What I learned from my social media fast | Amber Quinney | TEDxYouth@Buffalo

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Take a social media break as you explore the dangers of social media addiction on the human brain and it's harmful effects on society. College scholar Amber Quinney shares with you how she lost her appetite for virtual interaction through her year-long social media fast. Through her talk, learn how to be more mindful of your social media presence and how to be more present in your own life. Amber Quinney is no average college student. A Marketing major at Canisius College, she has completed seven internships and earned more than $50,00 in private scholarships. Amber was a finalist at the national C.E.O. elevator pitch competition, won two research grants, and twice was a WNY Prosperity fellow. She completed the University of California Emerging Leaders Program, and is the founder of “Charm School for Sisters,” which teaches young girls of color about self-love, sisterhood, and success skills. Her talk is based off of her recent research for candidacy for her degree and explores the negative effects on the brain of over saturation of social media exposure and addiction. Her talk also explores the critical role that social media and media stimulation plays in our everyday lives.

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Checking your likes is the new smoking


I’ve been quitting social media for 3.5 months now. And the reason i chose to quit because i felt like social media has changed my personality. I realized i’ve become more judgmental and ungrateful for what i have and who i am. It was because social media exposed me with other people’s “online” life that seemed to be a perfect life. This triggered me to always compare my life with others. I am a hundred percent agree that social media makes us seek for social validation ultimately. We tend to post something happy and beautiful in order to get as many likes as we can. So that we become popular among our friends or peers. Thankfully, after 3.5 months quitting social media, i can feel some changes in myself. I can focus more on myself without worrying people judge me, i feel more content with my life, and i am happier than ever before. Last but not least, quitting social media enables me to spend quality time with my loved ones because i got no distractions. Sooo for people who are still caught up in social media, you should consider about it ;) God bless, and have a nice day!


“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”

- Mark Twain


I deleted my Facebook and Insta and everythings... over 6 years ago, never looked back!
When I run into people, they say I fell off the map. THANK YOU!
Smart people keep their private lives PRIVATE!


I Quit Facebook 1 month ago and Instagram yesterday. Now I am putting all my addiction into YouTube lol. It’s a good start though


You have to guard your mind & be careful what you feed it ❗️


There is so much beauty in the smarts of a woman


I quit Facebook for 2 months now and I’m less stress now 😅 but YouTube not now, I’ve got some good information sometimes like watching ted 😁


"Learn to like yourself first." So good and so true!


A terrific speaker at such a young age. She will go far!


"Learn to like yourself first." That's the most amazing thing I've heard today.


I went through a whole fit of expressing myself on social media, posting pictures, being creative and probably not focusing on my work enough. i ended up bruised very badly. I damaged a relationship dear to my heart and I had few arguments with people online. it was not worth it. My confidence was getting lower and lower because I always keep watching people lives and being envious. I quitted it all and I feel better for it. Now I watch youtube videos - reminding me why I am better off without it!


I am so glad I went to high school in the 90's and college before the big push with social media. I can't even imagine how my life would have panned out with google at my fingertips. I can't wait to see what Amber does after she graduates! Love the talk!
Left FB during the Trump election and never went back. YouTube is the only social media I care about and it doesn't take up my time like FB did.


Moderation is key. Like anything in life, addiction is a negative.


Wow, this young woman is so wise! Definitely one of the BEST TedsTalk.


She summed everything up so nicely, in today's society it's hard to completely log off because nowadays it is a tool. Taking a detoxing break can be a wonderful thing though and I think it's so important for everyone to try it out. Remember to find who you are before you share who you are not!


It's easy to quit Facebook and Instagram, but not for Youtube lol.


This video just affirmed what I am currently doing now.


"Social media is a symptom not a tactic." Meaning the really successful "influencers" were mostly already in successful positions before their social medias amplified it, or they at least had something they were passionate about and then used it to share with the world. Too often we're trying to "prove" we have good lives, while not really believing it ourselves. I think the main difference between successful and unsuccessful social media users is that the former knows they have good lives and shares it with others, while the latter is trying to convince themselves more than anyone.


I quit Facebook, insta, snap and twitter 3 years ago never looked back...the only things I use are WhatsApp and YouTube.. Yu tube also has some negative influences too.... Technology is killing real human contact.. Even dating is in the form of media these days...
