What Exactly is Chaos Magic?

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Chaos magic stands out in the mystical world, mixing practicality with magic. It focuses on personal trials and cleverly using beliefs, allowing users to mould reality with a mix of various methods. This powerful approach motivates people to explore and master the art of what's possible. In this video, we'll take a closer look at the secrets of Chaos magic, how it works, and its impact on the modern spiritual world.

00:00 - Intro
00:23 - What Is Chaos Magic?
01:29 - Why Is It Called 'Chaos'?
02:01 - How Does Chaos Magic Work?
02:34 - Sigilization
03:11 - Gnosis
03:51 - Chaos Magic Today

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I've read somewhere online that the ancient Greeks old meaning of Chaos was not of dis order. But originally meant to be of unlimited possibilities


Some of you who are new to this world, whatever you do learn protection, greatly first.


Regardless of your desire or will, there are established forces that won't work simultaneously so learn as much as you can about the tradition you want to integrate into your practices


No mention of 40k. I might have mentioned this practice got its start when LSD use was widespread.


hey, hi, practitioner of chaos magick here. yeah from what I understand and was thought, chaos magick isnt a religion. thats why theres no dogma to it. now it can be added to a religious belief or spiritual one which is why its so flexable.


Neat little intro though I think you missed a real opportunity with servitors which are definitely a higher level operational mechanic in chaos magic than a sigil. A sigil you can set and forget a servitor you often have to tool out, tend to and feed with purpose due to it's nature.


My favorite definition of the Chaos Sphere is " The place of primordial Creation, Pre -Creation"


It's like being an eclectic witch, you just follow your heart.Practicing outside of the box..


I think my mind is most powerful and magical can get high 💖💪💪💪


There aren't any rules. Live to win. They know the power of emotions.


I am ready for cosmic transformation now.


Hi i practice Goitia. Yes it is constuctive in to obtaining your goals on a practical material level. But the operator should be well Versed on Evoking. and Banishing Rituals. Its not Childs play.


So this is basically practicing magic with an emphasis on the practicing part, a bit of trial an error. I feel what I do fits this, but wouldn't call it this myself. I started onto magic after an Angel had me write a book from a series of dreams, originaly thought they were prophecy, but no, they are spells I can play, and they tend to have consequences to others with little benefit to me, besides the learning part. Have moved on to other kinds, but the dream spells can be triggered acadently, as I have been primed for them and can unknowingly walk into a set up. So part of knowing magic is knowing how to avoid magic. Most people do do magic, but they do it unknowingly, or think it to be something else. Biggest use of people unknowingly doing magic I see is in sporting events, traditions for luck and infact often magic.


I discovered it on accident so it found me. I say it shows God knows how to talk to people.


I mean we have seen organized religion and tradition be used to greatly harm others for personal gain. I think it best we personalize spiritual practice to avoid being manipulated and taken advantage of.


Peter carrol works at the royal opera house. Randomly


The practice of magic is as much a religion as prayer is. That is to say that it isn't at all. Rather, like prayer is a pactice engaged in by certain religious people, magic is also a practice. I'm a little ahsmed to admit that over the last five years or so, I've fallen off the horse, but before that, for about 25 to 30 years, I practiced magic diligently keeping fairly strict routines, all of which I documented carefully along with my dreams in journals that I still have. Every minute of every day was an adventure. Every act was significant and every observation was a revelation. But magic was never my religion. I'd like to suggest that anybody who answers that their religion is magic when asked is either completely stupid or entirely pretentious. Magic, like prayer, is a tool. Of course, people who engage in prayer are usually inclined to deny that prayer is a tool, it being the case that religionists who engage in prayer ordinarily deny that prayer for them is a means to an end, but rather serves as a sort of indicator to their god of their faith in it. It's not expected of that god to grant the wishes of the individual engaged in prayer; only that the individual proves his or her devotion to said god by conversing with it. The same can be said of magic, except magical practice doesn't rely the belief in any invisible entity that takes pleasure in the magician's lip service.But I digress.
I somehow found my way into the tutelage of various magicians several years my senior over and over again and was able through their influence to be initiated into several magical traditions, some old, some new, and chaos magic was one of them, and if I'm being honest with all those still reading this rather wordy comment, it was the current that kinda broke me.
This isn't to say that it's bad or evil or even dangerous at all. Rather, it despenses of tradtion to an enormous extent and allows the practitioner free rein in designing and executing their magical operations. The founders of the chaos magic movement, one of whom was a Peter Carroll, wrote a couple of terrific books in the '70s that are absolutely brilliant reads for anyone looking to break into the practice. Until then, my practice of magic, or magick to use the late, great Aleister Crowley's spelling, had been very regimental and relied heavily on systems upon systems of correspondences - astrological, numerological and symobolic - Olympian spirits and planetary rulers. Of course, it wasn't all academic hocus pocus. There was loads of super sexy stuff and plenty of things I might be a little embarrassed to talk about even if it weren't absolutely verboten for me to do so.
But then chaos magic came along and with it, all that freedom. It also came with a new and fairly radical way of addrressing the demon in control of the fourth and "false" sephira on the Kabbalistic tree if life - Daath. The demon's name is Choronzon and to those familiar with Crowley's system of working with the Kabbalah, Choronzon is not a demon to be messed about with. He's a mischievous shapeshifter who'll do anything to become manifest in the material world. There' a lot more to his nature, but I'm not writing a book here. Chaos magic regards Choronzon quite differently, though. He's seen as a spirit to be invoked by the magician who is ready for it, specifically because of his nature as a shapeshifter, "fake it till you make it" being rather a favorite motto among chaos magicians. Another very cool things that's been done within the field of chaos magic over the years is the adoption of HP Lovecraft's horror fiction lore. which really works very well because to develop it, Lovecraft seems to have drawn rather heavily on ancient Sumerian mythology which is trippy to say the very least!
Anyway, it was in carrying out the Nine Gates ritual - a chaos magic rite to do with addressing the spirits governing the planets on the full moon for nine consequent months as a sort of act of veneration of Inanna or Ishtar - that I enjoyed a tremendous psychospiritual breakthrough. Unfortunately, at the same time, I went through a rotten breakup with the mother of my son and I guess the two occurances together kind of... broke me... a bit.
I've written more than enough on this. Perhaps it was time for me to hav a go at getting it off my chest. Who knows? And maybe, just maybe it'll be useful to somebody else. And so instead of banging away at this keyboard even more than I already have, let me just sign off by saying...
...And the rest is history. Hail Satan!


So in other words Wanda Maximoff can manifest ANY intention convenient to the moment in question through ANY tools or methods that feel right to her at the time


More emphasis on Willpower and less on form and dogma.


Nothing is True Everything is Permitted!
