Jeep Wrangler Crash Test – REALLY NOT Safe??

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The four-wheel drive off-road 2019-2020 Jeep Wrangler is an all-new vehicle, fresh to the market.  With a seatbelt reminder and a simple driver-set speed limiter but no other form of driver-assistance system, the Wrangler clears the one-star threshold but lags far behind its competitors. Join us to enjoy exclusive benefits:
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Don't let those dummies drive. They wreck everything.


Honestly most people who buy jeeps, they take off the doors and drive it around town... so safety is not #1 on their list. Haha.


My childhood friend was in a jeep that rear ended a FedEx truck, didn't even look to be that bad an accident as the jeep was still driveable but his head hit the side pillar and now he has the mental capacity of a child. He was an amazing athlete and the girls loved him, so sad to see him now. His sister has done allot of research on jeeps and she tells us they are just too ridgid and do not crumple the way most modern cars do so the forces back on the driver are significantly higher then they should be for a modern vehicle


The people that buy jeeps don't really care if it safe. Why should they though? You buy a jeep because it is cool. You can take the doors off!


Soccer mom's need to stop buying jeeps. They aren't designed to be safe, they are designed to take a beating off-road. Simple as that. You don't buy a wrangler thinking about safety.


It looks okay for me, to be honest. I don't understand the One-Star Rating.


This same company reviewed my favorite condoms and gave it a 5 star rating and broke on the first use never trusting these guys again


I see - the jeep keeps its shape almost perfectly, transferring all the crash energy into the squishy people inside.
That was considered a safety feature in the 1950's or 40's I believe. Until people realized that crumple zones make a car look - well, crumpled, but the people inside don't squish.


I was in an accident recently in my 2019 JL sport S. Someone broke to hard and we were both going 50 mph. The Jeep saved my life and it is still repairable so in my book it’s safe enough.


Downloaded and read the entire report. This score was largely due to not have electronic braking assist, not being able to fit some car seats, and the amount of damage a pedestrian or bicyclist would take when struck by the Jeep. I'm not kidding. I get it, safety first, but if the Wrangler was tested with the brake assist and other features that are available, it would have been rated above 3 stars. As far as the rest, you are supposed to fit your car seat to the vehicle, not the other way around... and if you are routinely running over pedestrians there's a bigger problem.


I bought my Rubicon for mostly off-roading and the ability to flat tow it behind my motorhome. It is not the most comfortable vehicle I ever owned, but I can drive it to the hills and climb rocks the size of a car, go through rivers and streams. Then I hop on the highway and go home. I'll deal with the one star. Do that with your 4 star cars.


Im still buying one anyways because the doors and roof can come off


The Jeep is always underestimated, it is not made for wrecking, it has always been simpler than other vehicles, the Jeep Wrangler is made for off-roading


I will say this about a jeep wrangler. I was rear ended by a huge dodge ram truck at an intersection. I was sitting still and the truck was doing probably 25mph when it hit me. I was totally fine and it felt like a minor accident. But when I got out I was shocked the dodge was crumoled up and the driver hurt. The front bumper of the truck was pushed in to the motor. The hood was bent in half. Plastic, metal glass laying on the ground. My tire pushed in the rear door in a little bit. Say what ya want about vehicles crumpling up to keep the passenger safe but sometimes it works out better to be in a roll cage.


Mom: What car you gonna get when you grow up?
Me: A Jeep!
Mom: Ohh
Me: *watches this a few years later*
Me: Neeevermind


1 star is not because of the frame but the lack of airbags and safety features


That frontal crash looked awful.. way too abrupt.


On the concrete wall test, car performed the rubbish. It barely crumpled. The plastic front bit was the only real crumple zone.


It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.


When the doors are off and you're driving 60+ on the highway

Goodbye legs and arms
