What I learned from my first Relationship...

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Don't ever let someone pressure you into something you aren't comfortable with. This is my story reinforcing that...

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Pin update no. 1

I wanted to say, it wasn't necessarily wrong for 'Cody' to want to be more forward than me. Different people mature at different ages, but was absolutely not ok with it.
The importance of this video lies in the fact that I plucked up the courage to actually tell him how I felt, rather than being afraid of being a bad girlfriend, or falling victim to peer pressure... and letting it spiral out of control... Because that could have happened.

It was obviously pretty low that he ghosted me instead of actually telling me he'd broken up with me, and it was awful to see all over another girl immediately after this. This was the d-bag move.
I never said he was abusive, he stopped when I finally said stop and told him that I was uncomfortable. But he obviously wanted a relationship to be fulfilling for him in a certain way that I knew I was too young for. The point is that I did make that call, and I'm so proud of 14 year old me for being brave enough to say no.

But if I hadn't piped up, I probably would have ended up doing something I'd likely have deeply regretted. THIS IS MY POINT. If you're in a relationship, or think you may in future, know how imperative it is to have communication between you. Be a team, make sure you're both comfortable. Be vocal when you aren't.

When I was 13/14 the internet was far inferior to how it is today, otherwise I might have had an easier way to reach out to other teens and get support... or learn from other's experiences.
This is why I made this video.
It's what I would have needed to hear at that age. It's a letter to myself. You should never feel pressured by a partner. Talk to them. Communication is so important.

(Also, I feel ridiculous writing this, but some commenters have forced my hand... NO this absolutely not an attack on guys in general. Obviously this could happen in any relationship, coming from both guys and girls.)


The last time I was someone’s type, I was donating blood.


“*If someone touches you in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable, that’s no good!*”



Amy: *talks about how she learnt how to say no when she needed to and is proud of herself*

The comments: *Im quirky because I’m single*


Even if she was his GF at the time, him putting his hands all over her in the parents car without asking if she was okay with it before hand is very harrassy-


Honestly if I kissed a girl and she told me I taste like cookies, I'd ABSOLUTELY adore it! That's the best cutest thing to say!


This video was beautifully made. We all learn and grow from our past and experiences and it's clear you've done that, hopefully Cody has too !


This video helped me realize my ex boyfriend abused me. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying your story


As russian, I am very surprised that you just can go to your parents and say "I feel bad and uncomfortable at this school, let's move and start it over". While when I was bullied for the whole 9 years, I did the same and parents said that I am weak and can't handle the life's trials. Mentality at it's finest
You have a really understanding family <3


"You taste like cookies" is the best substitute for "I love you" you can get imo


When I see videos like this, I think “ it’s better being single than being disrespected”


It's great that teen girls feel encouraged by this video, but from my experience this is a video for almost every age, be it your 20s or 40s; abuse in relationships is real and just because you're in a relationship or even married does not mean you cannot say No. I hope that one day people will learn this ...


I’m studying to be a lawyer and I want to specialize with sexual assault cases so people who experience what I did have a chance to get something I never got: justice.


*"You taste like cookies"*
*This is such a mood.*


The Accent.
The Colors.
The Art Style.
The Storytelling.

This was an awesome first impression for a YouTuber, especially Storytelling.

Thanks YouTube Recommendations.


in my first relationship i was forced into things that i didn't want to do.
i was manipulated, gaslighted, guilt tripped, etc.

i didn't want to be choked, i didn't want my hands to be bound.
no means no, and it always will.


My first real boyfriend in high school was pretty much the same thing except a lot more humiliating after the breakup. This boy was so sweet and funny and we got along so well and then we started dating and it was super great for like 2 months. We talked all the time, shared deep personal thoughts and feelings, and he never physically pressured me into anything... but by the 3rd month he started becoming confusing and emotionally manipulative. He would always seem to be "sad" whenever we talked in person or online and whenever I would try to help and ask him if there were something I could do, he would always say that if I really loved him that I should "prove" it. That was a huge red flag waving in my face but I didn't see it at the time. He never elaborated on what HE meant by "prove" it so in MY mind I thought I was just not doing a good enough job showing him how much I cared so I started trying to be even more romantic and caring towards him but it didn't seem to help. Then after a while I started figuring that maybe he meant that I wasn't being affectionate enough so I started trying to do a little more here and there - hugging him more, kissing him more, but I was not ready to go any further than that. Then one day, we went on a date to the movies and it seemed like a good time to me, we watched the movie and all seemed well, but it was apparent afterwards that he seemed down and disappointed. That was the last time we spent together. After that he pretty much stopped wanting to talk to me and avoided me. We were in marching band together and we had mutual friends so it would be extremely awkward that we would literally be standing 5 feet from each other and he wouldn't even make eye contact with me. I kept trying to message him after school, asking what happened? and what did I do? and he would minimally respond with some vague explanation and then immediately go offline to avoid me. I even started apologizing to him profusely even though I still didn't really understand what was going on. After a while I finally took the hint that it was over and that I needed to move on. Fast forward several months, my friends and I were making banners after school for an upcoming band competition. We started talking about a bunch of different things and then my failed relationship with him got brought up. My close friend then made a comment about how "messed up it was what he did after the breakup" and I was genuinely confused as to what she meant and then everybody got quiet and started awkwardly looking around at each other and then they realized that I was completely unaware so they told me that during their band class (I was in the colorguard so we had a separate class from the instrument players) he took all the personal letters that I wrote him with really DEEP personal stuff I wrote and posted them all over the band room and apparently around other places in the school too (areas that I didn't have classes in) just to make a joke of me and poke fun at me with his stupid other friends and other random people. I broke down after hearing this and it then started making sense to me why our mutual friends stopped being cool with him after our breakup. They told me the reason why it was never brought up until this point was because they thought I knew he did that and they didn't want to talk about it because they didn't want to hurt my feelings by bringing it up. Honestly I wished they did bring it up way sooner but in retrospect, I guess it was better that they didn't because I was pretty depressed after the breakup, if I had known what he did at the time he did it, it would have made me even more depressed during that difficult time. Anyways... later on he started dating this other girl in band who everyone knew was pretty... loose... and he would make a big show of their relationship. They would openly make out and she would always be sitting on his lap and my guy friends told me that he would brag about them having sex all the time and that it was the best feeling ever blah blah blah and he started becoming an arrogant jerk whereas when I first met him he seemed so sweet and innocent. I (finally) came to the realization that THAT was why he broke up with me, because he wanted sex and I wasn't "putting out". I even asked my guy friends if that seemed like an accurate assumption for me to make and they confirmed that yes he was bothered by the fact that kissing was as far as we went but he wanted more. The point of me sharing this long story is to show that this type of thing happens and these types of people do exist. I wish that I could go back in time to tell my younger self that NO it was not me. I wasn't a "bad" girlfriend and I did not need to "prove" anything. I am just so thankful that I did not give in to the pressure of having sex at a young age because if HE was the boy who took my virginity... I would have deeply regretted that. To any young person that might be reading this... please... stay true to yourself and don't do anything that you are uncomfortable with. You will always thank yourself later that you did what was right for yourself.


"Because....he's my dad"
I saw that subtle boogie woogie woggie 😂


This colour palette is so easy on my eyes omfg

Damn I've not had this many likes before thanks guys 😅 <3


My lady friends: “you’re good at flirting.”

Me: “how the fuck do I flirt?”

I’m 19 and I still haven’t figured that out
