'Should I go out ALONE?' - WATCH THIS Before Riding Solo

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"Should I go out alone?"

It's a question I got sent to my email inbox the other day, and something I decided to address in today's video...

Because asking me if you should "go out alone" is like asking me if you should "wait for your friends to hang out with a girl you like?"

It's ridiculous.

It's like asking me if you should play basketball if you want to get good at basketball. Sh*t doesn't make sense.

Of course, you should go out alone... IF you don't have a wingman.

Don't let anything stop you from moving the needle forward, and getting better at what you actually want to become a BOSS at.

Because let's face it, you will NEVER attract the women, the social life, and become the most Charismatic version of yourself if you let excuses like "not having someone to go out with" stop you...

**Little caveat though... You should not be going out alone all the time. Because if THAT'S the case, then that means we've got some deeper issues present, and we should take a look at fixing those.

But if you want to go out, and for whatever reason you can't find anybody else to go out with you. Don't let that be your EXCUSE to staying in, and not improving yourself.

As you'll see, going out alone can actually be an great way to meeting new wingmen.

Hope you enjoy this one.

And if you did, then hop on over to my website, and sign up for the VIP email newsletter, because I'm dropping all sorts of knowledge on that ish:

Peace out girl-scout.

-Patrick James,
#RAWDatingAdvice From A Guy Your Mother Wouldn't Approve Of...

going to bars alone, going out alone, going to a bar alone, should I go out tonight, how to have fun alone, should I go out alone tonight, how to go out alone, going out solo
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I went out alone last night, I went earlyish when clubs were opening. The bouncers were very nice and friendly, there was no door charges because it was early, and it was a very intimate club environment, I spoke to the barkeeper just a little bit and then sat down next to two girls in the smoking area and said hey how's it going. Boom. They were happy to talk and that was the beginning of my night.


The main reason I started going out alone was because very often there was a concert or a band, DJ that I really wanted to hear, but my friends were not interested, so I ended up not going. It really annoyed me that I had do depend on others. So one day I decided to go to listen to my favorite artist alone. First I was really nervous going out alone. What would the others think? Would it be weird to be there alone? But soon I realized that it was only in my head. If you think that it's weird, then in becomes weird to you.

I have been going out alone for a few years now and Oh boy..! You get double the amount of attention from girls. If they see a confident, mysterious, handsome looking guy alone dancing on the dance floor, enjoying himself, smiling and not giving a fuck about what the others think. The women will position themselves around you and give you all kind of signs, even come talk to you and ask you for a dance. It's crazy. I really enjoy good music and dancing, but this is defenitly a good bonus.
Just think of it like that: James Bond also went to everywhere alone. Sat at the bar and sipped his dirty martini.


I wouldn’t have a problem going out solo. My issue is talking with my peers, Idk what to talk about, how to be entertaining, how to make friends, how to be fun. This shit holds me back big time. That’s what truly makes me uncomfortable. Idk how to be goofy, im serious because idk how to be fun. Idk what to do. I’ll be able to stand somewhere, or sit alone, my fear would come in someone or a group of people approaching me and I won’t be able to mingle because I’m so fucking laid back and reserved. 1 on 1 I’ll be ok though. And I have no friends that’s why I’m looking these videos up because I have no other option but to go out alone


I’m thinking about going out alone tomorrow night for the first time. Might need to watch this video again tomorrow afternoon for encouragement!


Great advise I'm going out alone tonight. I've always had a entourage but my friends have become home bodies and I still want to rage . Confidence is the key


Amen, to that brother, I'm with you on that even when no one else is with us on the journey to go home with or bring home the ones we want.


Just remember to just do the thing even when you’re not feeling it


Your positive attitude makes it sound so easy, but fuck, once i get in there i just freeze up. But i get it, you are the energy you put out. Man, i wish i could just flip a switch and be so much more "outgoing"


The best way I found to make conversation with others (especially groups) is completely pretend that you know them. Just sit at their table and say something like "sorry I'm late guys my Uber took forever" or something and keep up that act for a bit in a fun confident way.

They will more than likely laugh and ask who are you or something and boom instant conversation and way to get into their group temporarily. If they get hostile and tell you to leave, just laugh it off and say "damn I thought you guys would be chill guess I'm wrong" and move on to a different group with the same act.

I'll also go up to random dudes and be like "what up Jake (just a random name) haven't seen you since that badass party! Man you were wasted". It's a fun way to talk to people and it also makes them laugh and think you're fun to be around.


It's difficult to fight that inertia sometimes. Especially in a noisy bar where you don't know anyone. Over time, I've noticed that I can still make things happen when solo, but I can't get it to immediately happen every night I go out. It seems more bust than boom. It doesn't make any difference if I'm with others or alone either, but I generally go out alone. Some nights, I don't even feel like approaching. I have a lot of info in my head, but haven't taken much action. I'm one of those cases..


Hi Patrick, I googled this for myself, because I as a solo woman I do go out alone from time to time and it is each time a shitty feeling to put myself out there, but I am doing it and usually I have a great fun. Why alone, well from the same reasons, my friends are lazy to move on Friday evening, or they are married, tired, not interested in the same things bla bla bla...good luck to all!


Committed I am, I just need the fucking courage!


Ah I like that basketball example you gave makes so much sense. Yes going out alone can be awkward to be honest depending on environment. But yes it can be fun you have nothing to worry about


Awesome advice my dude, I’ll definitely apply this when I go clubbing alone. My life is going to change very quickly. Fear is there but fuck it!


I wish these videos were helpful.

I still appreciate them. Really nice of you to make them.


Truth is, for a sexy guy like you it is not a problem. You are gifted with your looks and and you can go out alone but not everyone is like you. Stay blessed.


I went out by myself last weekend one of the best nights out I’ve had, didn’t have any friends to interact with so i HAD to talk to people and after like 2 minutes of talking to some random dudes they thought I was cool and bought me drinks plus I made out with a girl but didn’t get laid. Definitely recommend it guys if your nervous pre game to get loose and do it! Also highly agree with not waiting to talk to people get to bar order a drink then turn to the person next to you and talk. Here’s what I’ve been doing ex: Radom guy/girl hey what’s up how’s your night going? Decent opener and always gets some type of response then you can follow up with “is this the only place you been to tonight” or “something more funny relaxed like “are you as drunk as I am yet?” Say it in a non serous tone then you can follow if it’s girl with a tease like come on why not it they say no or oh so we’re both at the perfect level to do something we may regret in the morning if they say yes. Then go from there


you're awesome man.. and you got a new subsuscriber


Screw it I am a very awkward person and am quite socially awkward but I’m throwing myself in the deep end as an experience. I’ll let you all know how it goes


Dude I went out alone to a bar restaurant ones and I was cool and confident about myself I dranked socialized with different women and danced with them Because I had it on my mind I am confident about myself
