good


I am near the end of my first couple weeks living full time in my 2019 ShadowCruiser Travel Trailer. I am running my furnace throughout the night and then turning it off mid morning. Because of that, I needed to refill my 20 gal tanks. I went to the local ACE hardware and bought 2 40 gallon tanks, and has the two 20 gallon tanks refilled as well. I cannot say yet if ACE is much less expensive then Tractor Supply or UHaul but the service was solid!


Those tanks are a wise upgrade to keep you comfortable in all weather. Another wise thing to have if you don't already, are a couple pairs of silk long johns. Silk is light but super insulating and layers well. It also takes up almost no space, weighs nothing and drip dries in just hours. Forget the heavy ones that have to be dried in a dryer. You can double layer the silks if needed and use them as jammies when you want. I traveled all over Europe with a set, was always warm and cozy and was the envy of the group. We always take a set with us when we travel. I told my friend about them and she loves them, has taken them all over the world with her and never travels without them. Silk is a little more pricey than others but well worth the investment for warmth and comfort. 😘


Great info I never knew about propane refilling and the quality of service/pricing in refills. Thanks to you ALL. Sweetie is such a wonderful camp hostess. bill in Florida


Great video with a lot of useful information. Thank you! We have a Coleman Lantern 214BH travel trailer with 2 20# tanks originally. We purchased 2 extra 20# tanks, thinking we were doing something right. We have since upgraded to a 40# tank. We are a retired couple living full time. Still newbies and learning more each day. ❤🤞