4 Most Common Objections from Buyers and How to Respond #AlikatoMotivation

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Most sales executives in any industry are bound to face rejections from their clients or customers. Objections from them could hurt pride and make us doubt our ability as a sales person. However, with proper preparation, sales objections do always spell the end of the deals especially when you know how to respond to those objections. Listed below are the common objections that customers use and how we could respond to them:

១/ វាដូចជាថ្លៃពេកហើយ
1. It is too expensive

២/ ខ្ញុំរវល់ពេក
2. I am too busy

៣/ ខ្ញុំមិនចាប់អារម្មណ៍នឹងផលិតផលនេះទេ
3. I am not interested in this product/ We want different features of the product

៤/ ខ្ញុំត្រូវពិភាក្សាជាមួយគ្រួសារ ឬដៃគូរជាមុនសិន
4. I need to discuss with my family or partner first

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