Servitor Magick - TUTORIAL [Members' Exclusive Preview]

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Servitor Magick is a surprisingly simple skill that forms the bread and butter of many Chaos Magicians.
Following the first tutorial on sigils, I hope you will enjoy this slightly more involved, but incredibly effective technique that has split the opinions of the magickal community (more about that in the video itself).

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*Magickal Servitors*

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When I first started taking magick seriously I created a protective servitor that lived in a statue on my alter. He had a passive form and a battle form. His battle form was designed to grab, constrict, and consume negative energies and beings. After consuming them they would be converted into neutral energy and released back to source. I released him after I learned how to protect myself better, but I still think of him fondly from time to time. He was a truly loyal and good friend.


Servator "...What is my purpose?

Practitioner "You pass butter"


I have to admit I genuinely laughed out loud towards the end of the video. I just couldn't help but hear "You might not fear the wrath of the gods, young magus but ask yourself, 'What would your mum think?'"


You posted this in divine timing. I was looking for a competent video on Servitors within the past few days. I am grateful for your insight.


I think that was some of the greatest advice I've ever heard about anything let alone magic. Think about someone who cares about you and if they would be disappointed in your asking of this favor. The funny point to consider is that many people who might care about you disapprove of magic entirely though. lol


I am ever so grateful for this. After a period of time making Servitors for my divine masculine path, I've learned a lot. I've changed some of Brand's instructions and a lot of my thinking aligns with your instructions too. Thank you for this.


Interesting controversy. I remember reading Crowley's 1923 diary and noticing a majority of his workings that year were "creating demons" and I thought to myself: "Why create more when there are plenty enough as it is?" Great video as always!


Ive had my Servitor for 16 years. Is that uh... Too long? I didnt summon him intentionally and Ive never realized Ive been practicing chaos magick my whole life until just yesterday. I use my instincts for everything and its led me here. I am going to do more research, but thank you for your content! It has been helpful to read.


Reminds me of creating artificial elementals from Craigs book Modern Magic. By coincidence I am reading the Daimon Brand book on servitors. Looking forward to doing this.


Quite the comprehensive guide!
Some aspects I haven't seen before, which I guess is from Damon Brands book.
I like Wachters idea that Servitors aren't really created but that existing spirits take their place when we "make" them, provide a home for them - as food for thought even if I'm not quite sure what I think on what Servitors "really" is.


I thought for the longest time that every one could see and interact with spirits until I was an adult. Just poking around looking at others practices and rituals makes me glad I could see and work with them naturally as a child. This is too much time and work for me.


First time I actually considering becoming a member of anything in the tube. This is fun and great!!! Made my day❤️


Thank you so much for the videos like this one and the previous one on sigil magic! These are so priceless. Getting ready to try them so wish me best of luck. :)


- What is my purpose?
- You pass butter.


Am I the only one who had thought about the classical genie in the bottle? :) a wish fulfilling entity, who can be called using a spesific gesture and words set. 😉


Excellent talk. So glad to have found it, tho a bit late. Some years ago i was not yet really into magik and had never heard of Servitors but had read some stuff about thought forms, so i thought "why not". l actually thought i'd invented it. So... i created two Clan Guardiens, rather scary ones, and far from creating a kill button, i connected them to...the tides. Their power waxes and wanes with the tides. I relate all this as a "what not to do" .


I have been having great success in my creationism work. Creating my area which my residence resides, the first areas within said residence and how they are decorated etc. My next step is Servitors for both within and outside the otherworld. This was a very informative video. Thank you for this and your reading suggestions.


Have you read the book Egregores, The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destinies by Mark Stavish? This is right in line with the concept.


Fascinating topic, I bought the G of M book on the Topic. I think this a bit out of my comfort zone though. I will stick with me Angels and Archangels Thank you so Denis, very well explained and entertaining as always. Blessings and good luck to you. 🙏🙏
