The Psychology of Chaos Magick

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What are the psychological underpinnings of chaos magick?
This exploration is an academic endeavour to understand how Chaos Magick might resonate within broader psychological contexts. It is important to note that the connections drawn are interpretative and not necessarily indicative of the intentions or understandings of Chaos Magicians themselves. This analytical approach aims to enrich the theoretical landscape of Chaos Magick, introducing new perspectives that could deepen our comprehension and appreciation of its practices.



- Facebook (Dr Angela Puca) 👥

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Bruner, J. and Postman, L., 1949. On the perception of incongruity: A paradigm. Journal of Personality, 18, pp.206-223.
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 1990. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper & Row.
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Davidson, R.J., Kabat-Zinn, J., Schumacher, J., Rosenkranz, M., Muller, D., Santorelli, S.F., Urbanowski, F., Harrington, A., Bonus, K. and Sheridan, J.F., 2003. Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(4), pp.564-570.
Penrose, R. and Hameroff, S., 1995. What is consciousness? Scientific American, 273(4), pp.8-11.
Piaget, J., 1954. The Construction of Reality in the Child. New York: Basic Books.
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Vygotsky, L., 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


00:00 Introduction: Psychology in Chaos Magick
00:15 Support Angela’s Symposium
01:19 Disclaimer
01:54 The Origin of Chaos Magick
02:18 Experimental and Individualistic Practice
03:11 Chaos Magick and Constructivism
04:11 Cognitive Dissonance in Chaos Magick
04:41 Sigilization and Cognitive Processes
05:32 Cognitive Triggers
06:38 Psychological Priming
07:02 Subliminal Influence and Magickal Intent
07:44 Integrating Spare’s Philosophy with Psychological Theory
08:22 Symbolic Interactionism
09:38 Flow and Altered States of Consciousness
10:02 The Quantum Connection
10:48 Psychoneuroimmunology and Physical Health
11:21 Stress, Focus, and Immunity
11:52 Altered States and Physiological Effects
12:26 Healing and Magickal Practices
13:16 Support Angela’s Symposium

⚠️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ⚠️
Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!
Рекомендации по теме

Everyone is a chaos magician whether they realize it or not


I’ve bern getting back into my practice since getting back into therapy almost 2 years ago. My therapist and I share a lot of the same spiritual beliefs. She’s been helping me incorporate practice into my therapy “homework”. After learning about chaos magick here, and watching this video, it makes sense now how my practice has greatly helped my recovery. Thank you, Dr. Puca! Excellent video and extremely helpful. Hugs!


Considering chaos magick's core concepts, a video like this feels almost meta!


Phenomenal coverage!

I love Chaos Magick; it's been helpful in overcoming trauma, setting life-affirming unconscious habits, and becoming a much healthier and happier person than I was when I was younger. 😵‍💫 This is the best emoji I could find.


First I want to say that you were very fair to us, moreso than most non-practitioners who attempt to grok what we do. The only thing I'd add is that some of us are very aware of the psychological implications of our magick and a few don't believe in magick at all. To those of us who follow the psychoemotional model, the pageantry and pomp is all a way to shortcut past the conscious mind and directly manipulate the unconscious. That's what I do and it transformed every aspect of my life.


I thoroughly enjoyed this. Also, let's not forget, nothing beats the placebo effect. 🙂


This is a much more nuanced practice than I had realized. Well done as always :) could not find a spiral emoji :)🌊that's as close as I can get


You explained it way better and understandable than anyone else on yt. Thank you so much


With this psychological insight of chaos magick, my understanding of it widens profoundly. Thank you so much Dr. Angela.☺️🌀


Thank you sooo much for sharing all your knowledge with us. You're one of my trusted online sources for all occult ❤


When someone criticizes me i now lean into it - i first agree with them

If it sounds snarky i say it again until it sounds legit - after it "sounds" legit it starts seeming legit in my head

In this way i am able to embody many personalities with many flaws - this may sound unhealthy but it becomes a removable "shield" instead of a "wall"

The chaos is my ever changing view i hold of myself - i become many many things instead of a rigid set of "rules"

I try and hold competing "perspectives" and use each view when appropriate without losing "myself"


Of all the places outside of child development I might have expected to hear about Piaget and Vygotsky, the occult sphere is definitely not one of them


🌀 This was an excellent video, offering insight and illumination of the practice in question. Thank you.


Very interesting stuff. I started my occult journey with Chaos Magick and seem to always find my way back to it at one point or another.
A lot of what was said was new to me, however, and am glad to take it into account going into the future. Shocking to me especially because trance work and alteted states have been a big part of my practice for some time now. Awesome work as always
-Alva 🌀


Another great one angela, this really comes in handy in these unpredictable times we live in, and its always nice to see my favorite witchy doctor ;)


It is psychology that gives me my distaste for chaos magic. When I came out of the closet, I went through 13 months of intense mood swings (the student psychologist I was seeing at the time sent me to be tested for bipolar disorder), because actually changing your beliefs has consequences. I'm glad that I came out, and the fact remains.


This is such a great video. Chaos magic really resonates with me in the sense that the larger universe seems so chaotic until we start to see patterns and build frameworks out of them (think mathematics).

If we have the ability to perceive order out of chaos then it seems to me that not only can we apply these perceptions to describe what already exists, but use them to create from them as well.

I always think about it like this: the universe is the chaotic whole, and is also the fabric with which we're able to interact with and build from.

To me it's a beautiful, simple, and empowering concept: the universe is chaotic until we find order and if we can find order in the chaos, then it stands to reason we could create order from it as well.


🌀 Thank you for this amazing breakdown!


Thank you for bypassing the algorithm with your link! It’s because of your smart marketing or whatever that drew my attention to this video whilist scrolling


To say that Carroll and Sherwin are the origins of chaos magic is a huge disservice to AOS.
