Chaos Magick

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Warning: There are flashing lights in this video.

Chaos magick rejects the existence of absolute truth, and views all occult systems as arbitrary symbol-systems that are only effective because of the belief of the practitioner

Austin Osman Spare's work in the early to mid 1900s is largely the source of chaos magical theory and practice. Specifically, Spare developed the use of sigils and the use of gnosis to empower them. Although Spare died before chaos magic emerged, he has been described as the "grandfather of chaos magic"

Here I read a fascinating summary on Chaos Magick By The Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers

Chaos magick has many defnitions and understandings but some of it is a unique and powerful way of looking energy and reality creation. I wanted to introduce chaos magick and sigils. This episode lays a foundation for future episodes coming on advanced sigils and energy manipulation.

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule

Music by Mettaverse
star wanderers
inner worlds
what dreams may rise
effortless awareness
mid summer lullaby
sweet dreams
7.83hz schumann resonance
love becomes us
golden lotus

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Warning: There are flashing lights in this video.

Chaos magick rejects the existence of absolute truth, and views all occult systems as arbitrary symbol-systems that are only effective because of the belief of the practitioner

Austin Osman Spare's work in the early to mid 1900s is largely the source of chaos magical theory and practice. Specifically, Spare developed the use of sigils and the use of gnosis to empower them. Although Spare died before chaos magic emerged, he has been described as the "grandfather of chaos magic"

Here I read a fascinating summary on Chaos Magick By The Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers

Chaos magick has many defnitions and understandings but some of it is a unique and powerful way of looking energy and reality creation. I wanted to introduce chaos magick and sigils. This episode lays a foundation for future episodes coming on advanced sigils and energy manipulation.

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


My stepfather was a friend of a man (who shall remain unnamed), who was a friend of Alister Crowley. My stepfather developed cataracts in his eyes. One day he told me he was going to try to get rid of them using a technique Alister had passed along. My step father tried it, and his cataracts were gone. His doctor, could not believe it. He told me how he did it... and I will tell you what he did. He stared into the bathroom mirror, and gave his cataracts to his reflection. Personally, I think he traded realities with his reflection. But whatever the case, it worked. Real story and completely true.


Brian, thank you. Every night I go to what I call "ascension college" I learn from wherever I am guided. I watch Gregg Braden and listen to Kryon, Quo Saint Germain and the angelic realm so many channels come and go but you become more and more important all the time. I have so much appreciation for you do. You are killing it!!!


Years ago when I was living in Amsterdam I studied a 3 year witch-training course (completed in 5 weeks) and decided to test the invisibility energy on a Saturday afternoon on the busiest and most narrow shopping street. After only being able to progress forward by a few metres after 10 minutes I finally accepted that it was a success. I was constantly sidestepping to avoid people walking straight into me. As I came out of the energy I was noticed by a woman coming out of a shop. She had a look of shock, just seeing someone appear 'out of nowhere'. After a few strides she turned back to look at me. I'm sure she was rationalising with herself and thinking she was just seeing things!
Doing things my own way and embracing the natural chaos in life has made a big difference to my inner life... although I believe chaos to be order we don't yet understand, challenging our definition of order.
For me it's all about being the centre of the pendulum swing and being at the extremes. Just in love with paradox, knowing that the only way to have control is to let go of control.


You are a 'spiritual machine'... in a totally non-humanist way.... just the way your content flows!

Keep them coming brother!


As a quantum and chaos theoretical physicist, Probability = Possibility...DEFINES Possibility. Period. This is the current, growing understanding. Thanks for bringing these aspects to the general population.🙏


I appreciate that you always choose great graphics to compliment your videos 🙏


The world, and life itself, is far more mystical and magical than we can imagine ❣️ Thank you Brian. I look forward to seeing you 😍 and joining you, every day 🙏 NAMASTE 🙏


I’ve dabbled in many forms but have found that my own creating is the most powerful for me. I didn’t know I was actually using chaos magic. Lol.


LOVE this! Thank you so much, Brian. I've been practicing Magick for just over a year now and my life has changed wonderfully. Most of all, I've discovered more about myself and grown spiritually through doing Magick in a way I could never have foreseen. Sigils are certainly powerful. Love Damon Brand too.


Thank you for this Brian. It ties together a lot of my life learning and why I've read lots of Crowley and the like. It has also helped me realise that creating sigils and pasting them as a street artist on walls out and about is something I should be doing more of.


Was so excited to get this notification. I have been fortunate to witness & experience a lot of this type of Magick and even pick up a few tips along the way. It's true what you said about creating your own Magick however you're creatively and intuitively pulled to do it. It's utterly personal and incredibly powerful. It's also really fun to create your own tools or as I have been known to do, discover them on the thrift store shelves and breathe life and energy into them again... Thank you Brian for another stellar topic! I am already looking forward to today's upload as well! Love and light to all. ❤


This is one of the best videos on YT covering this topic. The overview hits at nearly every aspect of new-age and neo-classical post Christian spirituality. It even links these concepts with eastern ideas and theological systems.

Has the host of this channel written a book yet? If not, he should. It would be a game changer for this subject.


I was just wondering today if you were going to cover this fascinating subject!!!


Yesss! Can’t wait to give this a listen- I’m already familiar with the literature about chaos magic but I love your podcast and guided meditation audios so I’ll gladly listen to your summary of it :D excited that you’re making some in-depth stuff about sigils, that’s gonna be awesome to listen to as well since it’s the technique that I was using myself when I had more free time for spiritual stuff and I found them to be pretty effective at manifesting things. Keep up the great content!


Love your channel, love Magick, love life!!! ✨💜


OMG!! WHEN BRIAN Said some believe we are entering into the new earth.. I immediately started typing!! (I have a book called "The only Astrology Book you will ever need. When I first read The Dr== chapter on "The Age of Aquarius" & it was at this time I began searching for answers to all of the infused knowledge I was receiving and my change, or.. additional senses. As I was writing this... Brian says THE AGE OF AQUARIUS!! ONCE AGAIN, BRIAN HAS ME HOOKED IN THE 1ST 2 MINUTES!! You gotta love this guy! I always seem to pick ⁵ the perfect video & then have a connection to it!!


Brian your such a blessing to so many. Thank you for exposing us to these teachings so we can find the paths right for us and experiment with so many possibilities. It truly is life changing for so many. So thank you sir for your time and love for others to spend so much time in educating others on the magick possible for anyone if they will only believe in themselves and the universe! May you and your loved ones always be blessed on your journey. 🙏💜


*Things That Will Change The World“

Manifest plainness,

Embrace simplicity,

Reduce selfishness,

Have few desires.”

― Lao Tzu

~Much Love from a Law of Attraction YouTuber💜


I'm waiting for this for too long. Thanks 🙏
