Become better at talking to people 🗣️

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0:00 Intro
0:23 The anatomy of charisma
1:53 Name of the game
2:55 Be interested
4:27 Conversational threading
5:18 Imperfect is the new perfect
6:34 The halo you give, the halo you get
7:38 Self-assurance
8:22 Have fun!



❤ Sadia
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Uncredited quote: "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" (Maya Angelou)


Listen, I CRIED when I watched this. I've always felt like there's been some secret class that I must have missed on how to interact well with others. I'm warm, and I love people, but I get so stuck in conversations that i go out of my way to avoid them. It's often caused me so much frustration and feelings of isolation, even when I'm surrounded by people I love. This feels like that secret class. Thank you ❤️


Tips to be magnetic
0:49 Balancing warm and competent
2:09 Use people's name in conversation
3:10 Be interested, not interesting
4:26 people will remember how you made them feel ( not what you did/said)
4:28 Try conversational threading
5:19 be imperfect ( don't strive for perfection)
7:16 Gossiping positive about others
8:35 Don't expect people to like you


As an introvert and an socially awkward person this was much nedded. 🤗 Knowing that you also have similar feeling, makes me feel comfortable about my feeling, and I will also work on my social skills . Love you Sadia.❤


The thing with “be interested “ I learned or realised is, after a period of time, it’ll exhaust you. It’s a very good way to make people like you more. I realised everybody likes somebody who listens, but over a long period of time it comes to a point where you’ll be too exhausted to listen. It struck me this one time that people are no longer interested in me once I stop listening. Nobody listens they only want somebody who listens. Relationships like this destroyed me. After a certain point I can no longer act like I’m interested because I’m not. It exhausted me so much and made me feel like crap. I hope people don’t take it too seriously and don’t belittle themselves after following it a little too much.


At 16, I was living the dream - always cheerful, surrounded by friends, and constantly chatting away. Teachers would often scold me for talking too much, but it was all in good fun. Then, everything changed when lockdowns hit. Suddenly, I found myself retreating into shyness, unable to connect with others like I used to. It's been tough - feeling anxious and down all the time. It's like this dark cloud is just hanging over me, making me feel lost and distant from everyone. I don't even recognize myself anymore. Just the thought of talking to people fills me with nerves, so I end up spending most of my time alone with my thoughts. I really miss feeling confident and happy. Right now, it feels like getting back to that place is impossible. I just needed to get all of this off my chest. There's so much more I want to express, but for now, I just needed to share what's been weighing heavily on my mind.


It’s kinda crazy how nobody’s talking about the book womens magic truths on borlest


I am a very very good listener, and genuinely show my appreciation and understanding towards the person who is sharing anything with me, I ask them questions about the same topic to make them feel heard and important.

But they never reciprocate with me similarly. When I talk some people cut me off, or not give much importance, even shut me & judge me for sharing something i feel


Really good idea about not trying to find something in your own experience to relate to but instead, dig deeper into their interest.


My classmate told me once that I am a charismatic person. All I know is whenever I talk to them, I am the one who asks questions like how they feel and it's true, I often say their name when I thank them for something. On the other hand, they still see me as someone competitive and capable. It is indeed sometimes about balance. Not to impress, not to act humble, but to be authentically down to earth and still be able to show greatness.


I always try to relate with a familiar story... but I'd circle it back to them. Like, "My uncle paints too, but he only does oil painting. Do you have a painting style too or do you like experimenting with different types/styles of painting?"

Because I feel like if you don't share something about yourself, it kinda feels very one-way.


You've always had that balance of warmth and competence, Sadia!✨Congratulations on 4+ million subscribers! Much love!♥


This is definitely a video that I'll be watching more than once: as an awkward conversationalist, this is pure gold! Thank you, also for the books you mentioned!


I've been feeling so much social anxiety lately, I feel like this came up at the perfect time! It's really hard and it takes practice to break old anxiety cycles and start being more authentic but I'm trying!


I would've never guessed you viewed yourself as socially awkward, but I really appreciate you sharing that! As an introvert and socially awkward/anxious person, I got a lot out of this video. Thanks so much for always giving us quality content!


I'm autistic so this video feels really helpful to me personally as I often struggle with picking up social cues and then figuring out which ones I should be putting out as a result. This video was super helpful, Sadia!!


The last point is a great reminder for me “ go into a conversation for fun rather than being liked” I sometimes fall into what I’d call my little girl self and just want to be liked and I forget to be present and enjoy my experience. Thank u!


Really nice video. My takeaways :-

1) Be an active listener and be curious about the other person but also share your thoughts from time to time..

2) Don't have the intent to impress them and try to have fun thereby showing your imperfect and funny side

3) Remember not just their name but also the experiences and perspective that they shared with you when you are listening to them and asking questions. Eat loads of almonds and strength your memory muscle.

4) Don't gossip or grib or complain. Everyone has problems, but nobody wants to hear someone cribbing always. Sometimes is fine. Work on yourself, your insecurities and keep becoming a better person daily.


One thing that makes you stand out from others is that you provide practical tips rather than just go with what the world says and all those theories and
Keep making more such videos 😊


I’m an introvert/highly competent and when I’m socializing I definitely make the mistake of talking about myself too much. It may seem self-absorbed on the surface, but I’ve realized the root of it is that I’m trying way too hard to prove I’m interesting, fun and worth talking to. I’m going to implement the “curious” tactic and start asking more questions!
