A Kettlebell Combo With Six Kettlebell Exercises

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This kettlebell combo is that from the workout called Colossus WOD. The kettlebell combo has 6 kettlebell exercises which are:
1) kettlebell deadlift
2) kettlebell hang clean
3) kettlebell swing clean
4) kettlebell swing
5) kettlebell half snatch
6) kettlebell strict press

Combine all these together and you have the Ulitmate Kettlebell Combo.

Make sure to check out the video for the Colossus WOD which is as follows:
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
4 minutes of 50 bent-over rows
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
4 minutes of 40 bent-over rows
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
Finish with 30 bent-over rows

If you finish your bent-over rows before the end of 4 minutes, use the remainder for rest!

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Perfectly! What you need for a short workout on the whole body! Thank!


I love this one.. Saw it already on the channel from Queenofbells.


Hy! I follow your channel one and a half years ago and I really like your combos. But I have a serious problem with some of them, a special one. I started learn martial arts, when I was 8 years old, I tried a few (aikido, judo and kendo). I still practice the kendo, and to prepare my muscles favorite training tool is definitely the kettlebell. Now comes my problem: I had an ugly shoulder injury nearly a year ago. I did the rehab but the anatomy of my shoulder changed a bit, the american swing, the snatch and other "above the shoulder's line" exercises are totally prohibited. I would like to do some of your komplexes. Could you suggest an other exercise to replace the snatches in your combos? I would be very grateful for this tip. Thanks for the video and I hope for the answer too. :)
