3 Things You Must do to Activate Your Lightbody

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This video is about 3 Things You Must do to Activate Your Lightbody

This video, I'm going to be sharing with you three things you must do to activate your light body. This video will make you so much more aware of how you can transition and transform into who you really are. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you a new concept that I'm going to be sharing on my channel more and more, and it's about understanding the light body. You see every single one of us has a light body and some of us are now going through a transition of activating that light body. Now let me first off explain a little bit about this process and what a light body actually is. Think of your light body as a activation of your higher self. Now think of it like this as well.

The body that you have right now, the physical body that you perceive of through your five senses. It's in illusion. It is an illusion who in what we think is real, is over 99 point nine percent, 99 point nine percent empty space. When it comes to this reality, we are in a matrix, okay, like sounds a little bit deep. It is deep. We live in a matrix, a holographic matrix that we're all in. We incarnate into this system because it's part of the joy of life. It's part of the experience because in a way we forget who we are. When we come here, we decided I'm going to go to earth. I'm going to have these cool experiences. I'm going to have certain appointments made with certain people, certain types of relationships, and I have a certain mission on the planet as well. However, one of the hardest things about coming to earth and being in this reality is that you forget who you are.

You in a way go through this veil for wellness in a way actually, literally you go through a veil of forgetfulness and you forget who you are. Then you're a baby that you're going to have a baby to a toddler to go from toddler to a the kid and then a kid to a teenager, the teenager to adult and you forget who you are, and then part of the purpose of life is to remember who you are, re member to reconnect to who you really are, and as you do that, as you go through that process, that's one of the joys of life and sometimes it'll be a little bit painful. That's a part of it as well because we have and we accumulate past memory. We accumulate these experiences and we then are lead to believe that what we perceive through our five senses is the real reality.

When in actuality reality is much more beyond just the form that we see. Think of this reality that you are perceiving right now as that of the fourth dimensional reality, third and fourth dimensional reality. When you look around right now, what has been happening over the last hundreds of years, but mainly lead especially the last 40 years is there has been an increase in vibration happening on the planet and as that happens, more and more people are becoming aware of who they are and also people are letting go and starting to go through this process of letting go of the density of how they perceived themselves since about 1987 when there was something called a harmonic convergence. We have been primarily had access to the fourth dimension which is considered more like a dream state. Has Your reality fit felt more like a dream over the last however many years because as the vibrations continue to raise, we perceive more and more of this reality being like a dream.

Reality is turning into a dream because reality is a dream. This is life. Experience is a dream. You in your true form are a high dimensional. Being that is dreaming. This is who you are. Sounds deep, sounds a little bit out there, but at a deep level, does it resonate with you? Go within yourself and see if this resonates with you, the mind, the ego part of it, no dishes, real science facts, solidity dishes, what's real, but in actuality it is only real because of our belief and our experience of the of the thoughts that we intermingle with it. They go, this is real, this is solid, and the same way you wake up at the end of the day in the morning, you go, oh, those were dreams last night that I had. At the end of this life, you're going to wake up and he'd be like, well, crazy dream. I learned a lot and you're going to wake up in the higher dimensional states of consciousness...

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Рекомендации по теме

I am super curious if anyone else is experiencing loss of appetite during this awakening time ? 🙏🏻💟 sending love!


We are light, ☀️ let's illuminate this dark world 🌎 and wake up everyone to the 💡 light ❤️🎶☀️👍👍👍👍


I've shifted into 4/5D and it was magical to be in my Astral/Light body... So awesome. ☯️☮️😍👼🙏


✋🏼👊🏼😀❤️ Matrix Knuckles 💥 Remember who you are. Spiritual badasses unite! 🙏


“We are REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE “ 👏🏻💯✨💜😁🌏🌈🌘


*Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. @*


Mer ✨ka ✨ba 💎 Merkaba represents pure divine energy, constantly spinning, harmonizing, balancing, flowing, moving and expanding in all four directions at all times supporting you where you want to go. It is said we can travel via a Merkaba into any spiritual dimension as it is infinitely circulating the flow of energy from the divine trinity with all elements, in all directions and all at the sametime. It harmonizes male and female energy, so understanding how to work with it can literally allow you to manifest all desires.


I NEEDED THIS TODAY 🤔 My Light Body is coming in 😁 Thank you from my Soul ….. 💛🕯⚡️✨


I see it this way... You cant understand strength before you understand weakness. You cant see light without seeing the dark. You cant gain pleasure without having pain. Everything we went through has brought us to where we are now. Everything happens for a reason.... We can CHOSE to heal from it or let it destroy Namaste🙏💞🎆


Interesting, I love seeing more and more esoteric stuff from you :) seems like these past couple months you've been really going away from the traditional law of attraction and tapping into metaphysics and esoteric more and more. It really opens the mind 🌷thank you


This is absolutely beautiful! I am 2 years into my process and i completely agree with you. we create our own situation, even if it was horrible situation, and we choose these situation to learn from it. if you choose to listen to the ego, dont learn, stay stagnant and keep repeating horrible things then you will stay in that cycle. BREAK THOUGH AND LISTEN TO THE LIGHT BODY 💕 SENDING LOVE


Thanks, Aaron. I appreciate you talking about your ex step mom. It is time for me to observe and let go those old stories too. Have a great day.


Wow!! I am currently going through this crystalline DNA ascension process and my light body is developing and awakening. It's an amazing process, not the most comfortable process but still so amazing. I feel as if I'm evolving in so many ways. My energy and vibes are getting stronger and brighter. My aura is shining and my vision is changing. I see things so much clearer now. It's like everything is high definition and it's so beautiful. Thank you for yourvideo, I'm learning so much and the insight your providing is astounding and very appreciated! 💕 I feel "High vibe" a lot and have also been yearning to help people in some way to live life in a more positive and enjoying way. I come in to contact with so many people suffering with depression, which I also have, and I just want to help bring peace and love to everyone and help ease their ailments. Thank you! 💕


Yes, please. Help with releasing the past traumas would be great. I've been doing Theta healing as well as your 21 day higher self meditation and so many traumas are being released. It hurts, but I believe the way to heal is to feel it and let it go and it may be a lifetime process. But, it feels better than holding it all in and subconsciously acting on the childhood traumas. Thank you for all of your amazing work.


I love your videos Aaron. I've been a practicing intuitive light healer for 30 years and have experienced all that you are taking about in your videos. Keep up the beautiful work your were made to do in this extraordinary lifetime.


Yes i would like a meditation on that ❤️


Hi Aaron, hi everyone! Thx for this video. It’s been so helpful for me. I went through my spiritual awakening in 2017 after a bad/bullying situation at work. I began meditating and can now connect to the light easily. My third eye is now open and I receive images although I don’t know what they mean. I seem to be constantly searching for answers so these videos are perfect! I’ve had past experiences that have come up whilst out walking - I was concerned at first but it’s good to know that I could be just healing. I am aware that I have to simply observe and not attach any comment or judgements. Thanks again! xx


Dude! Keep doing IT !! This video isn’t even the exact one that I got it from. It’s your new VIBE. You are frigging channeling now, brotha!


Omgsh I have tears in my eyes because in my heart I know everything you are saying is true. Can’t wait to activate my light body 💗


He is 100% right! Don’t let negativity rule your world!
