How to become a better photographer through 'visual exercise'

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As photographers it's very easy to fall down the deep, dark hole of gear lust; or to get lost in reams of techy info, thinking these things will make us better photographers. They may help you learn how to use the tools, but in the same way as owning a paint brush doesn't make you an artist, becoming a great photographer is about so much more.

The following video gives some of my thoughts on how to 'exercise visually', how to open your eyes to the world around, and how to become photo-aware.

I hope it inspires you to shoot more often, with more abandon, and to develop your photography as art, not science.

Enjoy, and share it on if you found it helpful.

#photography #streetphotography #visualexercise
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It seems a lot of you misunderstood my comment about shallow depth of field, which might be my bad communication, so let me clarify. I said that "I can't hide behind a shallow depth of field" and by shooting deep DOF "I'm not being lazy", precisely because I know I've been guilty of this in the past. If you look at my portrait work you'll see I consider shallow DOF to be a legitimate technique, but I also know that I went through a stage of trying to make boring shots look interesting by just shooting very shallow, instead of moving on to find a genuinely interesting shot. In my mind this is lazy, and bad photography. Shoot deep DOF when I'm out and about forces me to be more disciplined in my composition. It's an exercise, not a rule. If that comment got your back up, perhaps you are in the same boat and need to adjust some things. Ween yourself off shallow DOF and only use it when it's appropriate. Ask yourself honestly, have you been using it as a crutch, like I was?


Finally I see a smart video about photography that inspires me instead of overwhelming me with all the technical stuff


a true life poet...not just a great sir inspire me.


I think every photographer should do a drawing course. It’s a great way to train your eyes. Sit down and look at the subject you want to draw. It helps to see the world visually. More in abstract underlaying patterns then in function.


'Photography in the end of the day is still an art'. Thanks for that.


"Art is going to come out of experimentation!"
Thank you Sean you are my favourite youtube channel.


Probably the best-spoken Youtuber amongst photography circles👍🏼.


Needed this! In this polluted ocean full of talk about tech specs and gear, this was truely refreshing and much needed. Thank you!


"Give me permission to be careless" I love that!


The two things that always make me hyper aware of my surroundings - riding my motorcycle and walking the city with my camera in hand. Great video as always my man!


Telling stories is what photography is all about. Seeing the world through our own eyes. And in hopes we inspire others to do the same.


Great, inspiring post, Sean. You're so right. My artist statement includes this line: "My camera's just a tool. It's how I use it that counts. It's not the camera that takes great pictures; It's the photographer behind the lens who makes great photographs." I'm always looking for and seeing patterns, visually interesting scenes & compositions, and light interactions in the world around me. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder in 2008, and living with it has made me a better photographer. My brain looks at the world around me differently, and I see light, shapes, patterns and compositions in a way that I never did before. I was a good photographer before. Now people who see my work tell me that my images are outstanding. Photography truly is a therapeutic and creative art.


Composition. Capturing light. Everything in place. Don't 'cheat' with dof. Video. Your video. A breath of fresh air. Thanks.


So many other photographers say go out and shoot. Its like if you don't feel creative that's hard. But with what you are suggesting is very different. Go out and observe and yes capture things in photo, but just that act of thinking and considering the "whole" world around you. Is a step in the right directions. Thanks you for the change in thinking


Wonderfully said. Even with professional photographers, you can see their personality and feelings reflected in the pictures.


I have never ever commented on any YouTube video but this video made me do so. I love shooting with my iphone, for me it's all about capturing that moment. I try not to use any filters, or edit my photos because I want my photos to look the way my eyes see it. Went through a couple of YouTube accounts which were mostly about dslr technical know-how .. but I don't even own a proper camera! Was even tempted to send some pictures to those accounts for a critique but felt sort of shamed that my photos weren't professional enough or even taken with a dslr. BUT Your video, your message, is an encouragement. Thanks!


My great grandfather was a photographer during WW2 and looking through his printed work it's crazy to see how everything is composed in the frame where it should be and it makes it all so much more interesting to look at


More than 2 yrs have passed since you posted this, your captured moment still gives ppl a good lesson. Thank you.


Watched one vidéo last night and watched two more in a row right now. Last time I'll do that. Not because I don't like your videos or what you talk to us about, no, no. I drink it all and I am truly inspired by what you explain about your photography, about how your life has affected you being a photograph. It's like reading a good book, sometimes you have to turn it over to the page your on and just think about what you read. So now one at a time, maybe I'll go out and try some of your techniques or otherwise just think a while about what you said. Glad to see you tomorrow Sean.


I clicked subscribe 35 seconds into the video.
