How The Gut Microbiota Affects Our Health with Dr. Erica & Dr. Justin Sonnenburg

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Dr. Justin Sonnenburg is an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford and Dr. Erica Sonnenburg is a senior research scientist in the Sonnenburg lab where they the research many aspects the interaction between diet with the 100 trillion or so bacteria in the gut (specifically the colon) and how this impacts the health of the host (which in this case is a laboratory research mouse). In this episode we discuss the pivotal role fiber plays in fueling good bacteria in the gut to produce compounds that regulate the immune system including increasing the number of T regulatory cells, which are specialized types of immune cells that keep the immune system in check and prevent autoimmune responses, and how these compounds also increase other types of blood cells in the body in a process known as hematopoiesis. We also talk about how the lack of fiber in the typical American diet actually starves these good bacteria of their food. This has an effect not only on the immune system and autoimmune diseases but also results in the breakdown of the gut barrier, which leads to widespread inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Lastly, in this podcast, Dr. Erica Sonnenburg talks about how C-sections, have a negative effect on the infant’s gut due to the lack of exposure to bacteria present in the mother’s vaginal canal, and how the use of formula deprives the infant not only from the good bacteria present in Mom’s gut but also from special carbohydrates in breast milk that are good for the infant gut flora known as HMOs or human milk oligosaccharides.



00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:36 - Microbiome
00:05:21 - Diet
00:11:41 - Inflammation and autoimmunity
00:15:49 - Fiber
00:22:19 - Artificial sugars
00:24:33 - Antibiotics
00:28:53 - Probiotics
00:35:12 - Microbiome development
00:39:15 - Pregnancy



Thank you for watching!



#microbiome #guthealth #inflammation
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I love the way you actually listen and keep attentive and silent during interviews. Nothing turns me off more than people who keep on cutting into an experts statements, which happens in an overwhelming majority of interviews. Keep it up and God bless you for the good and useful work you do.


Dear Dr Patrick. I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of your videos. I love your style and the delivery of the information you share. Truly an inspiration, thank you. Matthew.


I read their first book. Then I tried something. I fasted for 72 hours to clear out and reset my digestive system. Then, I followed through with changes in my diet according to the Sonnenburgs. Breaking my fast, I shifted my intake to a large amounts of high fiber, cruciferous vegetables and large daily amount fermented foods along with olive oil, sardines and citrus. It didn't take long to start feeling effects.

Deeper and restful sleep with a lot of vivid dreams. While eating I would feel satiated. All inflammation seem to have disappeared. My energy was up, but my got mind real calm. Emotionally, I would say things are going pretty well.

I was surprised that it didn't take long. This couple here is a national treasure. I think the human race needs to fix their food and they have a lot of good information on how. I recommend watching this and learning more.


I can’t get enough of your videos. I’m learning so much!


Your excellent videos have been very valuable in beginning to understand the complexity of nutrition.
The production has been universally excellent. I especially like the screen notes that define and expand on the concepts verbally presented without distraction from the conversation. Great job!


Love Dr. Rhonda's interviews. The gut, general nutrition/diet type, exercise, sleep and stress management are all interesting subjects which are crucial in striving for longevity. Asking all the right questions. Keep them coming!! :-)


Heredity, environment, life style and diet are the basics FOR A LONG LIFE. H L Gould MD AGE 90+


This episode has a transcript and show notes! View them at

Here are just a couple of the great quotes from this amazing interview:
"We're not just this collection of human cells. We're in fact more like a tube of human cells that houses this incredibly complex and dynamic ecosystem of microbes, and what we're finding is that these microbes are wired into pretty much all aspects of our biology.“

“Yeah, so the average American is eating around 10 to 15 grams of dietary fiber per day. The U.S. government recommends that we eat more along the lines of 30 to 35. So just by that measure, we're pretty fiber-deprived. If you look at these traditional populations that we study in our lab, these hunter-gatherers that lived in Tanzania, they're eating on the order of 100 to 150 grams of dietary fiber per day."

"And so as we don't consume enough dietary fiber, these microbes become closer to our mucus lining. They're eating that food because that's all they have to eat, and they're inching ever closer to our own epithelial cells. And that creates a situation in which the human aspect of our GI tract and the microbial aspect, that fence that keeps them separated starts thinning and setting up a scenario where our immune system now can start overreacting to these microbes encroaching and these microbes potentially get a little more aggressive because they're lacking in the food that they require."


this is so good, i really like the text you edit in


thanks dr rhonda, you're freaking awesome!


Awesome interview and questions! Thank you!


Great Job Dr.Rhonda you are one of the best interviewer which I saw in any media questions, simply great Job !thank you for your passion and will to spread the knowledge.I personally appreciate it very much!!


Just wanted add a note about why some women don’t breastfeed because I’m part of a large community of women who had to use formula because their body’s didn’t work for them. Some women, like me, try everything imaginable and still aren’t able to breastfeed because for some reason my body didn’t develop the glandular tissue during puberty/pregnancy needed to make milk. I spent 10 weeks using a supplemental nursing system and pumping every 2 hours but still wasn’t able to produce even close to 1oz total, both sides, in a 24 hr period. It was probably the most heartbreaking experience of my life. I really wish someone would start researching why a seemingly healthy women like me would have an issue like this instead of just assuming women use formula because they find it easier.


Congratulations! Very nice talk for general public and for biologists as well! 💕💕


This is so important! Most people don't even understand how gut health is directly connected to good mental health too! Ever since I started taking Florajen Probiotics I stopped feeling bloated and my mood swings have gotten so much better!!


It's great that the research continues and gets to the public. I studied this before Rhonda was born, back in the 80's.


this is such a common sense approach to gut health...take more fibers which is really what we said 10 years ago but we did not link to parasites. more to learn. I appreciate you all!!! thank you

Very informative! Thank you so much, found you via Robb Wolf. I'm a fan!


Wonderful video! I have been trying to figure out why I keep getting colds and coughs numerous times a year. I think it’s in part because I’m not eating enough fiber and feeding my microbiome. Thank you so much for all this great information.


Thank you for your contribution and for your friends from Stanford. We are to each other when we are living in this world.
